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JoviJovi 10-15-2013 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1154776)
Here is a JBJ fan girl. JBJ=professional. RS=drunk.

I didn't say a word about Jon or Richie being a drunk. Nice try, go away Richie fanboy.

Captain_jovi 10-15-2013 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1154776)
Here is a JBJ fan girl. JBJ=professional. RS=drunk.

Pretty bold move for you to call someone else a fan girl.

Lisa71 10-15-2013 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1154776)
Here is a JBJ fan girl. JBJ=professional. RS=drunk.

Fan girl? What are you for Richie? I don't think there is a bigger fan girl than you.

rolo_tomachi 10-15-2013 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1154779)
Fan girl? What are you for Richie? I don't think there is a bigger fan girl than you.


MrNickel 10-16-2013 12:04 AM

When I look at Jon & Richie hugging in the BWC video I get sad. :cry:

idbl_fanatic 10-16-2013 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1154781)

LMAO!!! That right there is funny

rolo_tomachi 10-16-2013 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1154784)
When I look at Jon & Richie hugging in the BWC video I get sad. :cry:



luceknight 10-16-2013 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1154786)


remember when

Bounce7800 10-16-2013 11:01 PM

This exact time a year ago, I was having a great time with others from JT at Shepherd's Bush at Richie's solo gig. It was a brilliant night I absolutely loved it, the man could do no wrong, despite playing Who Says and Don't Look Back In Anger!

Fast forward a year and it couldn't be anymore different. So much respect lost, and I can't even listen to him singing I'll Be There For You for the fact that he simply isn't. No matter where the fault lies, be it Jon or Richie or a combination of the two, he walked out on his fans. It would soften the blow if he was working on his music, or touring aftermath rather than all this shit with Lund making him a laughing stock. Even when he mentioned his music on Twitter, deliberately ignoring any BJ stuff is disrespectful for the past 30 years and the fans who have enabled him to have a solo outlet. He may well not be allowed to tour or play his stuff contractually, but ignoring all that has gone before as it it never happened has been very disappointing.

Here's hoping the pair of 50-something men can grow up and sort out their differences one way or another and either come back together as a band, or have Bon Jovi go on without Richie and Sambora actually be the kick-ass musician he was, complete with Bon Jovi back catalogue.

Captain Walrus 10-16-2013 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1154860)
This exact time a year ago, I was having a great time with others from JT at Shepherd's Bush at Richie's solo gig. It was a brilliant night I absolutely loved it, the man could do no wrong, despite playing Who Says and Don't Look Back In Anger!

Fast forward a year and it couldn't be anymore different. So much respect lost, and I can't even listen to him singing I'll Be There For You for the fact that he simply isn't. No matter where the fault lies, be it Jon or Richie or a combination of the two, he walked out on his fans. It would soften the blow if he was working on his music, or touring aftermath rather than all this shit with Lund making him a laughing stock. Even when he mentioned his music on Twitter, deliberately ignoring any BJ stuff is disrespectful for the past 30 years and the fans who have enabled him to have a solo outlet. He may well not be allowed to tour or play his stuff contractually, but ignoring all that has gone before as it it never happened has been very disappointing.

Here's hoping the pair of 50-something men can grow up and sort out their differences one way or another and either come back together as a band, or have Bon Jovi go on without Richie and Sambora actually be the kick-ass musician he was, complete with Bon Jovi back catalogue.

Yeah, I was thinking about the gig last year today as well. I think it was the very next day that he cancelled the US tour, and its like everything has gone downhill for him from there on. I remember being so hopeful after that show that the next band tour could be the best I had ever seen from them. What made it all go wrong?

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