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TwinFan 05-24-2013 09:13 PM

One thing I've noticed is that last time (as in when Richie was gone in 2011), Jon and the band were more supportive of Richie's absence, and the fact that "he'd be back". This time, not so much. Jon is more evidently frustrated, which is why I'm more inclined to believe that it could be a rift.

crashed 05-24-2013 09:16 PM

I honestly don't care what it is now. The way Richie's acting like it's all great and there's no problems yet he's not on tour is pissing me off. I'm sure it's pissing Jon off to.

Richie's said he feels sorry for the fans, not once as he said sorry to the fans.

The Rock 05-24-2013 09:26 PM

Again, another newspaper quoting Daily Mail. Just this line added in:

He said: "I would love to be in London for the Hyde Park Bon Jovi show... Let's see what happens."

Read more:

Supersonic 05-24-2013 09:28 PM

Aloha !

Yeah, that's The Sun. I don't buy that Dailymail article at all, don't really understand why everyone on Jovitalk does. It's the British press at their best, I've read way too many articles like this for Oasis when most were based upon absolutely nothing but a random Tweet.

Salaam Aleikum,

jessycardy 05-24-2013 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1133199)
Again, another newspaper quoting Daily Mail. Just this line added in:

He said: "I would love to be in London for the Hyde Park Bon Jovi show... Let's see what happens."

Read more:

And apparently (from the article) this is a statement that was made yesterday when Richie was out and about with Nikki Lund after they both had lunch with Sean Borg.

May I say "dafuq" again? I mean, seriously. What's that all about? And why Hyde Park of all places? I just... I don't know.

DaveK 05-24-2013 09:35 PM

they might as well have concocted a story from all the memes on this thread

Kryten2340 05-24-2013 09:39 PM

I wonder if The Sun hacked Richie's voicemail to get that quote.

efiste2 05-24-2013 10:50 PM

Dont know if you guys have seen this..........f


"I don't have any major problems in life right now, I love my fans and I feel bad for them at the moment. Bottom line," he told Britain's Daily Mail. "My opinion is Jon wants to see if he can pull off stadiums by himself. He is making it very difficult for me to come back. Enough with the trash-talking! Jon needs to stop talking about me publicly. I am fine working very hard on my fashion company Nikki Rich, and this is a private matter."

jessycardy 05-24-2013 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by efiste2 (Post 1133299)
Dont know if you guys have seen this..........f

We have, but you never know when someone who doesn't have all the time needed for this soap-opera might pop in. It could be useful to have things repeated every once in a while. This article was actually based on a few others that came out these days. You can find them by browsing back in this thread.

efiste2 05-24-2013 10:55 PM

I have seen others but the TRASHTALK comment was new to me......:-0

jessycardy 05-24-2013 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by efiste2 (Post 1133304)
I have seen others but the TRASHTALK comment was new to me......:-0

Can't really blame ya if you missed it. It's back on page 432, which means 46 freakin' pages ago, even though we're talking about just two days ago.

Here's the original article on which all of the others coming up in these hours are based on:

This, mixed with the two interviews Jon gave in his hotel suite in Vienna and probably also a little bit of good ol' fiction for the purpose of gossip.

Matt has apparently confirmed Jon's interviews, while he said he doesn't know about Richie's, but thinks it's "fishy".

Becky 05-24-2013 11:15 PM

And there was an article 10 or 20 pages ago that said that Richie's rep said he's "not doing interviews" at the moment so it makes any quote from Richie that didn't come from Twitter questionable.

Crushgen24/88 05-24-2013 11:17 PM

I don't know what to think to be honest. The phraseology and wording really doesn't sound like Richie, but considering he hasn't denied saying any of it there's no other conclusion.

CharlieShipley 05-24-2013 11:23 PM

HEADLINE IDEA: "Something in the 'Water?': Bon Jovi, Sambora Tiff Confounds Fans, Derails Tour."

efiste2 05-24-2013 11:26 PM

And I thought I was up to date with these posts........

What I cant understand is, If it is indeed a personal matter, why the hell didnt Richie ring Jon and tell him personally, perhaps then Jon may have been more supportive, I can only imagine how enraged inside Jon is over how Richie has handled this matter, especially the fashion rubbish.......I think it must be down to the "dynamic duo" having fallen out over what more than likely is the JBJ CEO factor, Richie has had a taste of freedom again with AOTL and wanted more. I think it unfair to brand his solo effort a failure as, I believe its a really personal from the heart record.....something BON JOVI hasnt done for decades, so even though the masses think its rubbish, I belive its some of his best work....
On the other hand I beleive its the BON JOVI machine/corparation thats given Richie both the financial and popularity means to make a record, so Richie has gone bout this in totally the wrong way. They both need to have a Crisis meeting and get back to basics and making "proper" BON JOVI records.....before its too late.

DestinationJovi 05-24-2013 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1133131)
Hahaha and it was asked Nov 1, long before the bullshit. Either he doesn't know how to use twitter or he's a sneaky bastard. I'm going for somewhere in between.

Right. The tour didn't even start until February. I've accidentally favorited tweets before on my iPhone. The touch screen is touchy. ;)

It's ironic considering the state the band is in today, but I really think it was unintentional.

Bounce7800 05-24-2013 11:28 PM

I still don't think it's Richie. My money's on Nikki, it reads like tweets or an email. Someone being a mouthpiece for him and either putting his argument out there or what they think his argument should be. I can't believe Richie would have been foolish enough to say those things.

DestinationJovi 05-24-2013 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Josie2013 (Post 1133122)
Without any real knowledge of what is going on, Jon and Richie and both likely to blame. I thought TMZ had the story right from the start (maybe Richie was the source!). How Richie is acting with his non statements and Twitter is ridiculous but maybe he did get sick of Jon's CEO attitude and called his bluff. If we all think he comes across as an arrogant jerk in interviews imagine what everyone else gets in real life. All we know for sure is this is a public relations nightmare and the band is getting a bad reputation for its treatment of the fans. I only hope that when these two kiss and makeup, and they will because they know that without each other their success is minimal, we can get a great album and tour.

LOL! I was just thinking the same! Maybe the "insider" from the original media source who reported about all this back in April was Richie himself! The only odd part was they said he hoped to be back for his hometown show in LA (which obviously didn't happen), but maybe he really did expect for him and Jon to have come to an agreement by then.

DestinationJovi 05-24-2013 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1133311)
I don't know what to think to be honest. The phraseology and wording really doesn't sound like Richie, but considering he hasn't denied saying any of it there's no other conclusion.

Right on. He took to twitter to set people straight about the fashion line not being the reason, but hasn't disputed anything else.

jessycardy 05-24-2013 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1133320)
I still don't think it's Richie. My money's on Nikki, it reads like tweets or an email. Someone being a mouthpiece for him and either putting his argument out there or what they think his argument should be. I can't believe Richie would have been foolish enough to say those things.

I have to say, it's been a few days that I have this idea going around in my head: remember the obvious non-sense utter crap about Dorothea pulling a Yoko Ono? Well, what if it's Nikki? I know nothing and this is just some crap my mind's been on, and I wouldn't even have mentioned it, hadn't I read your post. So, well... just throwing it out there.

Going back to some sort of reality-based thinking... You might be on to something, but if I were Richie and if Nikki spoke to a tabloid on my behalf without warning, well, I would be rather pissed. And if she also lied while at it, I would rectify. What's interesting is that article actually cites TWO people: Richie and the usual "close source".

crashed 05-24-2013 11:40 PM

You know what, one thing that actually wouldn't surprise me is if Richie blew off the tour for a woman. Have we missed this all along?

DestinationJovi 05-24-2013 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by efiste2 (Post 1133317)
And I thought I was up to date with these posts........

What I cant understand is, If it is indeed a personal matter, why the hell didnt Richie ring Jon and tell him personally, perhaps then Jon may have been more supportive, I can only imagine how enraged inside Jon is over how Richie has handled this matter, especially the fashion rubbish.......I think it must be down to the "dynamic duo" having fallen out over what more than likely is the JBJ CEO factor, Richie has had a taste of freedom again with AOTL and wanted more. I think it unfair to brand his solo effort a failure as, I believe its a really personal from the heart record.....something BON JOVI hasnt done for decades, so even though the masses think its rubbish, I belive its some of his best work....
On the other hand I beleive its the BON JOVI machine/corparation thats given Richie both the financial and popularity means to make a record, so Richie has gone bout this in totally the wrong way. They both need to have a Crisis meeting and get back to basics and making "proper" BON JOVI records.....before its too late.

This exactly. I agree 100%.


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1133320)
I still don't think it's Richie. My money's on Nikki, it reads like tweets or an email. Someone being a mouthpiece for him and either putting his argument out there or what they think his argument should be. I can't believe Richie would have been foolish enough to say those things.

Very real possibility. Knowing people are highly interested in his whereabouts because of his absence from the tour, this puts the fashion line in the press and gives it publicity. I remember another time something had gone down with Richie (maybe rehab in 2011, can't really remember exactly) but Nikki started tweeting stuff about Richie to get attention and gain followers. Don't remember the specifics, but I do remember thinking at the time she was overstepping her boundaries.

Solid Sambora 05-24-2013 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1133326)
You know what, one thing that actually wouldn't surprise me is if Richie blew off the tour for a woman. Have we missed this all along?

In 479 pages of discussion, argument, emotional outcries, lunatic theories, photoshop madness and Twitter links, I genuinely can't remember this even being considered as a possibility.


CharlieShipley 05-24-2013 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1133326)
You know what, one thing that actually wouldn't surprise me is if Richie blew off the tour for a woman. Have we missed this all along?

I don't think so. Doesn't sound like his MO. However crazy his MO has become.

On a semi-related note, I just got off the phone with my mom, who's friend just told her her cousin "Georgie" (?) dated Richie. I have no other details.

Solid Sambora 05-24-2013 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by CharlieShipley (Post 1133334)
On a semi-related note, I just got off the phone with my mom, who's friend just told her her cousin "Georgie" (?) dated Richie. I have no other details.

The mystery deepens...

Bounce7800 05-24-2013 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1133331)
This exactly. I agree 100%.

Very real possibility. Knowing people are highly interested in his whereabouts because of his absence from the tour, this puts the fashion line in the press and gives it publicity. I remember another time something had gone down with Richie (maybe rehab in 2011, can't really remember exactly) but Nikki started tweeting stuff about Richie to get attention and gain followers. Don't remember the specifics, but I do remember thinking at the time she was overstepping her boundaries.

Also note how the mail article had a link to the fashion lines website. I'm sure it's come from there, she definitely likes using Richie to garner interest in her work and this story has gained her a lot of free publicity.

jessycardy 05-24-2013 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1133332)
In 479 pages of discussion, argument, emotional outcries, lunatic theories, photoshop madness and Twitter links, I genuinely can't remember this even being considered as a possibility.


Well, technically it WAS suggested... As in Heather may be sick or as in Denise looks bad beyond words... I guess the unforgivable mistake has been considering current/previous dates only. It's the unsuspected that's dangerous. HA!

DestinationJovi 05-24-2013 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1133326)
You know what, one thing that actually wouldn't surprise me is if Richie blew off the tour for a woman. Have we missed this all along?

He sure did take every opportunity during promo to announce he was SINGLE AND READY TO MINGLE!!! I know he said it during his google chat and on the Katy Couric show. I'm sure there were other times too.

Typical man. Thinking with the wrong head. ;)

jessycardy 05-24-2013 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1133339)
Also note how the mail article had a link to the fashion lines website. I'm sure it's come from there, she definitely likes using Richie to garner interest in her work and this story has gained her a lot of free publicity.

It has. We still don't know where that Richie Sambora Facebook fanpage got the info/picture/message from Nikki, but they either flat out lied and made up the whole thing, including the message... OR she actually DID message the page or several pages. And that STINKS.
Plus, she sounded so positively surprised a few days ago about the fact she gained so many likes in just a few hours. WONDER WHY!!!

Solid Sambora 05-25-2013 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1133343)
He sure did take every opportunity during promo to announce he was SINGLE AND READY TO MINGLE!!! I know he said it during his google chat and on the Katy Couric show. I'm sure there were other times too.

Typical man. Thinking with the wrong head. ;)

If it turns out he ran off with some 20 year old hot blonde (any update on this Georgie?), he'd still be a major dick for bailing on the tour, but at least he'll be a dick with a little rock and roll kudos. And a 20 year old hot blonde.

crashed 05-25-2013 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by CharlieShipley (Post 1133334)
I don't think so. Doesn't sound like his MO. However crazy his MO has become.

On a semi-related note, I just got off the phone with my mom, who's friend just told her her cousin "Georgie" (?) dated Richie. I have no other details.

Richie's MO is Richie likes women. A lot. And that's been the case since forever so it's always a possibility.

DestinationJovi 05-25-2013 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1133349)
If it turns out he ran off with some 20 year old hot blonde (any update on this Georgie?), he'd still be a major dick for bailing on the tour, but at least he'll be a dick with a little rock and roll kudos. And a 20 year old hot blonde.

He'd STILL be a major dick for bailing on the tour?

If all this is for a piece of ass, it would make him the biggest dick on the planet.

WillRunForChocolate 05-25-2013 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1133349)
If it turns out he ran off with some 20 year old hot blonde (any update on this Georgie?), he'd still be a major dick for bailing on the tour, but at least he'll be a dick with a little rock and roll kudos. And a 20 year old hot blonde.

He could get plenty of hot women on tour and he'd have a way easier time managing extra-curricular activities while on tour than at home in between giving driving lessons and chauffeuring his kid to school.

He just pisses me off at the moment. And his boots are ugly. So much for his fashion sense. :(

MrNickel 05-25-2013 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1133349)
If it turns out he ran off with some 20 year old hot blonde (any update on this Georgie?), he'd still be a major dick for bailing on the tour, but at least he'll be a dick with a little rock and roll kudos. And a 20 year old hot blonde.

Yeah I'd hate him but understand the need for some sugar daddy love.

Maybe Richie was told "theres no pussay allowed on this tour", so he said F that and went home to get some action.

Kriegentragen 05-25-2013 12:15 AM

5000th post in sight!!

ezearis 05-25-2013 12:16 AM

Richie and Georgie
sitting in a tree,

Solid Sambora 05-25-2013 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by WillRunForChocolate (Post 1133352)
He could get plenty of hot women on tour and he'd have a way easier time managing extra-curricular activities while on tour than at home in between giving driving lessons and chauffeuring his kid to school.

He just pisses me off at the moment. And his boots are ugly. So much for his fashion sense. :(

Maybe he's on to a good think with all the moms dropping their kids off?

jessycardy 05-25-2013 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1133355)
Richie and Georgie
sitting in a tree,

I'm laughing like an idiot.

Kiwi78 05-25-2013 12:19 AM

This is really getting ridiculous now... the slinging that's happened.

This has to be a load of crap. Surely?

RonJovi 05-25-2013 12:20 AM

Georgie could be a man...

Just throwing it out there.

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