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nikos greece 11-26-2013 06:33 PM

richie is far more involved than david and tico, i also thinks he cares more than any other of the guys with the exception of jon...he may let us down this last year but richie has offered too much time and effort in the bj machine, has played with injuries and its only the last years he isnt reliable...
we may all bought tickets and didnt get the whole package but richie is really important to the band no matter what anyone here believes...sadly or not it all comes down to jon and the way they will work it out.
ps.personally i cant enjoy the band without richie.
ps2.watching the interview and seeing jon admiting he hired a drummer was a bit sad in many ways, jon wants the job done and the rest of the guys dont really this point of thei career there are people in this board who care much more than the guys on stage ...

Captain_jovi 11-26-2013 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1156813)
Reading the album sleeves for the Foo's albums has always had a negative effect on me. I mean yes, Dave is an excellent drummer, but still kind of overrated just because he played drums on Nirvana. Taylor Hawkins is an amazing drummer both technically and in the feel department. He's just as capable a drummer as Dave, maybe even better on a lot of levels.... jmo of course...

I hear you. The liner notes won't even note that Dave drummed on the first three albums either.

nickolai 11-26-2013 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1156807)
Richie has worked much more than Tico or David in these 13 years. When Jon and Richie are writing together and recording a new album, while, Tico playing golf and David making musicals. Remember Jon's work ethic.

You literally are off your tits

rolo_tomachi 11-26-2013 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1156817)
You literally are off your tits

What I'm saying is that Richie has bled much more than David and Tico in the band.

When David and Tico were doing his solo stuff, Richie was with Jon preparing new songs of BJ. All this is ignored and forgotten because Richie left the tour, that sucks.

samboraisgodUK 11-26-2013 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1156817)
You literally are off your tits

Come on now, we're better than this.

nickolai 11-26-2013 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by samboraisgodUK (Post 1156820)
Come on now, we're better than this.

Porquoi? He literally is

Captain_jovi 11-26-2013 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1156819)
What I'm saying is that Richie has bled much more than David and Tico in the band.

When David and Tico were doing his solo stuff, Richie was with Jon preparing new songs of BJ. All this is ignored and forgotten because Richie left the tour, that sucks.

Because Richie was one of Jon's songwriting partners. We're going to penalize Tico for not writing songs with Jon now?

JerseyGiant 11-26-2013 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1156819)
What I'm saying is that Richie has bled much more than David and Tico in the band.

When David and Tico were doing his solo stuff, Richie was with Jon preparing new songs of BJ. All this is ignored and forgotten because Richie left the tour, that sucks.

Dude seriously... I won't have a bad word said about the hitman! ;) especially after this tour!

golittleperson 11-26-2013 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1156819)
What I'm saying is that Richie has bled much more than David and Tico in the band.

When David and Tico were doing his solo stuff, Richie was with Jon preparing new songs of BJ. All this is ignored and forgotten because Richie left the tour, that sucks.

Richie was/is well paid for all the work he put in as " Bon Jovi Consigliere"
I've read several times that Dolly Pardon made more from I Will Always Love You than Whitney. If you write the song & perform, double cha ching.
For me, the level of his contribution makes him not being there all the more of a sting. Now, all respect to David & Tico - hard working music men, so not meaning to diminish their part.

Where I used to work, we had to pay a monthly fee to ASCAP because we broadcast music over our system and the public could listen (on site only), but we were broadcasters. We had Nothing to do with the music/entertainment industry.

TwinFan 11-26-2013 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1156819)
What I'm saying is that Richie has bled much more than David and Tico in the band.

There is absolutely positively NO way to prove this.


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1156819)
When David and Tico were doing his solo stuff, Richie was with Jon preparing new songs of BJ.

You have effectively contradicted everything you've been posting for months now. You're the one saying how Jon is an evil evil man for making the band do another album so soon, and now you're applauding Richie for working on the album. And again, there's no proof to your statement that Richie was the only one besides Jon who was there while Dave and Tico were elsewhere.


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1156807)
Richie has worked much more than Tico or David in these 13 years. When Jon and Richie are writing together and recording a new album, while, Tico playing golf and David making musicals. Remember Jon's work ethic.

When has it EVER been said that Tico and Dave are somewhere else doing non-band things and Richie is the only one there during the album process? You're pulling bullshit facts out of your ass.

Plus, YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT WORK ETHIC IS!!!!!11!1!!!!one!!!!11!!!!


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1156813)
Reading the album sleeves for the Foo's albums has always had a negative effect on me. I mean yes, Dave is an excellent drummer, but still kind of overrated just because he played drums on Nirvana. Taylor Hawkins is an amazing drummer both technically and in the feel department. He's just as capable a drummer as Dave, maybe even better on a lot of levels.... jmo of course...

Agreed. Taylor Hawkins is one of my favorite drummers ever. He clearly loves doing what he does, and I firmly believe that he's a better drummer than Dave. Plus he can sing pretty well.


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1156806)
Aloha !

Yeah, and he didn't. And they all went back on tour anyway. And did all of their shows. But Richie, because Richie's a ****ing spoiled drunk brat who can't get his shit together. But oh let's keep praising Richie and curse evil, evil Jon.

Salaam Aleikum,

Exactly this. Richie is a god, Jon is the problem here obviously. :rolleyes:

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