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steel_horse75 11-08-2013 08:16 AM

6 years? Nah.thats a bit too long for any band to take a break.
They will be back in 2016

Captain_jovi 11-08-2013 02:35 PM

Then he shouldn't have done the tour in the first place. If the reason truly is spending time with your daughter then okay but bailing on a tour 3 hours before a show? Come on, that ain't right.

Stiggy 11-08-2013 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1156161)
Then he shouldn't have done the tour in the first place. If the reason truly is spending time with your daughter then okay but bailing on a tour 3 hours before a show? Come on, that ain't right.

your correct it aint right & thats got me thinking maybe there is more to it than his daughter and disillusionment with the band... and maybe we wont know the whole story..

Javier 11-08-2013 03:48 PM

I think he is in a sense putting a LOT of responsibility to his daughter by doing this. Which is both, cowardice and stupid. He's been traveling around jamming with fabric for a lot of the time the tour has been going. If that was the sole reason, he would have limited all promo to the LA region.

Exit13a 11-08-2013 06:51 PM

I agree there is something more to this than spending time with his daughter.
Perhaps it was the contractual agreement for the tour. Any thoughts on this scenario:
Once the tour started, new contracts were signed. Richie didn’t agree with something in the contract and tried to work it out with Jon during the first leg. It could be about more $, how he was getting paid or the request to sing a solo album song or two.

As the second leg started, there was still no mutual agreement and Richie walked at the last possible minute. As I recall, Jon was not surprised when he got the call from management that Richie was not showing up as it seemed like something he expected. On stage that night in Calgary, I believe Jon said Richie would be gone for awhile (which makes me think that Jon wasn’t going to cave in to whatever Richie wanted in the contract). Didn’t Richie say once or twice over the summer that he hopes things would be resolved soon. I sure
he wants to come back but they can’t agree on terms and at this point in the
tour why bother anyway . *

rolo_tomachi 11-08-2013 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Exit13a (Post 1156171)
I sure he wants to come back but they can’t agree on terms and at this point in the tour why bother anyway . *

Yeah, for why? Jon's voice sucks. The magic of Richie Sambora can't fix what left of tour.

SadieLady 11-08-2013 08:02 PM

For all of those whose bitch about Richie traveling the world "jamming with fabric"... he has been off tour 9 months and has actually made very few fashion appearances--a handful at the most. His short trips to Italy and France were a vacation with his daughter. Prior to those trips his tweets were few and far between and there were almost no sightings of Richie anywhere. And now he has made a couple of appearances at horse races in the last week. Big deal. That is far from spending weeks away from home enveloped in the Bon Jovi machine.

I hope he returns to the band but I am at peace with whatever he decides to do. He is a grown man in his 50s. If he wants to be his own person or change directions, maybe it is past time that he give it a go. Most people don't stay on a job no matter how enjoyable or profitable it is for 30+ years. I've seen ordinary people burn out on a job and keep going through the motions to collect a paycheck and it isn't pretty. If you think singing the same set list night after night would be boring for Jon, imagine how much more boring it would be for a backup singer rather than a lead singer. Does his drinking come from the rock and roll lifestyle or from boredom?

JoviJovi 11-08-2013 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by SadieLady (Post 1156173)
For all of those whose bitch about Richie traveling the world "jamming with fabric"... he has been off tour 9 months and has actually made very few fashion appearances--a handful at the most. His short trips to Italy and France were a vacation with his daughter. Prior to those trips his tweets were few and far between and there were almost no sightings of Richie anywhere. And now he has made a couple of appearances at horse races in the last week. Big deal. That is far from spending weeks away from home enveloped in the Bon Jovi machine.

I hope he returns to the band but I am at peace with whatever he decides to do. He is a grown man in his 50s. If he wants to be his own person or change directions, maybe it is past time that he give it a go. Most people don't stay on a job no matter how enjoyable or profitable it is for 30+ years. I've seen ordinary people burne out on a job and keep going through the motions to collect a paycheck and it isn't pretty. If you think singing the same set list night after night would be boring for Jon, imagine how much more boring it would be for a backup singer rather than a lead singer. Does his drinking come from the rock and roll lifestyle or from boredom?

Yes, poor, poor Richie.

I am at peace with whatever he does to, but he has lost my support.

rolo_tomachi 11-08-2013 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1156174)
Yes, poor, poor Richie.

I am at peace with whatever he does to, but he has lost my support.

He never had much support. You can join with the "Richie Who" fans.

Becky 11-08-2013 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1156175)
He never had much support.

That's bullshit. Richie used to be treated like a god around here while Jon was always the evil dictator CEO who couldn't do anything to please the fans.

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