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sambos apprentice 09-21-2013 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1152867)
Well I disagree, he is now and was on the first leg a shadow of his former self. I admit he improved from some of the washout shows he did and he was certainly more into it, but he wasn´t blazing it on guitar like he used too. Some people (I am not saying you are one) think him showing passion is enough, and that playing a muddy mess of notes is him back to his best, I think purely from a guitar players perspective, and in my opinion he has been on a steady decline since Crush.

It reminds me of Aftermath, an album I sort of dig but don´t love. yeah it had a few solos here and there (nowhere near as much as he made out it would have though) but none of them were amazing solos, and yes I even include the outro to Seven Years which seems to make everyone´s knickers wet.

This isn´t a taking sides thing either, Jon is even more shit and neither of them have an excuse really.

What I will concede and I sort of ignored it in the post above by flippantly saying the tour would be just as bad is that with Richie there the energy would have been different, so yeah the tour may have been better.

perfectly summed up-though i'd say technically he's been going downhill since these days

ezearis 09-21-2013 07:05 PM

An Argentinian news channel said that "Jon Bon Jovi had a huge argue with the new guitar player last night". Just read it, couldn't find videos or anything.

Wrath Mania 09-21-2013 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1152878)
An Argentinian news channel said that "Jon Bon Jovi had a huge argue with the new guitar player last night". Just read it, couldn't find videos or anything.

Oh boy. Is it gonna be Bobby B time?

newikov 09-21-2013 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1152878)
An Argentinian news channel said that "Jon Bon Jovi had a huge argue with the new guitar player last night". Just read it, couldn't find videos or anything.

oops .. link please?

ezearis 09-21-2013 07:33 PM

I read it in a Facebook group, that's why I said that I didn't saw anything. Don't know if it's true or where did TN (the news channel) got the information.

Phil was tweeting a while ago and didn't said anything, so I really doubt something "big" happenned.

rocknation 09-21-2013 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1152878)
An Argentinian news channel said that "Jon Bon Jovi had a huge argue with the new guitar player last night". Just read it, couldn't find videos or anything.

Hmm, could that be why they started twenty minutes late? :confused:

united17 09-21-2013 09:00 PM

They were really late at Isle of Wight as well.

Walkerboy 09-21-2013 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by united17 (Post 1152891)
They were really late at Isle of Wight as well.

It's very rare that a headline act for a festival will be on time. That would require EVERY other act on that stage that day to do exact stage times, and for equipment swap to be done bang on time. It's simply impossible.....

asok80 09-21-2013 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by jovifan93 (Post 1152668)
Is it possible they mistook the gall bladder injury/infection for the appendix one? Or is it common to take place 1-2 weeks after an operation? Perhaps infection during the operation/stay in hospital? Anyhow, sad, poor Tico, get well soon!

i am quite sure they mistook his pain as appendicitis instead of gall stone attack. Poor Tico. jon said Tico was mad, no wonder if this is the case.

jovigirloz 09-22-2013 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by asok80 (Post 1152901)
i am quite sure they mistook his pain as appendicitis instead of gall stone attack. Poor Tico. jon said Tico was mad, no wonder if this is the case.

It may have been both anyway. I am sure they would have noticed if his appendix looked fine when they took it out and then investigated the pain further. He would have had the best medical care available so can't see it as a dodgy surgeon/dr making that kind of mistake.

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