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Sissy3 10-31-2013 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1155628)
His first comment was basically that he couldn't be bothered. Throwing his daughter in as a reason is convenient to save face. I have no doubt that he loves her, but now that she is grown he wants to bail in the band to be with her? Sorry, not buying it.

This was my thought also, back to using his daughter as his excuse. Big show of bonding time at the beginning but then he was back to hanging and traveling with Miss Thang and her clothing and doing other stuff. Apparently we will never, ever know the entire truth and at this point I don't really care. Speaking of Matt it looks like the Richie fanatics wasted no time bitching at him. And what support is she giving them?

JoviJovi 10-31-2013 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1155632)
He also said that the band is doing things that he doesn't want to do. It's a combo of both.

And that's where he loses me. If he felt that way in April, enough so that he just couldn't return, then he felt that way before the tour even started. That would have been the appropriate time to bail, not 3 months in. And for that he loses any respect or loyalty I may have had for him.

Stiggy 10-31-2013 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1155634)
And that's where he loses me. If he felt that way in April, enough so that he just couldn't return, then he felt that way before the tour even started. That would have been the appropriate time to bail, not 3 months in. And for that he loses any respect or loyalty I may have had for him.

i guess they were on vacation / break from tour & she asked him not to go back touring.. a no brainer..

Captain_jovi 10-31-2013 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Stiggy (Post 1155638)
i guess they were on vacation / break from tour & she asked him not to go back touring.. a no brainer..

She as in Lund or Ava?

Gaby1987 10-31-2013 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by wolffex (Post 1155615)
I think Richie is done with this band for good. It look obvious as the band completely has ignored him and not once mentioned anything. If you go on their facebook, they even removed him from the banner and only have the photo of Jon, Tico and David. It's pretty much everywhere, even on the official Bon Jovi site. They are probably waiting for this tour to end till they officially announce it. Either Phil X becomes the new lead guitarist of the band or they go find someone else or just keep Phil X but like a touring member like Hugh. For instance in 2011 Jon would mention how he was missing Richie in concerts and dedicating some songs towards him, not this time around.

I believe Jon and the band members are frustrated with Richie and pretty much have given up on him. In 2011 it was rehab, this time its something else, you don't think the band notices with all the fans are saying? They might not admit it but surely they are aware of the situation. They probably wouldn't want the same thing to happen next time they have a big tour maybe in 2016 or something. It's happened a few times. Richie leaving will be good for the whole band. Phil X has done a great job.

The band itself is not going to stop touring and making albums, they are still in demand. Selling out shows constantly, having their albums go platinum and pretty much making money. This band will be around a very long time despite Jon not sounding good or new songs not being good or whatever other reason. They will most likely have another album out sometime between 2015-2016

Just my two cents.

Totally agree with you!!!!

JoviJovi 10-31-2013 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Stiggy (Post 1155638)
i guess they were on vacation / break from tour & she asked him not to go back touring.. a no brainer..

That's not what he said, and that excuse was secondary in his explanation. His reason was he didn't like what the band was doing or whatever he said. Nowhere did it say it was a request by Ava.

Stiggy 10-31-2013 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1155639)
She as in Lund or Ava?

ava his daughter..

Stiggy 10-31-2013 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1155643)
That's not what he said, and that excuse was secondary in his explanation. His reason was he didn't like what the band was doing or whatever he said. Nowhere did it say it was a request by Ava.

i was speculating on that part... but ppl say hes left the band???? where did he say this? :(

crashed 10-31-2013 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Stiggy (Post 1155645)
i was speculating on that part... but ppl say hes left the band???? where did he say this? :(

"The band wanted to do things, I just didn't want to do anymore. I'm enjoying being able to be home for my daughter." and as for the band, he stated "There is no malice between us".

JoviJovi 10-31-2013 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1155647)
"The band wanted to do things, I just didn't want to do anymore. I'm enjoying being able to be home for my daughter." and as for the band, he stated "There is no malice between us".

I did a backstage tour recently and the guide told us that Richie offered Phil the use of his guitars for the tour. Phil declined because he wanted to use his and knowing that Richies guitars are worth a fortune, he didn't want to be responsible for them. That doesn't seem like a gesture of someone with animosity towards the band for sure.

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