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Beaky 04-09-2013 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by jbjhand (Post 1121177)
:) actually just spat my water out!

He can't help it... that's what the water made him...

idbl_fanatic 04-09-2013 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1121179)
He can't help it... that's what the water made him...

Oh lord.......... :)

WillRunForChocolate 04-09-2013 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1121170)
Oh I love those people... I prefer the ladies who literally LIVE for Jon. They kill me. Imagine if they stumbled upon this thread?

"I don't know who this Richie Sambongo is but if he's hurt Jon physically or emotionally I WILL KILL HIM AND EVERY ONE OF YOU."

I swear I saw that on a t-shirt once.

OMG. I am DYING. Hysterical. This from an admitted Jon lover. My bias doesn't make me oblivious to the other band members or quality of the music :)

Please stop with the entertaining posts. I'm supposed to be working, lol.

RonJovi 04-09-2013 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 1121174)
I had a friend who went to see GNR/Axl a couple of years back and didn't even notice Slash and co. weren't there. Actually, I believe her exact words were ''what's slash? No, I don't think they played it''. A little bit of me died inside that day.

That is the definition of a casual fan. They played Sweet child of mine, paradise city and ''the big long one with the cool video'', so she was happy! I am sure there are the equivalent Bon Jovi casual fans who are just as clueless.


I hope when you say "had a friend" that you no longer associate with her?

aljo 04-09-2013 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Panda (Post 1120864)
Regarding if no one cared...

I've had 3 people text or call me asking what's up with Richie Sambora. THREE. I didn't even know they liked Bon Jovi, let alone cared. They're probably just snooping or whatever but it's funny how many people actually do care.

I work in a school and had 5 people come up to me (not fans) and ask what's going on with Richie and the band too.

danfan 04-09-2013 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by aljo (Post 1121185)
I work in a school and had 5 people come up to me (not fans) and ask what's going on with Richie and the band too.

I think people care in the way they care that Rhianna and Chris Brown just broke up. It's tabloid fodder that people like to chit-chat about. As a society, we're very interested in pop culture. I don't think any of these people would bat an eyelash if Richie never came back to the band.

Beaky 04-09-2013 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1121187)
I think people care in the way they care that Rhianna and Chris Brown just broke up. It's tabloid fodder that people like to chit-chat about. As a society, we're very interested in pop culture. I don't think any of these people would bat an eyelash if Richie never came back to the band.

Absolutely... they just want to know if he is tucked away somewhere in pain. Pure shadenfreude...

Tooka 04-09-2013 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by fairtex444 (Post 1121112)

It's not interesting and not impressive at any level. I left them the following comment:

"This is the first time i listen to you guys. I am sorry to say I won't be leaving a 4 star review on Itunes because it is clear that you are not well prepared for your show, some of the dates your mentioned are off, some of the examples you used are irrelevant and most of your show is based on assumptions, stereotypes and rumors."

AnnieKTF 04-09-2013 06:17 PM

A friend has been trying to convince me that Richie left the band for sure, and then sent me a link to a tabloid article as a proof. Later he admitted that maybe I know more to the story than what was written in that article. It was basically a summary of what TMZ had published.

Some have asked me how I felt about it, but they didn't really care about the story itself. People in my circle who know what's going on only know it because I can't stop whining since last week.

I think there are plenty of people in Europe that wouldn't notice Richie's absence and those who don't care. It wasn't once that people approached me, said they were fans and started talking about Bon Jovi, and then they referred to them as "he". :rolleyes: Never talked to them again. :lol: And my friends know that one of the easiest ways to tick me off is to refer to band's work as Jon's.

The situation is getting a little bit out of hand, if Richie wants to keep things private, fine, but let us know WHEN he is coming back, not just that he will be back... Preferably not through Matt's tweets...

Living_on_my_Hair 04-09-2013 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Tooka (Post 1121193)
It's not interesting and not impressive at any level. I left them the following comment:

"This is the first time i listen to you guys. I am sorry to say I won't be leaving a 4 star review on Itunes because it is clear that you are not well prepared for your show, some of the dates your mentioned are off, some of the examples you used are irrelevant and most of your show is based on assumptions, stereotypes and rumors."

It was totally ridiculous. The presenter just likes the sound of his own voice, and kept trying to put words in the others guys mouth as well. Totally off with dates, numbers, statistics (8 new songs played in a row? What?) and he kept talking about balls. And he also seemed to believe that Richie was intending to solo tour in february this year and big evil Jon wouldn't let him, as well as several other false facts and/or rumours.
It felt more like one of our threads on Jovitalk actually. Ah well, it's not like it was on national radio or anything, so I needn't be too fussed.


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