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alois 11-11-2013 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by † ÀžžÀ † (Post 1156297)
I'd just like to add that I hope Tico carries on with the band. I also hope Richie returns and think a lengthy hiatus would be the best thing for everyone concerned. A couple years off will give all parties some thinking time and perhaps lead to a settling of differences.

Regarding the information, I'm not here to stir. A few of you will remember I posted info about Richie way back in April. I also posted my source and was told to remove it by certain members of the board. This Tico story comes from the same person. I have no reason to doubt them, sadly.

and the original source is the same drummer?

steel_horse75 11-11-2013 08:48 PM

The band need a long break.
4 years would be perfect.

rolo_tomachi 11-11-2013 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1156287)
Should Richie and Tico officially leave, Jon's gonna be sorry there already was a tour titled "Because We Can".

As I said in his day, both, the Album and the tour, should have been called "ARMY OF ONE".

Captain_jovi 11-11-2013 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1156310)
As I said in his day, both, the Album and the tour, should have been called "ARMY OF ONE".

Kind of hard not to be an army of one when your guitarist takes off, eh?

Gabriel Shoes 11-11-2013 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1156253)
Aloha !

He is nailing the solo's. He's just not playing them like Sambora is, but adds his own style to them. The fact that so many fans have their Sambo glasses on and can't understand that he is playing them the way he wants to play them as oppose to be trying to copy Richie note for note is merely your problem and not everyone else's. I don't like his style that much either, but I can understand he does the job and does it very well.

You've got absolutely no idea of what I meant. When I saw the band break out Thorn In My Side after a long time it was clear that Jon got into the song right away where as Richie needs time to get used to a more uncommon change to the set. It used to be the other way around, but it just no longer is.

Your list of songs played with Richie that are supposedly fantastic aren't saved by Sambora - He's just copying the studio versions note for note, or the solo he's been playing for years now. There's no little fills here and there, it's been the same guitarwork for 10 years and it got more sloppy with every subsequent tour.

Yeah, and that spark has been missing for a good decade now. There's the schtick of "Richie my brother" before I'll Be There For You, and they pull it off. But don't act like Richie + Jon is a guaranteed good combination, because over the past few tours it's become quite clear that ever since Jon regained interest in the band, Richie became more and more unreliable. And many who saw one of the shows on this tour noticed that something was off with Jon and Richie at the start of this tour. That's no spark, that was just professional behavior of leaving the drama off stage.

But no tour since the Bounce tour has had shows where Richie was peaking from start to finish. And that level you keep rambling about on how Phil's not "transmitting" anything is just something that can't be achieved in your eyes, it's your perception of something that just isn't there. Richie used to be able to make a simple Bon Jovi pop song great because he used to add his flavour to it. Nowadays it's just Jon doing his thing and Richie just zoning out for whatever reason he feels necessary.

Yeah...I just prefer a good guitarist who's into it. And you're kind of a hypocrite here. Jon on autopilot? EVIL EVIL Jon. Richie on auto pilot? "He's still good!" That's not making sense, and is what makes all your posts and opinions about the whole Richie fiasco kind of invalid as you won't accept anything else but Richie and seem to hold on to something that just isn't there, and hasn't been there for a long time.

Salaam Aleikum,

He does not nail the solos, he skips a lot of chords on those 3 I mentioned por example.

rolo_tomachi 11-11-2013 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1156311)
Kind of hard not to be an army of one when your guitarist takes off, eh?

Jon suggested that Sambora, was easier to replace than The Edge, U2 guitarist.

Sissy3 11-11-2013 10:22 PM

Lord, where is that gif of the smilies beating a dead horse? :roll:

Captain_jovi 11-11-2013 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1156313)
Jon suggested that Sambora, was easier to replace than The Edge, U2 guitarist.

Yep. He said that AFTER her left, not before.

Javier 11-11-2013 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Gabriel Shoes (Post 1156312)
He does not nail the solos, he skips a lot of chords on those 3 I mentioned por example.

He doesn't....

rolo_tomachi 11-11-2013 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1156315)
Yep. He said that AFTER her left, not before.

When someone say these things, it is clear that there is a lack of respect. Jon could have despised Richie before, and could be one of the reasons for his departure.

The clothes? the daughter? , Those are not the right reasons.

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