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SuperBrad 11-05-2013 02:39 AM

Maybe he meant 8 hours sober ;)

Lisa71 11-05-2013 06:11 AM

Performing Prayer at the Melbourne Cup

kleman 11-05-2013 07:16 AM

Sambo give Jovi a bad name! What a lair, cant believe it......More and more i think that Personal problems = drugs. Jon did a right decision not alowed Richie to come back! First fix yourself then come back

Captain_jovi 11-05-2013 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by kleman (Post 1155971)
Sambo give Jovi a bad name! What a lair, cant believe it......More and more i think that Personal problems = drugs. Jon did a right decision not alowed Richie to come back! First fix yourself then come back

How did you get that from that?

Wrath Mania 11-05-2013 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1155715)
If he gets the bug to make another album, I hope it's a solo album and I hope he writes the majority of it by himself like he did with his first two albums.

Or maybe he'll actually take a lot of time to be thorough about it. You know, demo songs, rewrite and rebuild, stuff that he apparently hasn't done in years.

Captain_jovi 11-05-2013 07:46 AM

The weird thing about Richie is he needs co-writers. Break down his writing credits and he's written maybe two or three released songs completely on his own. One Last Goodbye had 5 or 6 writers actually, if I recall correctly.

I always found it weird so many songs on his solo albums have co-writers.

Panda 11-05-2013 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1155963)
They should have asked him why didn't he show up to a concert with just hours notice and foreced the band to play without a guitar player in Calgary? Or why did he said that it was a family drama and he hoped it to be over by september? Or that he couldn't wait to get back to the tour? Sorry, or this guy's bipolar or he's just a liar and wants to get some of his image back.

I will never forgive him for that. Hearing Bobby on lead for 2 hours might have been worse than a Miley Cyrus concert.

Then again, the itself was not bad. Just... that guitar.

rainsong 11-05-2013 08:32 AM

Richie has obvioisly decided to say the "correct" thing, and gloss over the rest. While I have no doubt being home with Ava was and is important to him it's not "the " reason IMO.

Javier 11-05-2013 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Panda (Post 1155977)
I will never forgive him for that. Hearing Bobby on lead for 2 hours might have been worse than a Miley Cyrus concert.

Then again, the itself was not bad. Just... that guitar.

PatriciaSambora 11-05-2013 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1155962)
"8 years sober", Richie's full of shit. Yes, there's gaps in the year when they're touring that he doesn't see his daughter, but when you count that he's got a few months a year where he's basically at home 24/7 too, his time with his daughter could well be on par with anybody who has a 9-5 job. But yeah, let's use that so the people will go "aww what a sweet dad!" The rest of it, it's nothing he couldn't have known or said before the album/tour cycle began. I read someone post that he wasn't "allowed" to come back in June, if I was Jon I wouldn't let him back either. He leaves and then thinks he can come back whenever it fancies him? This is a commitment, not a hobby, and honestly, I doubt Richie could be that stupid and have that much lack of respect for his band and his job so that has to be made up.....

Totally agree with you

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