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jdanielross 10-01-2013 01:49 AM

That's the thing ... it's not up to Phil X to give us the news. It's that the band's official PR arm is the worst in the business.

steel_horse75 10-01-2013 02:27 PM

nearly at 1100 pages.

Someone should print them all out and post to the band to read

crashed 10-01-2013 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by jdanielross (Post 1153617)
That's the thing ... it's not up to Phil X to give us the news. It's that the band's official PR arm is the worst in the business.

The band have continually said it's up to Richie to say anything - Richie hasn't except through tabloid buddies.

So I'd presume the band has nothing else to say on the matter.

They don't really need to tell people Richie won't be on the tour when we know he won't be on the tour.

Stranger11 10-01-2013 05:06 PM

I guess at this point only the biggest optimists would think there´s a chance that Richie´s shows up for the rest of the tour.

The question is can they (whoever is to blame) push their egos aside and work things out for the future.

jdanielross 10-01-2013 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1153645)
The band have continually said it's up to Richie to say anything - Richie hasn't except through tabloid buddies.

So I'd presume the band has nothing else to say on the matter.

They don't really need to tell people Richie won't be on the tour when we know he won't be on the tour.

Yet they continually say Richie is still in the band. Isn't up to the band's official PR arm to say something beyond "ask him" if he is indeed still in the band?

Stranger11 10-01-2013 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1153560)
I didn't even entertain the idea that it may be Richie. I just can't imagine it being Bobby, especially since even Matt has said it doesn't work with him on lead.

Yep, he´s already looking forward to a bright future...

crashed 10-01-2013 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by jdanielross (Post 1153656)
Yet they continually say Richie is still in the band. Isn't up to the band's official PR arm to say something beyond "ask him" if he is indeed still in the band?

No because as discussed a few pages earlier Richie's still in the band until he says he's not.

He just definitely won't be on this tour.

Sissy3 10-01-2013 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Stranger11 (Post 1153657)
Yep, he´s already looking forward to a bright future...

I hope he's asking Bobby what hair conditioner he uses. :p Page 1100 and still no Richie. And my feelings on that situation at this point is "eh."

ezearis 10-02-2013 06:10 AM


The charismatic Jon Bon Jovi showed that at 51 he continues to seduce the audience with his voice and his look, backed by a Band that sounded great, despite the absence of Tico Torres and guitarist Richie Sambora, who left the band because of “artistic differences” with the leader and was replaced by Phillip Xenidis.

Beaky 10-02-2013 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1153662)
No because as discussed a few pages earlier Richie's still in the band until he says he's not.

He just definitely won't be on this tour.

Sorry mate, I don't think I am alone in expecting a lot more from both parties than simply, ‘ask him.’ I wouldn’t accept that from Richie and it’s a cop-out from Jon too – and let’s face it, that statement is from Jon, not ‘the band’. The rest of them just fall in line with their boss, as you would.

So Jon saying ‘ask Richie’ and ‘he will be the guitarist ‘til he says he’s not’ is either spot on – because Richie is being a twat – or extremely sly and savvy because Richie feels Jon has made his position untenable. The point, which you and everyone seems to forget is, we don’t know what’s happened and just because Jon speaks to a journalist from a tabloid in a room at The Dorchester, doesn’t make his statements any more truthful than Richie speaking to his publicist and that publicist taking that story to a tabloid site. Both are using the avenues available to them.

Don’t forget, Jon made the same statement about Alec always being the only official Bon Jovi bass player and that was a pretty hollow statement considering he was a drunk who got fired. Jon knows how to play games with the press and put the pressure on Richie and who knows, maybe RS deserves it.

I’ll just reserve judgement until one of them comes out with the truth. But this affects the band and the fans, so I think we’re owed a statement FROM the band.

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