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danfan 10-24-2013 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Thierry (Post 1155263)
He looks like a transsexual.

He has for years.

rolo_tomachi 10-24-2013 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Thierry (Post 1155263)
He looks like a transsexual.

Alphavictim 10-24-2013 04:08 PM

Jon should re-record "All I Want For Christmas".

danfan 10-24-2013 04:34 PM

Sad. Richie looks like a transsexual, but is still cooler than Bobby.

rolo_tomachi 10-24-2013 04:39 PM

Iceman 10-24-2013 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1155207)
Richie performed Leon on Me. It's on YouTube now:

That bluesy voice is amazing. This is what I love to see!

First: Richie's drunk.
Second: Richie's the "rock'n'roll" missing from Bon Jovi now. Phil is a great guitarist, but he doesn't have as big of a role he'd need to pull the thing together. They need Richie.


Sissy3 10-24-2013 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by jovifan93 (Post 1155262)
Song choice and adlibs at the end could sure be interpreted as a message to Jon ("call me" about 10000x times at the end), but I'm not one of those conspiracy theorists ;)

Oh but we haven't had a good conspiracy theory in some time. :D Nikki's so into fashion she should have put Richie into some Spanx before that Al Gore shot.

Panda 10-24-2013 07:43 PM

Yeah he's drunk hahaha

sambos apprentice 10-25-2013 01:01 AM

have it on good authority that richie has some health problems. Jon and him are on good terms...the same artistic bickering that there always is...but richie isnt in the best place right now.

don t shoot the messenger

SadieLady 10-25-2013 01:06 AM

So Phil X's wife had their little baby boy this morning (from the photo, it looks like Phil X was there)...wonder if he will play the next concert (Oct 25) or not? After Uncasville there is a week's break and then a couple of shows in Canada (Phil X's stomping ground). After Nov 8 there is a month's break before Australia. Do we know if Phil X is continuing to the end of the tour or not?

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