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Jonty 05-23-2013 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Irakli (Post 1132590)
I've watched tons of videos and was at the San Jose show. This tour is a good Jon Bon Jovi solo tour, if even. I would have preferred if they did a song or two from one of his solo albums (blaze does not count). That would at least make the shows somewhat more interesting. However, in reality, as people have pointed out, 95% of the audience does not care/notice nor do they want to hear anything but the hits. The stuff from WAN, except for maybe water, sounds weak. I mean come on, Amen?, that's just a Hallelejuah wannabe. At least play the fighter, these two hands, or what's left of me. I think they played what's left of me just a handful of times although, in my opinion, it's probably the strongest songs on the new album.

Glad to see they have someone competent like Phil X filling in. Anymore repeats of puerto rico or calgary would be a disaster.

I must admit, the band has been pretty boring in the last few years and this Richie thing has made things interesting. I hope Richie comes back soon. If not, the band should go on a hiatus.

I would love to hear more Richie solo stuff and even more Jon solo stuff. We don't need another WAN/Circle :shock:

The perfect wind up by Jon would be to play a few Richie solo songs in teh shows from now on!! Go for the full monty fall out!!

jessycardy 05-23-2013 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1132455)
Obviously, all of this is conjecture. The reason for Richie leaving the tour could yet be something that we haven’t even considered, despite our collective attempts to investigate, speculate, research, crystal-ball, or supernaturally divine. But I refuse to throw all the respect I’ve had for Richie (or Jon) to the wind.

Yet, Jon is a manipulative bitch who couldn't care less if Richie's there or not, whose mind is not affected a bit by the fact he has to carry on this tour without a vital band member and best friend while answering the same questions by the press. And who actually PLANNED the damn drama beforehand and the only thing that bothers him is the fact that it all didn't go as planned. Is that correct? Honestly, I'm tired of this stupid theory that Richie's the sensitive caring in-love-with-music one and Jon's the arrogant selfish ass who's all about money. Seriously, people. They're both great human beings and they both have their wonderful qualities and dark sides as well.

About this:

I personally think Jon has been goading him since April 2, beginning with the Calgary stage and the (deliberate, I believe) statement of Jon's, "I'm sorry he's not here for you" (IBTFY, anyone?) and that there was a veiled threat in his comment that, "Sambora's not going to be performing anywhere for a long time."
Jon's been quiet as the grave ALL ALONG till the two infamous UK interviews of just a few days ago. And he did NOT say: "Sambora's not going to be performing anywhere for a long time" in Calgary.
He said he wouldn't be performing for a while, period.

steel_horse75 05-23-2013 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Savvi (Post 1132586)
It gets to a point where there is nothing left to say. We are all just rambling now.

So true.

Now reading bollocks like Tico didnt play on the album, Daves hair is really a dead poodle et etc

Its all just shit.

Until Richie speaks whats the point of adding more petrol to the fire.

steel_horse75 05-23-2013 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1132577)
He believed that love would win the battle, but won the hatred.

About Tico. He not participate in the last Album, John Shanks fill his parts. Tico did not want to join as soon in the record WAN. Now he only thinks about retirement.

That sir is wrong.
He wasnt ready and didnt want to make a record and tour so early but he eventually did.

afk 05-23-2013 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1132602)

"Daves hair is really a dead poodle"

That made me LOL

ticos_stick 05-23-2013 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 1132545)
Agreed, I think many people on here are vastly over exaggerating Richie's draw to the band.
Yes he has fans, but for one to not attend a Bon Jovi show purely because of his absence you're talking only the real diehards here


I'm not a die hard and neither are the five or so people I would have went to the shows with but none of us want to go without Richie being there. I didn't go to Richie's solo shows either so it's not like I'm some kind of fan boy. Bon Jovi work because of Jon & Richie's chemistry and combined sound. Without Richie it just doesn't work. It has nothing to do with levels of dedication to the band.

WillRunForChocolate 05-23-2013 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1132602)
So true.

Now reading bollocks like Tico didnt play on the album, Daves hair is really a dead poodle et etc

Its all just shit.

Until Richie speaks whats the point of adding more petrol to the fire.

I understand that none of us have anything of substance to add, other than our feelings and opinions and theories. However, it's good (for me anyway) to have this thread as an outlet. Obviously we all care about the outcome and are concerned or upset on some level. But my friends and family and co-workers could give jacksh*t about the Richie drama. If I brought it up more than once they'd think I'm nuts. So it's nice to be among like-minded people to discuss and commiserate. :)

CharlieShipley 05-23-2013 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1132602)
So true.

Now reading bollocks like Tico didnt play on the album, Daves hair is really a dead poodle et etc

Its all just shit.

Until Richie speaks whats the point of adding more petrol to the fire.

What if David's dead poodle another of Richie's dogs that Jon had "put down?!?"

samboraisgodUK 05-23-2013 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1132610)
I'm not a die hard and neither are the five or so people I would have went to the shows with but none of us want to go without Richie being there. I didn't go to Richie's solo shows either so it's not like I'm some kind of fan boy. Bon Jovi work because of Jon & Richie's chemistry and combined sound. Without Richie it just doesn't work. It has nothing to do with levels of dedication to the band.

Agreed. Whilst I did go to Richie's solo show in London and I am a big fan of him, the first people who said they didn't want to go to the shows without Richie were my family that I'm going with, not me.

ticos_stick 05-23-2013 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1132604)
That sir is wrong.
He wasnt ready and didnt want to make a record and tour so early but he eventually did.

Yeah, he recorded his parts but Jon got another drummer in to demo the new songs while Tico was golfing and painting. So Tico had little say in the drum arrangments. He just came in and played off a sheet for the recording process. I'm assuming Richie did the same judging by the uninspired guitar work on the album.

CKatz 05-23-2013 03:41 PM

Three of my friends wanted to see the band in Stuttgart. They're not going anymore, because Richie's not there. They're not die-hards. They're casuals. They each maybe only own one or two records.
I'm not going either.

jessycardy 05-23-2013 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1132610)
Bon Jovi work because of Jon & Richie's chemistry and combined sound. Without Richie it just doesn't work. It has nothing to do with levels of dedication to the band.

This is a combo-move that perfectly settles the "people that matter about Richie: die-hards vs casuals" matter AND the "replace Richie/Jon/both in Bon Jovi" one.


Originally Posted by WillRunForChocolate (Post 1132611)
I understand that none of us have anything of substance to add, other than our feelings and opinions and theories. However, it's good (for me anyway) to have this thread as an outlet. Obviously we all care about the outcome and are concerned or upset on some level. But my friends and family and co-workers could give jacksh*t about the Richie drama. If I brought it up more than once they'd think I'm nuts. So it's nice to be among like-minded people to discuss and commiserate. :)

I feel the same way, totally. Plus, if we had to actually cut this thread down to facts and events only, it would shrink to a 5-page thread or less. It's our rambling that made it the glorious 450-page thread that it is.

Living_on_my_Hair 05-23-2013 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1132610)
I'm not a die hard and neither are the five or so people I would have went to the shows with but none of us want to go without Richie being there. I didn't go to Richie's solo shows either so it's not like I'm some kind of fan boy. Bon Jovi work because of Jon & Richie's chemistry and combined sound. Without Richie it just doesn't work. It has nothing to do with levels of dedication to the band.

I think you are obviously an exception to rule. I know at least 7 people who are going to Slane who don't care whether Sambora is there or not, they have all seen the band before, know who he is, but frankly don't care enough for it to affect their decision to go. These are halfway between casual and more serious fans.
I'm the only person I know who is not going due to Richie's absences (coupled with the accompanying factors such as price, setlists, new material, Jon's vocals etc). All those factors don't usually even come into the average casual fans decision making when buying a ticket.

Also, my brother who has seen the band 5 times, didn't even know about Richie's absence. If you don't keep up to date with online or the tabloid gossip, a normal person would have no idea beforehand. I only know because I post on here - I never visit the official band pages or google search news. And he's still happy to go to the show like the other 7 people I know off.

Like I said, Richie has very little or no effect on the typical fan who will be attending the shows this tour. It's the type of music fan they attract, like I said a few months back when I had a friend of mine realise that Slash wasn't at her GNR show. She was clueless. Casual fans outnumber diehards by a huge amount.
You may not class yourself as a Sambora 'diehard', but you know and appreciate him enough to fall into that category, at least compared to the casual dimwits who frequent Bon Jovi shows. You can appreciate what he brings to the band, other just see a guy with a guitar.


Beaky 05-23-2013 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 1132624)
I'm the only person I know who is not going due to Richie's absences (coupled with the accompanying factors such as price, setlists, new material, Jon's vocals etc). All those factors don't usually even come into the average casual fans decision making when buying a ticket.

Sums up my position completely.

The problem is, they have been losing/gaining casual fans of different ages and genres for years but that is slowing down for them. On top of that, they are now losing die-hards as well...

This album and tour was a bad idea from the start.

Also, being cynical; after the German interview, Twitter is buzzing with 'this is Bon Jovi's final tour... ' might help boost flagging ticket sales...

Living_on_my_Hair 05-23-2013 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1132628)
Sums up my position completely.

The problem is, they have been losing/gaining casual fans of different ages and genres for years but that is slowing down for them. On top of that, they are now losing die-hards as well...

This album and tour was a bad idea from the start.

It's like a sinking ship analogy, up to now they had been 'leaking' the usual older generation of fans with each release, but usually picking up some new interest to at least keep them afloat. But now, I think there is one too many holes in the bottom of the boat and it's beginning to dip under the waterline. The newer fans they gained aren't getting anything new and exciting, and the older fans are being even more alienated. I wonder if WAN picked up ANY new fans? Crush HAND and LH all picked up new fans to at least offset some of the ones they had been losing. They might soon go into freefall... ''I guess I'd rather die, than f-f-fade away''... oh, how I'd love for them to have gone out on a high/blaze of glory ;)

Beaky 05-23-2013 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 1132639)
It's like a sinking ship analogy, up to now they had been 'leaking' the usual older generation of fans with each release, but usually picking up some new interest to at least keep them afloat. But now, I think there is one too many holes in the bottom of the boat and it's beginning to dip under the waterline. The newer fans they gained aren't getting anything new and exciting, and the older fans are being even more alienated. I wonder if WAN picked up ANY new fans? Crush HAND and LH all picked up new fans to at least offset some of the ones they had been losing. They might soon go into freefall... ''I guess I'd rather die, than f-f-fade away''... oh, how I'd love for them to have gone out on a high/blaze of glory ;)

Perfectly put... instead, they're going out sniping in the press, something they always prided themselves on steering clear of.

CKatz 05-23-2013 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1132640)
Perfectly put... instead, they're going out sniping in the press, something they always prided themselves on steering clear of.

That's the saddest part.

alessiasambo 05-23-2013 05:08 PM

I made a translation of the SPIEGEL interview for those of you interested, since I couldn't stand the poor google translate version floating around on twitter. It's not perfect either but to the best of my translating abilities. :)

"Jon Bon Jovi in interview: Boy, do something with your hair!"

Where to go with all the money? Jon Bon Jovi has earned more with his band than most of the other rockstars. In this interview he talks pretty openly about expensive misinvestements, bad styling - and why his career is going to go downhill from now on.

Very expensive teeth, very tight shirt, a lot of jewelery - he's looking like his own wax figure as he sits on a sofa in the middle of the neo-classical ambience of his suite in the Hotel "Bayerischer Hof" in Munich. The day before his band "rocked" ,like you say in these circles, 62.000 people in the Munich Olympic Stadium.

Then Jon Bon Jovi, 51, notices the print "Blue Note" on the shirt of the journalist, and he becomes alive.

Bon Jovi: "For god's sakes! Do you know, what 'Blue Note' is?"

SPIEGEL: "A Jazz-label, a Jazz club. Why?"

Bon Jovi: "That's what I thought too! Can I tell a crazy story about this?"

Spiegel: "Yes, please."

Bon Jovi: "I was at a gala, it was very busy and it was very loud. Behind me stood Ralph Lauren, the fashion designer, and he was talking to the investor Ron Perelman. With half a ear I heard, that he mentioned "Blue Note", so I turned around and asked: "Did I just hear 'Blue Note'? " And he said: "Yes, I am thinking about buying into it. Are you interested in this too?" And I said: "Yes, absolutely!" And he said: "Okay, you're in!" I was very excited and my lawyers worked it out. For a while I lived with the happy knowledge of being the part-owner of a Jazz club...until I realized that Lauren had not been talking about the label or the club. He had been talking about a mexican restaurant in East Hampton that is called similiarily: "Blue Parrot." Since then it has always been bugging me when I hear this name."

Spiegel: "Did you sell your shares by now?"

Bon Jovi: "No. Terrible food, unsellable shares. But I have thrown my money out of the window for charitable purposes too. My restaurant project "Soul Kitchen" wasn't going well for a long time. There everybody is supposed to give what they can. One person pays 20 Dollars for a menu, the other 20 Cent. Or you can help washing the dishes. But by now it is working."

SPIEGEL: "If you could meet the young Jon Bon Jovi, what advice would you give him?"

Bon Jovi: "I would advice him to think about his haircut. Boy, do something with your hair! On the other hand, it was the 80s. And now I would like to see your childhood pics from that era."

SPIEGEL: "On your new record you sing about a punk rocker, who is crying after the legendary Club CBGB's, about a journalist, whose paper has closed down..."

Bon Jovi: "...and of a factory worker, whose factory was outsourced to Asia, yes. That is the social and cultural reality in our country."

SPIEGEL: "But what do you have to do with that? You are in a matter of speaking the CEO of one of the most successful companies in the entertainment business and for sure no poor man."

Bon Jovi: "How can a rich man sing about the problems of a poor man?"

SPIEGEL: "That's what I would like to know from you."

Bon Jovi: "Nobody would care for the worries of a rich man, particularly his worries are rather laughable compared to those of an unemployed man. That is not my task either. I tell stories, this is my job: to tell believable stories about things with which my audience can relate to. Do I need to be a punk rocker to sing about punk rock? I don't think so. My grandparents were poor people, who had to work hard, my parents have worked hard, and my brothers don't have any morey even today, they have debts! So I do know what I am talking about pretty well. And when I sing about washing the dishes that is more than a metaphor too. Because I really wash the dishes, when I am in the kitchen of my restaurant.

SPIEGEL: "And in your free time you then buy a mexican restaurant. Accidentally."

Bon Jovi: "That was one of my biggest mistakes, and I have learned from it. I have worked for my success and achieved it with humility and discipline.

SPIEGEL: "You are quoting these virtues. You stand onstage every night for three hours. You make what could be called "honest" music. You sing the songs of the so called little man. You are from New Jersey. You keep yourself extraordinarily fit. You are supposed to be grounded and support the Democrats during elections.
Bon Jovi: "What are you getting at?"

SPIEGEL: "Does it anger you sometime, that you don't get mixed up with Bruce Springsteen?"

Bon Jovi: "Well, the critics love him and they don't love me and my band so much traditionally. But we have a level of success of which he - at least periodically - could only dream of. It all balances itself out somehow. When I was young, I saw the pictures of Led Zeppelin in front of their own plane, of Kiss in all their glamour, they were standing way up high in the sky so to speak. No chance to be able go even anywhere near those spheres. At some point I realized: It was all there, right around the corner! You didn't have to be from another planet. In the studios at the harbour of New Jersey history was made as well. That was encouraging. Even though I, if I may say so, come from a completely different cultural corner. We have made glamour metal at the beginning. It's a different generation too: Springsteen is older than I am. But I do think that we have a similiar audience sometimes."

SPIEGEL: "You should play golf together sometimes."

Bon Jovi: "God forbid. I know Bruce, but we don't hang out together or something like that. For that we are I think too different after all. But when we, what does happen every now and then perform together, then we know very well where the other one is standing and what we think about each other."

SPIEGEL: "Your acting career once was pegged as promising. That's over, right?"

Bon Jovi: "I just wanted to answer with 'yes', when I remembered: No, just now it's continuing. Fox has called me and asked, if I would want to play or better dub myself in a new show. I have said yes and five episodes are already finished: "Murder Police". So my acting career is starting to move forward again."

SPIEGEL: "Do you have these spaces with Bon Jovi too? In 30 years you never changed your formula."

Bon Jovi: That is true, Bon Jovi is not about free spaces. On the contrary: It's about, like I said, consistency. We have survived Grunge, we have survived Hip Hop, we have survived Drum 'n' Bass. Why? Because we didn't let any of it into our music. I don't have anything against Hip Hop, but you will never hear me rap."

SPIEGEL: "Other artists of your generation are on reunion tour now..."

Bon Jovi: "...or dead, exactly. So far it's not supposed to go with us. But as long as the people like to hear us, why not? We are really consistent and we are true to ourselves - and to our audience as well. That's why the people are not disappointed from us, that's why our songs are their songs on the whole world, and that not only for one generation either. They are timeless."

SPIEGEL: "And how long is it supposed to go on like this? Just now your guitarist Richie Sambora has left the band."

Bon Jovi: "I believe it's not gonna last very long anymore for us either. My management doesn't like it, but I thought recently: People, we now are where artists like Elton John and Eric Clapton have been before. Not, that they still aren't great musicians still today, but I think we have reached the highest point of our journey. It might be that we are going to go downwards from now on. Not that I wouldn't like to earn more money, but at 70, like the Stones, I really don't wanna do this job anymore."

SPIEGEL: "So what's next then? "Bon Jovi - the musical"? You would have the hits for this."

Bon Jovi: "True, there even has been an offer for that not long ago already. If you meant that as an insult, I cannot take it like that. I mean, ABBA have earned more money with "Mamma Mia" than with all their records in the past. Without this musical nobody in the USA would know anymore who ABBA were. So if somebody wants to write the story for it and bring our songs to Broadway - do it!"

Jon must have been in a seriously bad mood when giving this interview. He comes off like a prick as well with that part about the soul kitchen. It might have been badly translated or misquoted as well though, I don't know. And the part about the band is just sad but true I guess and Jon knows they're fading away. :(

EDIT: Ooops forgot to link the source:

CKatz 05-23-2013 05:13 PM

That's a great translation. Thank you for taking the time to do it.

WillRunForChocolate 05-23-2013 05:24 PM

Yes, thank you very much for the translation. Very interesting conversation!

alessiasambo 05-23-2013 05:34 PM

You are welcome! :)

I forgot to add that SPIEGEL is a very respectable German weekly political magazine. Nothing like the Mirror or the Daily Mail.

Supersonic 05-23-2013 05:37 PM

Aloha !

It's not surprising to me how Matt's apparantly broke; the entire Bon Jovi family aren't exactly known for their smart business decisions and considering how Matt's never been able to start up a proper business himself despite having a brother who's filthy rich and give him the right financial injection it's not surprising to me he's got to earn back the money he's lost. It just goes to show what the dynamics between Jon and the rest of his family is like and makes it all the more sad how Matt gets his kicks out of derogatory comments to others while never having achieved anything himself.

Salaam Aleikum,

Bounce7800 05-23-2013 05:49 PM


So if somebody wants to write the story for it and bring our songs to Broadway - do it!"
Yeah, it will be a real struggle for him to find a decent Broadway writer...

I heard a bit on Twitter about him slating the Soul Kitchen, but he has said nothing derogatory at all there about it, other than its working better now after a shaky start, "Throwing money out of the window" could lose something in translation or maybe I just don't read it as a negative- he's throwing his money away on it, but thats the whole point of the scheme.

Seems like he has his eye back on the acting again though :(

Iceman 05-23-2013 06:03 PM


SPIEGEL: "And how long is it supposed to go on like this? Just now your guitarist Richie Sambora has left the band."

Bon Jovi: "I believe it's not gonna last very long anymore for us either. My management doesn't like it, but I thought recently: People, we now are where artists like Elton John and Eric Clapton have been before. Not, that they still aren't great musicians still today, but I think we have reached the highest point of our journey. It might be that we are going to go downwards from now on. Not that I wouldn't like to earn more money, but at 70, like the Stones, I really don't wanna do this job anymore."
If that's accurate, I'm glad that Jon's finally seen the light. They've been going downhill for some time now, but it's still not too late to quit at the top. Or at least pretty close to it.


alessiasambo 05-23-2013 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1132658)
Yeah, it will be a real struggle for him to find a decent Broadway writer...

I heard a bit on Twitter about him slating the Soul Kitchen, but he has said nothing derogatory at all there about it, other than its working better now after a shaky start, "Throwing money out of the window" could lose something in translation or maybe I just don't read it as a negative- he's throwing his money away on it, but thats the whole point of the scheme.

Seems like he has his eye back on the acting again though :(

Well Dave could do

I just took it deragatory because of the context he put it in with his other failed investment attempt. And "throwing money out of the window" is a negative term in German but it might be that he phrased it differently and they just translated it like that to German. It just sounded so bad because it implies that it was a bad way to spend his money while giving it to charity should be a good thing and not "throwing out the window" I mean the money is doing good things after all being invested there, it's not like he's flushing it down the toilet yet he gives off that vibe in that answer. Of course Soul Kitchen should be able to break even so the concept has a future though Jon could of course put some of his money into the project to keep it alive, he's rich enough after all, but I guess that is not how he sees things.

efiste2 05-23-2013 06:18 PM

If the BWC tour is going to be the LAST BON JOVI tour for some years (till the reunion tour), Richie should get back on the stage and give it all hes got.......I dont know about you folks I feel very let down by Richie and a little bit by the CEO himself, as a diehard fan for nearly THIRTY years I am gutted at the way it has ended.....I am a huge fan of Richies solo stuff too, he was the soul of the band, some of his solo stuff and the bands stuff has helped me thorugh some tough times, I guess we have all grown up with BON JOVI so they are part of us all etc etc, and if this is the final lap, they need to get their shit together and go out big time............However its not THE END, as we all know five or ten years down the line they will be back as part of a REUNION TOUR, but for now it looks like so long.......:(

IML88 05-23-2013 06:21 PM

Not sure how much of it is true, lost in translation etc but on the presumption its near enough word for word, its a very interesting article.

At least his management know that he aint selling out stadiums on his own. Looks like the band are going away for a good while after they are done flogging this karaoke tour. Jon goes and does his acting, Tico chills, David does his musicals and Richie does his own thing. Best thing for the band at this point in their career.

Take at least 5 years off and come back together and say goodbye the right way.

ticos_stick 05-23-2013 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 1132624)

Like I said, Richie has very little or no effect on the typical fan who will be attending the shows this tour. It's the type of music fan they attract, like I said a few months back when I had a friend of mine realise that Slash wasn't at her GNR show. She was clueless. Casual fans outnumber diehards by a huge amount.
You may not class yourself as a Sambora 'diehard', but you know and appreciate him enough to fall into that category, at least compared to the casual dimwits who frequent Bon Jovi shows. You can appreciate what he brings to the band, other just see a guy with a guitar.


The casuals are a bit more discerning in Europe though. It's not rows and rows of middle aged women pointing their iPhones at Jon over here. I think it's a little unfair to say Richie has little affect on ticket sales on this tour as he left well after the tickets went on sale. I believe most of the people who bought a ticket will go regardless because it's a day out, this would be especially true for shows like Slane which a lot of people go to regardless of the act.

If the band start up a new tour in the next year or so without Richie then we can gain a better insight into what's what. I'm not saying people will suddenly realise Richie is the greatest thing ever but most will surely notice that the current line up isn't worth going out of their way to see.

ben 05-23-2013 06:40 PM

Hey God! Tell me what the hell is going on... It seems like all the good shit's gone.
It keeps on getting harder hanging on...

ben 05-23-2013 06:41 PM

I guess this time you're really leaving, I heard your suitcase say goodbye...

Slakk 05-23-2013 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1132658)
Yeah, it will be a real struggle for him to find a decent Broadway writer...

Yeah I wonder where you could find a TONY WINNING Broadway writer team....hmmmm Oh I know take three steps back and two steps to the left and WOW there is one half!

Although he is pretty booked. Take a seat Jon

Simon 05-23-2013 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1132628)

This album and tour was a bad idea from the start.

Although I had a great time in Munich on saturday: You are absoluetly right. Album and tour should have never happened.

Solid Sambora 05-23-2013 07:02 PM

I know it's just speculation, but the very mention of a Reunion Tour pisses me off. Probably because I can quite easily imagine it:

"Jon & Richie Together Again!" Bon Jovi The Reunion Tour, a lucrative venture for all involved, except you, the fan, who will be expected to pay a handsome sum for your Reunion tickets. Watch as the band play happy families while spouting various cliches about brotherhood, insist they've loved playing together again, and tell you how it's always been about you, the fan.

And don't forget to buy "Bon Jovi: Best of The Greatest Hits" featuring 1 new track, the new single "Together Again".

The Reunion Tour is the follow up to 2013's sold out What About Now Breakup Tour, where fans had the chance to pay loads of cash to be a part of the experience, watching the broken band stumble from one disaster to another, while trying to piece together all the cryptic and vague comments and interviews to make one big, slightly less muddy picture.

crashed 05-23-2013 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1132686)
I know it's just speculation, but the very mention of a Reunion Tour pisses me off. Probably because I can quite easily imagine it:

"Jon & Richie Together Again!" Bon Jovi The Reunion Tour, a lucrative venture for all involved, except you, the fan, who will be expected to pay a handsome sum for your Reunion tickets. Watch as the band play happy families while spouting various cliches about brotherhood, insist they've loved playing together again, and tell you how it's always been about you, the fan.

And don't forget to buy "Bon Jovi: Best of The Greatest Hits" featuring 1 new track, the new single "Together Again".

The Reunion Tour is the follow up to 2013's sold out What About Now Breakup Tour, where fans had the chance to pay loads of cash to be a part of the experience, watching the broken band stumble from one disaster to another, while trying to piece together all the cryptic and vague comments and interviews to make one big, slightly less muddy picture.

Yeah, but we'd still by those big expensive tickets.

Solid Sambora 05-23-2013 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1132688)
Yeah, but we'd still by those big expensive tickets.

I think that's the part that pisses me off most!

WillRunForChocolate 05-23-2013 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1132688)
Yeah, but we'd still by those big expensive tickets.

Sigh. Yes we will.

TheseDaysEra 05-23-2013 07:20 PM

all this talk about Richie being very happy and all makes me wonder the obvious: they DID have a row but decided to keep their mouths shut for as long as they could. I guess Richie wasn't happy in the band. It doesn't have to be money-related or anything. I just think his heart's not in it anymore. But surely something must have happened.

Sadly, all these latest news seem to point to one direction only: the end.

Solid Sambora 05-23-2013 07:32 PM

Has anyone involved in this mess at any point actually said sorry?

Jonty 05-23-2013 07:33 PM

Ironic that Jon speels about timberlake, one direction boy bands, bieber, britney etc and how's he is better than them but actually he can't deal with the trouble in his own backyard!! No comment from him then on richie's article. Any comment from Matt or Richie on twitter?
Very sad after finally getting to see them at home in New Jersey they are missing one key ingredient!

JoviJovi 05-23-2013 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Jonty (Post 1132702)
Ironic that Jon speels about timberlake, one direction boy bands, bieber, britney etc and how's he is better than them but actually he can't deal with the trouble in his own backyard!! No comment from him then on richie's article. Any comment from Matt or Richie on twitter?
Very sad after finally getting to see them at home in New Jersey they are missing one key ingredient!

He has at least kept it together up til now. We 'll see where any of them are in 30 years (with JT as the possible exception, but I don't remember Jon saying anything about him)

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