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JoviJovi 10-27-2013 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1155492)
I keep trying to tell myself that Richie is just off tour - but still a part of the band. :(
Then I see things that are not IMO just gossip trash rags looking for press and I hate it. This is from the DreamFoundation official press release:

"The evening’s festivities will be held at The Bacara Resort & Spa in Santa Barbara, Calif., where celebrities and distinguished guests will enjoy a night of heartwarming stories, innovative cuisine and live entertainment including Richie Sambora, American rock guitarist legend and formally of Bon Jovi, .."

There is is huge difference between FORMALLY and FORMERLY. There is nothing in this release that should depress you.

SadieLady 10-27-2013 07:11 PM

In that latest photo of Richie...those are the saddest eyes. I can't stop looking at them. He is smiling for the cameras but there is no sense of the happy-go-lucky guy that we usually see. As the months marched on things have not gone well for Richie--the band continued to sell out shows, PhilX continued to get praise and a following, most on this board no longer support him.... I am pleased that he is out and performing a bit. Music is not only a passion but it can heal and maybe it will help him find his true self.

golittleperson 10-27-2013 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1155494)
There is is huge difference between FORMALLY and FORMERLY. There is nothing in this release that should depress you.

Your right, I read it as former... Can someone say feel like a dunce. But it still all feels so wrong on so many levels. I am way too concerned about this and keep trying to look away, but, I keep coming back. But as another poster said I AM extremely thankful to see/hear him performing music... where he belongs in one way or another and looking like Richie - Mr. Sambo .

rolo_tomachi 10-27-2013 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by angelsambo (Post 1155468)
Can somebody confirm that richie sambora is working with steven van zandt on a project?

What? Where is this rumor?

Captain_jovi 10-27-2013 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1155494)
There is is huge difference between FORMALLY and FORMERLY. There is nothing in this release that should depress you.

Yet formerly fits the situation far better than formally would which makes me wonder if it was a spelling error or not.

rolo_tomachi 10-27-2013 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1155499)
Yet formerly fits the situation far better than formally would which makes me wonder if it was a spelling error or not.

Don't worry. While on his twitter follow this... still within.

nickolai 10-27-2013 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1155500)
Don't worry. While on his twitter follow this... still within.

Its on there, because until something official is announced, the removal of the red circle would spark a mass of hysteria from Jovi fans far and wide. It just aint worth it until the end of the tour when, as we all know, it is announced officially.

golittleperson 10-27-2013 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1155500)
Don't worry. While on his twitter follow this... still within.

I so needed that - I feel just like that little kid. :)

angelsambo 10-28-2013 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1155497)
What? Where is this rumor?

steve's wife tweeted it first and then deleted it right away

JackieBlue 10-28-2013 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1155488)
That's not the difference. The reality is that Jon think that Richie is just a defective part that causes problems over time, and is easy to replace. The sad part is that most fans feel the same.

Y'know, Rolo, just because there hasn't been a press party or a tabloid-fest or pictures all over the internet doesn't necessarily mean that the band (Jon included) haven't been supporting Richie all along (if support is needed). As much as some might like for them to, the press doesn't record EVERY move these guys make and the guys in the band clearly aren't talking about EVERYthing that's going on. So they could be showing total support to Richie outside of the camera's range. And since we don't even know what the issue(s) is/are; we certainly don't have a clue to what the real interactions are among the band members.

I spent a lot of time here trying to get people not to judge Richie prematurely or unfairly; and I'm going to say the same thing to you right now - The Edge comment aside, Jon hasn't given any indication (except in the overactive imaginations of the fans) that he doesn't support Richie. So I think your over-the-top criticism of him is uncalled for.

I personally think you need to let go of the Jon-hate and move on. Unless you know for a fact something that the majority of us are only speculating about, you don't know that Jon has done anything to be criticized for (again, aside from the unfortunate Edge comment - which could have been taken out of context and misconstrued). Any more than anyone knows what Richie's issues are.

It's all still speculation. And that, my friend, is the (real) Reality.

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