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Alphavictim 10-22-2013 04:54 AM

Safe for the chorus, it's actually a pretty cool song!

bounce442 10-22-2013 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1155119)
Since this has pretty much become the "anything goes"-thread:

With a slightly different production, this could EASILY pass as a post-HAND BJ tune. And it'd be among the rockier ones from most of these albums!

Also, guess who co-wrote it.

Indeed... I think we found the 5th new song that should have been on the Greatest Hits.

JoviForever 10-22-2013 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by SadieLady (Post 1155079)
Agreed! I am so shocked that the band as a whole and their individual members do not use social media and don't understand their reasoning of avoiding doing so. What a great why to make fans happy and to engage them.

I can kind of understand Jon not having a Twitter a/c because he would be inundated with stupid girly tweets. I think he could use the Bon Jovi Twitter a/c occasionally though. All that's used for is promoting stuff.

Lisa71 10-22-2013 09:31 PM

Latest picture (I think) of Richie and Nikki.

CKatz 10-22-2013 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1155138)
Latest picture (I think) of Richie and Nikki.

That pic is from early 2011 when they were at the Superbowl for their fashion line. The Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders were the models in a fashion show they did. A couple of months later Richie was in rehab.

Lisa71 10-22-2013 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1155139)
That pic is from early 2011 when they were at the Superbowl for their fashion line. The Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders were the models in a fashion show they did. A couple of months later Richie was in rehab.

Thank you! I wasn't sure if it was new but I didn't realise that it was that old!

CKatz 10-23-2013 06:02 PM

Richie is doing the Cost of Carbon event with Al Gore for his Climate Reality Project. You can watch live here:

@ClimateReality : @AlGore & @TheRealSambora. What do they have in common? They'll wrap up our big finale to the #CostOfCarbon!

@ClimateReality: Any fans of @TheRealSambora? Tune in at 11 am PT for a live performance on 24 Hours of Reality: The #CostOfCarbon!

Sissy3 10-23-2013 07:08 PM

Al Gore?! Jon will be so jealous, that's one of his old political man crushes. :D

CKatz 10-23-2013 08:57 PM

Richie performed Leon on Me. It's on YouTube now:

That bluesy voice is amazing. This is what I love to see!

liljovi93 10-23-2013 09:51 PM

Richie has piled on the pounds again! Look at the photo he just put up with Al Gore on Twitter.

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