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Shaz 11-27-2013 01:53 AM

A sh*t I no longer give.

Beaky 11-27-2013 09:44 AM

To be fair, I have read interviews where Jon bemoans he and Richie being the guys stuck in the studio while the others are off 'playing golf' - I remember that specific reference.

I just find it sad that this thread is all we have at the moment. In fact, since it became clear Richie wasn't coming back this tour (and I don't believe there is one single person on this planet other than JBJ who can say whether he'll ever come back) that all we've done is b*tch and moan at each other - myself included.

In Jon's defence, everything everyone is bringing up has been known by us for years - his work ethic etc. So if we've known it, it's hardly going to be a surprise to his bandmates is it.

I think the difference in Bon Jovi for me, is simple -

Jon has changed: He wants to be more of what he sees as a Bruce-type performer... the transition from lively frontman to Takamine-slinging statue has not been seamless, is totally noticeable and was hugely disappointing for me.

Richie has changed: He was proud of ONE album that was released over the last 14 months and that was AOTL. He is flaky and clearly doesn't like something that Jon has done and won't stand by it. Whether it's the 'album & tour too soon' scenario (which I think is part of it but he SHOULD have stated his case to JBJ earlier) and something else also - but it's clear his commitment hasn't been as it should have. What RS doesn't get is, you can say you love your band and your fans as much as you want - words mean sh*t when you're not out on tour unless you're honest about what made you leave.

Whether he comes back or not, Jon has just proved he doesn't have to change a thing for anyone... except maybe the key to every song written pre-2008.

semigoodlookin 11-27-2013 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1156840)
To be fair, I have read interviews where Jon bemoans he and Richie being the guys stuck in the studio while the others are off 'playing golf' - I remember that specific reference.

I remember that reference in the documentary, but he (Jon) was including Richie as one of those "playing golf" too.

Sissy3 11-27-2013 04:41 PM

Jon's also made reference to calling for a rehearsal and Richie not showing up. He made be a taskmaster but apparently the guys do tell him no once in awhile. :) It's just that this time, Richie's "no" snowballed into what it now is.

nickolai 11-27-2013 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1156825)

Plus, YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT WORK ETHIC IS!!!!!11!1!!!!one!!!!11!!!!


How did you say "****ING" without it being blocked???! Very impressed Twitfan

Slakk 11-27-2013 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1156811)
"Making musicals" is hard work. And Tico is an accomplished artist and has a clothing line himself. Good examples though.:rolleyes:

A TONY AWARD WINNING Musical plus at least three others.

TwinFan 11-27-2013 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1156922)

How did you say "****ING" without it being blocked???! Very impressed Twitfan

Look closely and notice how I italicized just the "u". ;)

crashed 11-27-2013 10:25 PM

Why did this site start blocking the F word anyway?

Becky 11-27-2013 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1156928)
Why did this site start blocking the F word anyway?

Certain words were blocked to help people who can log on from their work computers not set off red flags with the monitors of their systems. If certain words show up in the filters, the site could get blocked or the person using the site could get reprimanded/fired for being on an adult-content site. This was put into place many years ago before smart phones were so plentiful. It was done to allow people to use the site and increase traffic to the site, not to be prudish.

nickolai 11-27-2013 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1156929)
Certain words were blocked to help people who can log on from their work computers not set off red flags with the monitors of their systems. If certain words show up in the filters, the site could get blocked or the person using the site could get reprimanded/fired for being on an adult-content site. This was put into place many years ago before smart phones were so plentiful. It was done to allow people to use the site and increase traffic to the site, not to be prudish.

But shit, wanker and cunt still aren't censored. Weird

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