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rolo_tomachi 10-17-2013 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1154860)
Here's hoping the pair of 50-something men can grow up and sort out their differences one way or another and either come back together as a band, or have Bon Jovi go on without Richie and Sambora actually be the kick-ass musician he was, complete with Bon Jovi back catalogue.

Jayster 10-17-2013 03:47 AM

Would have been posted a year ago, but thought it was worth revisiting this Richie interview -

Interesting how he describes writing with Jon as a 'debate'.... he clearly prefers being on his own.

Wouldn't be surprised if, despite all the fashion promo stuff, he was writing another album.

liljovi93 10-17-2013 11:45 AM

I think it's pretty obvious that Richie enjoyed writing his own album more than he did when doing 'What About Now?' and why shouldn't he? He got to do what he wanted. He got the final say in it all and he probably enjoyed having that type of freedom.

If Jon gave the band another year off instead of bringing them back in, then I think everything would be fine.

steel_horse75 10-17-2013 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Jayster (Post 1154878)
Wouldn't be surprised if, despite all the fashion promo stuff, he was writing another album.


bonjovi90 10-17-2013 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1154912)

I'd much rather have a new Richie solo album than any band output of the moment. Sure, AOTL wasn't a musical in revelation by any means, but I felt much more sincerity in some of the songs than I've done in Jovi albums in the last 5 or more years.

wichi850262 10-17-2013 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1154912)


wichi850262 10-17-2013 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1154926)
I'd much rather have a new Richie solo album than any band output of the moment. Sure, AOTL wasn't a musical in revelation by any means, but I felt much more sincerity in some of the songs than I've done in Jovi albums in the last 5 or more years.

Again....yeeeeeessssssssssss!!!! Agree 100% here!!!!

Gabriel Shoes 10-17-2013 06:12 PM

Maybe it's time to Jon put out a solo record as well with no pressure.

That might help Bon Jovi IMO.

rolo_tomachi 10-17-2013 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Gabriel Shoes (Post 1154931)
Maybe it's time to Jon put out a solo record as well with no pressure.

That might help Bon Jovi IMO.

Both (Jon and Richie) should make solo albums. And it would be great coincide in the same year.

heart&dagger 10-17-2013 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by luceknight (Post 1154763)
Alrigh lets say he wasnt happy w the results. He doesnt have a voice in the band to tell Jon that since he's (...was) his writing partner? I dont know man I just dont think any of our theories are enough to answer the question why the hell did he leave the tour like that.
Im sorry but I dont see him upset or unhappy or even bored in the videos of the tour before April.
He's just...there...being himself. Just like last tour?
And the 'Jon told him to' thing...I see no reason to believe that unless it was like 'ask your self if you still want to be here and when you have the answer come back...or not' but since Richie has said he does want to come back I dont see what the problem is right now...shit probably got way more serious than it was at the start.

I was at an early March show and at the end of the show, during the final bows, it struck me that I had never seen the entire band, every single member, appear to be more happy. For me, it was probably the best show that I had seen. Was third row, looked right into Richie and Jon's eyes, they seemed so... happy. Everyone seemed incredibly happy. Like everyone else, I would love to know what happened?

(I was also able to get a little hand touch from Richie, I looked straight in his eyes, again - he appeared to be genuinely excited/happy.) The only reason I'm writing this reply is because the entire band seemed to be on the same page, and thrilled to be together playing a show, it had never been more obvious, at least for me.)

On a side note, the last time that I checked, the only Richie cam pic still on his Twitter feed was of this show. Interesting or not...

Sad to hear that R is doing the fashion/mall thing, really weird.

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