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Supersonic 05-23-2013 07:43 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1132703)
He has at least kept it together up til now. We 'll see where any of them are in 30 years (with JT as the possible exception, but I don't remember Jon saying anything about him)

Jon has been having digs at boybands since they returned in 2000, and mentioned Timberlake several times in 2006, I think it was. Nowadays Timberlake outsells Bon Jovi, is considered relevant, has hits, where as Bon Jovi has turned into a nostalgia act in just 5 years. Justin Timberlake and all the others he's slamming are everything Jon wishes he'd be.

Salaam Aleikum,

Mysterytrain 05-23-2013 07:44 PM

I can't help but think that the wrath of Jon's slam on Justin Bieber was actually directed at Richie.

JoviJovi 05-23-2013 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1132705)
Aloha !

Jon has been having digs at boybands since they returned in 2000, and mentioned Timberlake several times in 2006, I think it was. Nowadays Timberlake outsells Bon Jovi, is considered relevant, has hits, where as Bon Jovi has turned into a nostalgia act in just 5 years. Justin Timberlake and all the others he's slamming are everything Jon wishes he'd be.

Salaam Aleikum,

What? He wishes he was 20 yrs old? And I am pretty sure I said except JT. Ok, BJ has turned into a nostalgia act in "just " 5 years, do they get no credit for the 25 years prior to that?

Crushgen24/88 05-23-2013 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1132686)
I know it's just speculation, but the very mention of a Reunion Tour pisses me off. Probably because I can quite easily imagine it:

"Jon & Richie Together Again!" Bon Jovi The Reunion Tour, a lucrative venture for all involved, except you, the fan, who will be expected to pay a handsome sum for your Reunion tickets. Watch as the band play happy families while spouting various cliches about brotherhood, insist they've loved playing together again, and tell you how it's always been about you, the fan.

And don't forget to buy "Bon Jovi: Best of The Greatest Hits" featuring 1 new track, the new single "Together Again".

The Reunion Tour is the follow up to 2013's sold out What About Now Breakup Tour, where fans had the chance to pay loads of cash to be a part of the experience, watching the broken band stumble from one disaster to another, while trying to piece together all the cryptic and vague comments and interviews to make one big, slightly less muddy picture.

You win the thread.

In all honesty, I've lost all interest in this mess. I still maintain that (outside of family or health which it's clearly not) there's no acceptable reason for Richie to have left the tour in the middle. If he didn't want to do it in the first place he should have bailed before hand, if he hated the experience he should have toughed it out and left after. That said, the Bon Jovi machine is digging themselves a bigger and bigger hole as the days go on. That German interview with Jon is one of the oddest I've ever seen him give, which leads me to believe he's cracking under the pressure a bit.

Supersonic 05-23-2013 07:59 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1132709)
What? He wishes he was 20 yrs old? And I am pretty sure I said except JT. Ok, BJ has turned into a nostalgia act in "just " 5 years, do they get no credit for the 25 years prior to that?

I'm sorry, I think you too my comment as a dig at you, it wasn't meant like that. :)

I'm quite positive Jon wishes he was 20 years old, everything about the man screams "midlife crisis" to me.

The problem is Jon doesn't want credit for everything he's done the 25 years prior to that, he desperately wants the same credit boybands and other current pop acts are getting. Jon's digs at other artists are nothing but desperate attempts at showing off on how "he's still around", as if he needs to prove it by slagging off other artists. He wants to find ground to be able to compare himself to other current acts and say "I beat them on that", yet the comparison is unfair, but most of all unnecessary and hypocritical.

His constant measuring with other acts is nothing but sad, especially when those other acts are actually getting played on the radio, create a buzz online and are what's currently popular out there. Yet the only time Bon Jovi has created a buzz the past 5 years was when Richie left. Their music is considered irrelevant by pretty much everyone but Jon and a few die hards.

Salaam Aleikum,

JoviForever 05-23-2013 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by alessiasambo (Post 1132643)
I made a translation of the SPIEGEL interview for those of you interested, since I couldn't stand the poor google translate version floating around on twitter. It's not perfect either but to the best of my translating abilities. :)

"Jon Bon Jovi in interview: Boy, do something with your hair!"

Where to go with all the money? Jon Bon Jovi has earned more with his band than most of the other rockstars. In this interview he talks pretty openly about expensive misinvestements, bad styling - and why his career is going to go downhill from now on.

Very expensive teeth, very tight shirt, a lot of jewelery - he's looking like his own wax figure as he sits on a sofa in the middle of the neo-classical ambience of his suite in the Hotel "Bayerischer Hof" in Munich. The day before his band "rocked" ,like you say in these circles, 62.000 people in the Munich Olympic Stadium.

Then Jon Bon Jovi, 51, notices the print "Blue Note" on the shirt of the journalist, and he becomes alive.

Bon Jovi: "For god's sakes! Do you know, what 'Blue Note' is?"

SPIEGEL: "A Jazz-label, a Jazz club. Why?"

Bon Jovi: "That's what I thought too! Can I tell a crazy story about this?"

Spiegel: "Yes, please."

Bon Jovi: "I was at a gala, it was very busy and it was very loud. Behind me stood Ralph Lauren, the fashion designer, and he was talking to the investor Ron Perelman. With half a ear I heard, that he mentioned "Blue Note", so I turned around and asked: "Did I just hear 'Blue Note'? " And he said: "Yes, I am thinking about buying into it. Are you interested in this too?" And I said: "Yes, absolutely!" And he said: "Okay, you're in!" I was very excited and my lawyers worked it out. For a while I lived with the happy knowledge of being the part-owner of a Jazz club...until I realized that Lauren had not been talking about the label or the club. He had been talking about a mexican restaurant in East Hampton that is called similiarily: "Blue Parrot." Since then it has always been bugging me when I hear this name."

Spiegel: "Did you sell your shares by now?"

Bon Jovi: "No. Terrible food, unsellable shares. But I have thrown my money out of the window for charitable purposes too. My restaurant project "Soul Kitchen" wasn't going well for a long time. There everybody is supposed to give what they can. One person pays 20 Dollars for a menu, the other 20 Cent. Or you can help washing the dishes. But by now it is working."

SPIEGEL: "If you could meet the young Jon Bon Jovi, what advice would you give him?"

Bon Jovi: "I would advice him to think about his haircut. Boy, do something with your hair! On the other hand, it was the 80s. And now I would like to see your childhood pics from that era."

SPIEGEL: "On your new record you sing about a punk rocker, who is crying after the legendary Club CBGB's, about a journalist, whose paper has closed down..."

Bon Jovi: "...and of a factory worker, whose factory was outsourced to Asia, yes. That is the social and cultural reality in our country."

SPIEGEL: "But what do you have to do with that? You are in a matter of speaking the CEO of one of the most successful companies in the entertainment business and for sure no poor man."

Bon Jovi: "How can a rich man sing about the problems of a poor man?"

SPIEGEL: "That's what I would like to know from you."

Bon Jovi: "Nobody would care for the worries of a rich man, particularly his worries are rather laughable compared to those of an unemployed man. That is not my task either. I tell stories, this is my job: to tell believable stories about things with which my audience can relate to. Do I need to be a punk rocker to sing about punk rock? I don't think so. My grandparents were poor people, who had to work hard, my parents have worked hard, and my brothers don't have any morey even today, they have debts! So I do know what I am talking about pretty well. And when I sing about washing the dishes that is more than a metaphor too. Because I really wash the dishes, when I am in the kitchen of my restaurant.

SPIEGEL: "And in your free time you then buy a mexican restaurant. Accidentally."

Bon Jovi: "That was one of my biggest mistakes, and I have learned from it. I have worked for my success and achieved it with humility and discipline.

SPIEGEL: "You are quoting these virtues. You stand onstage every night for three hours. You make what could be called "honest" music. You sing the songs of the so called little man. You are from New Jersey. You keep yourself extraordinarily fit. You are supposed to be grounded and support the Democrats during elections.
Bon Jovi: "What are you getting at?"

SPIEGEL: "Does it anger you sometime, that you don't get mixed up with Bruce Springsteen?"

Bon Jovi: "Well, the critics love him and they don't love me and my band so much traditionally. But we have a level of success of which he - at least periodically - could only dream of. It all balances itself out somehow. When I was young, I saw the pictures of Led Zeppelin in front of their own plane, of Kiss in all their glamour, they were standing way up high in the sky so to speak. No chance to be able go even anywhere near those spheres. At some point I realized: It was all there, right around the corner! You didn't have to be from another planet. In the studios at the harbour of New Jersey history was made as well. That was encouraging. Even though I, if I may say so, come from a completely different cultural corner. We have made glamour metal at the beginning. It's a different generation too: Springsteen is older than I am. But I do think that we have a similiar audience sometimes."

SPIEGEL: "You should play golf together sometimes."

Bon Jovi: "God forbid. I know Bruce, but we don't hang out together or something like that. For that we are I think too different after all. But when we, what does happen every now and then perform together, then we know very well where the other one is standing and what we think about each other."

SPIEGEL: "Your acting career once was pegged as promising. That's over, right?"

Bon Jovi: "I just wanted to answer with 'yes', when I remembered: No, just now it's continuing. Fox has called me and asked, if I would want to play or better dub myself in a new show. I have said yes and five episodes are already finished: "Murder Police". So my acting career is starting to move forward again."

SPIEGEL: "Do you have these spaces with Bon Jovi too? In 30 years you never changed your formula."

Bon Jovi: That is true, Bon Jovi is not about free spaces. On the contrary: It's about, like I said, consistency. We have survived Grunge, we have survived Hip Hop, we have survived Drum 'n' Bass. Why? Because we didn't let any of it into our music. I don't have anything against Hip Hop, but you will never hear me rap."

SPIEGEL: "Other artists of your generation are on reunion tour now..."

Bon Jovi: "...or dead, exactly. So far it's not supposed to go with us. But as long as the people like to hear us, why not? We are really consistent and we are true to ourselves - and to our audience as well. That's why the people are not disappointed from us, that's why our songs are their songs on the whole world, and that not only for one generation either. They are timeless."

SPIEGEL: "And how long is it supposed to go on like this? Just now your guitarist Richie Sambora has left the band."

Bon Jovi: "I believe it's not gonna last very long anymore for us either. My management doesn't like it, but I thought recently: People, we now are where artists like Elton John and Eric Clapton have been before. Not, that they still aren't great musicians still today, but I think we have reached the highest point of our journey. It might be that we are going to go downwards from now on. Not that I wouldn't like to earn more money, but at 70, like the Stones, I really don't wanna do this job anymore."

SPIEGEL: "So what's next then? "Bon Jovi - the musical"? You would have the hits for this."

Bon Jovi: "True, there even has been an offer for that not long ago already. If you meant that as an insult, I cannot take it like that. I mean, ABBA have earned more money with "Mamma Mia" than with all their records in the past. Without this musical nobody in the USA would know anymore who ABBA were. So if somebody wants to write the story for it and bring our songs to Broadway - do it!"

Jon must have been in a seriously bad mood when giving this interview. He comes off like a prick as well with that part about the soul kitchen. It might have been badly translated or misquoted as well though, I don't know. And the part about the band is just sad but true I guess and Jon knows they're fading away. :(

EDIT: Ooops forgot to link the source:

I still think there is a it of it missed in transllation. especially the stuff about the band and going down-hill.

SadieLady 05-23-2013 08:01 PM

From Phil X's Twitter account:
@TheRealPhilX so what are the Drills doing while you tour with Bon Jovi?

Phil X ‏@TheRealPhilX 7h
@______ taking a break. we will do a few shows & some recording in LA while I'm home in August.

Supersonic 05-23-2013 08:04 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by JoviForever (Post 1132714)
I still think there is a it of it missed in transllation. especially the stuff about the band and going down-hill.

I'm not sure, are you saying they've not written down in German what he said in English, or are you saying the English translation from German is incorrect?

Salaam Aleikum,

Neurotica80 05-23-2013 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1132686)
I know it's just speculation, but the very mention of a Reunion Tour pisses me off. Probably because I can quite easily imagine it:

"Jon & Richie Together Again!" Bon Jovi The Reunion Tour, a lucrative venture for all involved, except you, the fan, who will be expected to pay a handsome sum for your Reunion tickets. Watch as the band play happy families while spouting various cliches about brotherhood, insist they've loved playing together again, and tell you how it's always been about you, the fan.

And don't forget to buy "Bon Jovi: Best of The Greatest Hits" featuring 1 new track, the new single "Together Again".

The Reunion Tour is the follow up to 2013's sold out What About Now Breakup Tour, where fans had the chance to pay loads of cash to be a part of the experience, watching the broken band stumble from one disaster to another, while trying to piece together all the cryptic and vague comments and interviews to make one big, slightly less muddy picture.

Love your work! Don't forget the JBJ + RS reunited, leather bound journal!

JoviJovi 05-23-2013 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1132713)
Aloha !

I'm sorry, I think you too my comment as a dig at you, it wasn't meant like that. :)

I'm quite positive Jon wishes he was 20 years old, everything about the man screams "midlife crisis" to me.

The problem is Jon doesn't want credit for everything he's done the 25 years prior to that, he desperately wants the same credit boybands and other current pop acts are getting. Jon's digs at other artists are nothing but desperate attempts at showing off on how "he's still around", as if he needs to prove it by slagging off other artists. He wants to find ground to be able to compare himself to other current acts and say "I beat them on that", yet the comparison is unfair, but most of all unnecessary and hypocritical.

His constant measuring with other acts is nothing but sad, especially when those other acts are actually getting played on the radio, create a buzz online and are what's currently popular out there. Yet the only time Bon Jovi has created a buzz the past 5 years was when Richie left. Their music is considered irrelevant by pretty much everyone but Jon and a few die hards.

Salaam Aleikum,

Ok, thanks. :D I actually agree with most of what you have said here. Think I am extra emotional at the moment. I know we have all been feeling the end is near even before all this happened but it actually happening is hitting me harder than I thought it would. And funny enough, that's mostly for nostalgic reasons.

bonjovi90 05-23-2013 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by JoviForever (Post 1132714)
I still think there is a it of it missed in transllation. especially the stuff about the band and going down-hill.

No, that part really was translated correctly.

faith1985 05-23-2013 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by JoviForever (Post 1132714)
I still think there is a it of it missed in transllation. especially the stuff about the band and going down-hill.

Well, not really, unfortunately. Sinkflug = descent can be translated into downhill. But it is only available in a written format and I doubt that Jon thinks twice about every word he says and of course it IS always an interpretation by the interviewer.

idbl_fanatic 05-23-2013 08:40 PM

Richie Sambora ‏@TheRealSambora 16s

Just to be clear,I've been running the fashion company for 5 Yrs. It does not take me away from the band,I'm an artist first. Always will be

Slakk 05-23-2013 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1132731)
Richie Sambora ‏@TheRealSambora 16s

Just to be clear,I've been running the fashion company for 5 Yrs. It does not take me away from the band,I'm an artist first. Always will be

Dear Richie - SHUT UP or make a relevant statement.

DaveK 05-23-2013 08:46 PM

I don't think it will be long before someone cracks and it all comes flooding out.

TwinFan 05-23-2013 08:47 PM

Richie opens his mouth and inserts his foot. Just say SOMETHING. Say you're leaving the band, say you're still in. You don't have to tell us the circumstances of your departure. Just. Say. ANYTHING.

davefan 05-23-2013 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by SadieLady (Post 1132716)
From Phil X's Twitter account:
@TheRealPhilX so what are the Drills doing while you tour with Bon Jovi?

Phil X ‏@TheRealPhilX 7h
@______ taking a break. we will do a few shows & some recording in LA while I'm home in August.

with the fight thats going on between Jon and Richie now, it`s no surprise that Phil was already hired for fall :(

angelsambo 05-23-2013 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1132731)
I'm an artist first. Always will be

you always were an idiot and a dumbhead

danfan 05-23-2013 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Slakk (Post 1132732)
Dear Richie - SHUT UP or make a relevant statement.

No friggin' kidding. Like I said - He's acting like a damn high school cheerleader fighting with her best friend over the quarterback of the football team.

Living_on_my_Hair 05-23-2013 08:51 PM

oh, ffs.

The fact that he chooses to pick up on some people complaining about his fashion crap means he's reading his tweets or at least aware of how much people are stressing out over the whole situation - yet he still choose not to comment! I don't want/need to know the details, but give us the lowdown. Then let the fanboys and girls deal with the aftermath from there. See what I did there? No? oh :(

danfan 05-23-2013 08:53 PM

I think it's time to start a poll asking who Richie has alienated and who simply no longer gives a shit.

TwinFan 05-23-2013 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 1132739)
oh, ffs.

The fact that he chooses to pick up on some people complaining about his fashion crap means he's reading his tweets or at least aware of how much people are stressing out over the whole situation - yet he still choose not to comment! I don't want/need to know the details, but give us the lowdown. Then let the fanboys and girls deal with the aftermath from there. See what I did there? No? oh :(



MrNickel 05-23-2013 08:55 PM

Hate these Twitter groupies with their blind loyalty.

BF ‏@BevFTweets 5m

Everyone should know that! @TheRealSambora Love the music and the fashion. Just enjoy!

crashed 05-23-2013 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1132740)
I think it's time to start a poll asking who Richie has alienated and who simply no longer gives a shit.

*raises hand*

And I honestly can't believe I'm saying that. That last tweet, I think it just killed any faith I had in the man.

danfan 05-23-2013 08:56 PM

I don't tweet or have any idea how to. Can someone please send something to Richie for me?


That's all.

TwinFan 05-23-2013 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1132742)
Hate these Twitter groupies with their blind loyalty.

BF ‏@BevFTweets 5m

Everyone should know that! @TheRealSambora Love the music and the fashion. Just enjoy!

No sense in hating. They're delusional. Just let them live in their alternate, fake, unicorn, Jon-Richie-orgyfest, everything's-peachy universe.

Living_on_my_Hair 05-23-2013 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1132741)


you just made my entire week!11

Bless you

TwinFan 05-23-2013 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 1132746)
Bless you

But... but... I didn't sneeze.

Living_on_my_Hair 05-23-2013 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1132747)
But... but... I didn't sneeze.

I actually sneezed whenever I read Richie's latest tweet, because I'm allergic to bullshit

WillRunForChocolate 05-23-2013 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1132731)
Richie Sambora ‏@TheRealSambora 16s

Just to be clear,I've been running the fashion company for 5 Yrs. It does not take me away from the band,I'm an artist first. Always will be

Curious he does not address/dispute the other quotes. God this is making me crazy! Pulling hair out :(

jessycardy 05-23-2013 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1132731)
Richie Sambora ‏@TheRealSambora 16s

Just to be clear,I've been running the fashion company for 5 Yrs. It does not take me away from the band,I'm an artist first. Always will be

So... is he also basically saying that his supposed statements reported by MailOnline were legit?

danfan 05-23-2013 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by WillRunForChocolate (Post 1132750)
Curious he does not address/dispute the other quotes. God this is making me crazy! Pulling hair out :(

Not driving me crazy anymore. I use Richie and Matt's tweets as entertainment throughout the day. The entire ordeal is so ridiculous and unprofessional, you can't help but laugh at it now.

TwinFan 05-23-2013 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 1132748)
I actually sneezed whenever I read Richie's latest tweet, because I'm allergic to bullshit

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh snap!

Neurotica80 05-23-2013 09:06 PM

Wonder how long it'll be before Matt tweets that he's singing every road in the shower?

WillRunForChocolate 05-23-2013 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1132742)
Hate these Twitter groupies with their blind loyalty.

BF ‏@BevFTweets 5m

Everyone should know that! @TheRealSambora Love the music and the fashion. Just enjoy!

Oh gag. :(

crashed 05-23-2013 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1132751)
So... is he also basically saying that his supposed statements reported by MailOnline were legit?

That's definitely how it seems.

Neurotica80 05-23-2013 09:10 PM

At least we can be thankful that he's def not giving up on the fashion.

Kathleen 05-23-2013 09:11 PM


Richie Sambora ‏@TheRealSambora 16s

Just to be clear,I've been running the fashion company for 5 Yrs. It does not take me away from the band,I'm an artist first. Always will be
If it doesn't take him away from the band, why the fcuk isn't he playing with them now? :mad:

Bounce7800 05-23-2013 09:12 PM

50 year old men having petty arguments over newspaper and social media, it's embarrassing. I've had enough of the drama, Richie has lost a hell of a lot of the respect I had for him. Bailing on the tour midway through will take a lot to come back from in my eyes

MrNickel 05-23-2013 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1132760)
That's definitely how it seems.

Yep. Richie you major twat.

Funny with all that happened yesterday, we still have no clue what is actually happening, we just know its pretty darn bad.

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