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Nige 10-02-2013 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1153709)
Sorry mate, I don't think I am alone in expecting a lot more from both parties than simply, ‘ask him.’ I wouldn’t accept that from Richie and it’s a cop-out from Jon too – and let’s face it, that statement is from Jon, not ‘the band’. The rest of them just fall in line with their boss, as you would.

So Jon saying ‘ask Richie’ and ‘he will be the guitarist ‘til he says he’s not’ is either spot on – because Richie is being a twat – or extremely sly and savvy because Richie feels Jon has made his position untenable. The point, which you and everyone seems to forget is, we don’t know what’s happened and just because Jon speaks to a journalist from a tabloid in a room at The Dorchester, doesn’t make his statements any more truthful than Richie speaking to his publicist and that publicist taking that story to a tabloid site. Both are using the avenues available to them.

Don’t forget, Jon made the same statement about Alec always being the only official Bon Jovi bass player and that was a pretty hollow statement considering he was a drunk who got fired. Jon knows how to play games with the press and put the pressure on Richie and who knows, maybe RS deserves it.

I’ll just reserve judgement until one of them comes out with the truth. But this affects the band and the fans, so I think we’re owed a statement FROM the band.

Well phrased-I completely agree with you.

joloriquelme 10-02-2013 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Nige (Post 1153711)
Well phrased-I completely agree with you.

Bravo... +1.

golittleperson 10-02-2013 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1153709)
Sorry mate, I don't think I am alone in expecting a lot more from both parties than simply, ‘ask him.’ I wouldn’t accept that from Richie and it’s a cop-out from Jon too – and let’s face it, that statement is from Jon, not ‘the band’. The rest of them just fall in line with their boss, as you would.

So Jon saying ‘ask Richie’ and ‘he will be the guitarist ‘til he says he’s not’ is either spot on – because Richie is being a twat – or extremely sly and savvy because Richie feels Jon has made his position untenable. The point, which you and everyone seems to forget is, we don’t know what’s happened and just because Jon speaks to a journalist from a tabloid in a room at The Dorchester, doesn’t make his statements any more truthful than Richie speaking to his publicist and that publicist taking that story to a tabloid site. Both are using the avenues available to them.

Don’t forget, Jon made the same statement about Alec always being the only official Bon Jovi bass player and that was a pretty hollow statement considering he was a drunk who got fired. Jon knows how to play games with the press and put the pressure on Richie and who knows, maybe RS deserves it.

I’ll just reserve judgement until one of them comes out with the truth. But this affects the band and the fans, so I think we’re owed a statement FROM the band.

Very well stated, but I don't think we will receive anything "official" until the tour ends Mid December and then I have my reservations that we will ever hear anything that is the "truth." At this point it has been so many snippet interviews, tabloid press, outsiders,speculations and innuendos that even I , who has read everything I could and been way too concerned, only sees muddy water. :confused: It feels disrespectful IMO to the fan base the way it has been handled but the reality is - it is still just human beings in a band. We (fans) are vested with our time, money and memories - so we feel jilted. They became tarnished silver that no one cared or made effort enough to pick up and polish back to a shine. :(

steel_horse75 10-02-2013 02:29 PM

Nothing will come out now until tour ends.

Which is when btw?

alessiasambo 10-02-2013 03:53 PM

The tour will end December 17th in Australia if I remember right. :)

I found a very funny and interesting old radio interview with Richie from 1991 yesterday. They talk about Cher, fake orgasms, Richie apparently being possessed by the ghost of Sammy Davis Jr, a little talk about Stranger in this town and Eric Clapton and Richie did a very funny contest where he gave away an accoustic guitar to the person who could either best play an instrument or fake the best orgasm. (and Richie faked an orgasm with two chicks on the telephone just hilarious and I am surprised things like this are allowed on American radio LOL)

But the interesting part and the reason why I'm sharing it here is the bit where he talks about Jon. He was really honest there for a change. So remember this was September 1991 right at the end of the Bon Jovi hiatus.

Caller: "I was just wondering if you are gonna be making another album with Bon Jovi?"

Richie: "Yeah definitely! It looks that way. Like I said earlier I was hanging out with Jon last night and we yelled at each other for a little while and then you know we drank a little Tequila and everything worked out okay."

Interviewer: "What did you yell at each other about?"

Richie: "Oh we always yell at each other about everything."

Interviewer: "Really?"

Richie: "Oh yeah, we got a very volatile relationship."

Interviewer: "If you got in a fistfight, who would win?"

Richie: "Oh I think I would win, I'm a little bigger than him."

The bit where Richie talks about Jon starts at 21:43 :)

So I thought that was pretty interesting because usually they always just used to say what great brotherhood they had and that they never fight etc etc. So a little honesty was really refreshing. I always suspected their relationship to be rather volatile and have included more rockier times and disagreements/fights than they ever let on but it's still very interesting to hear it from Richie himself. Now I wonder if they couldn't make up this time because getting shitloaded together with the help of a little Tequila is not longer an option. lol :p;)

I just thought you may find this interesting too so I shared it here and if nothing else the interview is a great laugh. :)

gnr5 10-02-2013 04:14 PM

Regarding the review posted a

The English translation reads "despite the absence of Tico Torres and guitarist Richie Sambora, who left the band because of “artistic differences” with the leader and was replaced by Phillip Xenidis"...

While the original version says "a pesar de la ausencia de Tico Torres y del guitarrista Richie Sambora, quien se fue de la banda por problemas con el cantante y fue reemplazado por Phillip Xenidis"

The correct translation should be "Richie Sambora, who left the because of problems with the signer and was replaced by Phil"

Weird that the rest of the article is the same, except that phrase.

ticos_stick 10-02-2013 04:36 PM

Richie left because of artistic differences?

Shit, since when has Bon Jovi been about art?

kleman 10-02-2013 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1153728)
Richie left because of artistic differences?

Shit, since when has Bon Jovi been about art?

Since WAN :p

ticos_stick 10-02-2013 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by kleman (Post 1153729)
Since WAN :p

WAN is art in the same way that excrement smeared over a public toilet wall is art.

ezearis 10-02-2013 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by alessiasambo (Post 1153723)
Interviewer: "If you got in a fistfight, who would win?"

Richie: "Oh I think I would win, I'm a little bigger than him."

I think that solves this topic:

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