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rolo_tomachi 10-30-2013 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1155600)
TMZ is about to interview him:
@TMZ_Sports: Join us as today as Richie Sambora talks to us about his role in the Breeder's Cup. What do YOU want to ask him?

Ask him if he takes alcohol or drugs. :D

golittleperson 10-31-2013 12:27 AM

I'm sure somewhere a video or tape will hit the internet, but I listened to it all. Richie talked about the race Sat, playing the call on electric, maybe some other jams later Sat. I remember he's betting on Fire and Ice (friends horse) to win in the 8th. Apparently Ava was with him as he said he just made an agreement with her if he bets & wins they will split the pot to a charity of his choice and one of hers. He mentioned he used to have a couple of horses, I seem to remember that and how he used to go to the track with his dad. Also confirms going to Australia next week for another. They ask about the band, kinda surprised it wasn't made off limits but basically said he decided to be home, time with Ava.... same we've heard before but did say no animosity - I think was the word he used. (Correction, it was malice.) I still struggle with that considering that in June, right out of his mouth and his twitter that he had hopes for Sept.

Jayster 10-31-2013 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by SuperBrad (Post 1155597)
Wtf ! I cant believe he is coming all this way for a ****ing horse race .

He could easily fill The Forum in Melbourne - about 3300 capacity. All he needs is a PA system and a guitar - play 15 or so songs acoustic. Job done.

Surely it has crossed his mind?!

Captain_jovi 10-31-2013 04:38 AM

Matt has his twitter account and he's back in full forth.

Matt: I'm curious to why you speak of hate yet I don't recall ever doing anything to you. Just curious.

Twitterer: Really ? n about Nikki Lund ? You called her "Yoko Ono". She is the only person who is giving support to us

Matt: hmm yea I did didn't I. I stand by that


Love him or hate him I'm glad he's at least being direct!

wolffex 10-31-2013 05:59 AM

I think Richie is done with this band for good. It look obvious as the band completely has ignored him and not once mentioned anything. If you go on their facebook, they even removed him from the banner and only have the photo of Jon, Tico and David. It's pretty much everywhere, even on the official Bon Jovi site. They are probably waiting for this tour to end till they officially announce it. Either Phil X becomes the new lead guitarist of the band or they go find someone else or just keep Phil X but like a touring member like Hugh. For instance in 2011 Jon would mention how he was missing Richie in concerts and dedicating some songs towards him, not this time around.

I believe Jon and the band members are frustrated with Richie and pretty much have given up on him. In 2011 it was rehab, this time its something else, you don't think the band notices with all the fans are saying? They might not admit it but surely they are aware of the situation. They probably wouldn't want the same thing to happen next time they have a big tour maybe in 2016 or something. It's happened a few times. Richie leaving will be good for the whole band. Phil X has done a great job.

The band itself is not going to stop touring and making albums, they are still in demand. Selling out shows constantly, having their albums go platinum and pretty much making money. This band will be around a very long time despite Jon not sounding good or new songs not being good or whatever other reason. They will most likely have another album out sometime between 2015-2016

Just my two cents.

SuperBrad 10-31-2013 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Jayster (Post 1155611)
He could easily fill The Forum in Melbourne - about 3300 capacity. All he needs is a PA system and a guitar - play 15 or so songs acoustic. Job done.

Surely it has crossed his mind?!

Wouldnt that be nice ! I would fly down for the night for sure . In fact id throw away my pit ticket for it ....

bonjovi90 10-31-2013 10:14 AM

Someone posted this on fb:


For those who missed the TMZ live webcast, I listened to it.
Richie will be performing the "Call To Post" at the Breeders Cup on Saturday! It will be televised on NBC! See link for details!

Also, he is betting on "He Be Fire N Ice" for tomorrow's "Mile" race! He said "If we win, I'll split the winnings with Ava. She will give her half to the charity of her choice and I will give to the charity of mine".

When asked about Bon Jovi and Australia, Richie stated that he would not be in Australia with Bon Jovi, but that he is going to Melbourne on Sunday for the Melbourne Cup with Kate Upton, who is a Celebrity Ambassador for these events. Richie also stated that "The band wanted to do things, I just didn't want to do anymore. I'm enjoying being able to be home for my daughter." and as for the band, he stated "There is no malice between us". A reunion could happen someday.

crashed 10-31-2013 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1155618)
Someone posted this on fb:

When asked about Bon Jovi and Australia, Richie stated that he would not be in Australia with Bon Jovi, but that he is going to Melbourne on Sunday for the Melbourne Cup with Kate Upton, who is a Celebrity Ambassador for these events. Richie also stated that "The band wanted to do things, I just didn't want to do anymore. I'm enjoying being able to be home for my daughter." and as for the band, he stated "There is no malice between us". A reunion could happen someday.

And on that note, that's all folks.

CKatz 10-31-2013 11:17 AM

Finally some closure. That's all I needed to know to move on.

liljovi93 10-31-2013 11:53 AM

So from them quotes, would you guys say that Richie and Bon Jovi are now officially over for good?

I personally don't know. It looks like he couldn't be bothered touring this time around but I could be wrong. I wouldn't rule him coming back for the next tour (whenever that is) though.

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