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golittleperson 12-15-2013 04:23 AM

IMO we can about shut down this record breaking thread. Maybe someone can start a new one: Where in the world is Richie Sambora?

His new fashionista was posting bikini promos of herself for the new summer line on twitter yesterday, wonder what happened to the model they hired? I don't follow, won't but too many RT. Will always make me sick as a fan of the music, crossed the line - that crew hurt his image for me. They stirred this pot, no doubt. But it's over.

He's doing damage control, finally with a bit of sense to it and I actually believe a lot of it. I understand not wanting to go out the door and not knowing when that feeling will hit, especially as a parent. He's been looking after Mom - no one could ever begrudge that. Some of the things we discussed actually fit now, all the summer twitters about his music, maybe he was trying to remember why he loved it once and not just feeding his ego....... Even Jon said it wasn't meant to hurt anyone. Doesn't mean it didn't.

He is and to me will always be one of the greatest guitarists, and I enjoy his vocals. I'm like someone else said a while back - I can't help but love him, even when he does what feels like stupid s. to those of us not in his world. LA can be shallow & he's lived it?? Wish he had stayed in Jersey.

I also must admit a lot of my anger is at myself. I could have done Charlotte but was broke and didn't want to use plastic. It very well could have been my last chance with Richie on that stage too.

Hope in a few years there is a new tour tread - with him back. But, at least at my house, maybe usually means not likely in a PC way.

Good Night Gracie! :( To those with shows still left - have a blast.

rocknation 12-15-2013 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1158007)
IMO we can about shut down this record breaking thread

Not until after the 12/17 show on Tuesday. Then the tour, at least, will be officially over, if not the official beginning of the end... ;)

steel_horse75 12-15-2013 10:47 PM

In new year there will be an announcement re Sambora and Jovi.

Becky 12-15-2013 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1158082)
In new year there will be an announcement re Sambora and Jovi.

Is that speculation or inside info?

steel_horse75 12-16-2013 02:44 PM

just my thoughts.

There must be. I mean, they cant go away for 3 years come back with a new album, new tour and new full time member.

They also cant come back with new album, tour and Richie - with nothing being said about him going awol for the best part of a year.

Something needs to be said when the tour is over.

semigoodlookin 12-16-2013 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1158134)
just my thoughts.

There must be. I mean, they cant go away for 3 years come back with a new album, new tour and new full time member.

They also cant come back with new album, tour and Richie - with nothing being said about him going awol for the best part of a year.

Something needs to be said when the tour is over.

While it would be the best thing to do, I think we have no chance unless a new member is announced or Richie´s departure is made permanent.

If things are resolved and Richie is back in the fold, I fully expect nothing to be said at all and for the next cycle to happen when it happens. Why? Well, imagine Bon Jovi announces that Richie is going to be back in the band and will record the next album, do the tour etc. What if he then bails again next tour, it would leave Jon with plenty of egg on his face.

No, if Richie comes back it will be quietly into the next cycle as if nothing has happened.

Bounce7800 12-16-2013 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1158134)
just my thoughts.

There must be. I mean, they cant go away for 3 years come back with a new album, new tour and new full time member.

They also cant come back with new album, tour and Richie - with nothing being said about him going awol for the best part of a year.

Something needs to be said when the tour is over.

Nah, why announce something now if they aren't coming back for 3 years? Things may have changed in that time and Richie could be back. It's a long time and the water could be well under the bridge by then.

They've hardly been generous with the news updates anyway so I wouldn't expect anything to change there. If they have a new album without Richie they will deal with it at the time.

Chris_Newton 12-16-2013 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1158139)
Nah, why announce something now if they aren't coming back for 3 years? Things may have changed in that time and Richie could be back. It's a long time and the water could be well under the bridge by then.

They've hardly been generous with the news updates anyway so I wouldn't expect anything to change there. If they have a new album without Richie they will deal with it at the time.

Where was it said they will be back in 3 years? I have a feeling this could be the last tour! Bloody hope im wrong.

nickolai 12-16-2013 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1158139)
Nah, why announce something now if they aren't coming back for 3 years? Things may have changed in that time and Richie could be back. It's a long time and the water could be well under the bridge by then.

They've hardly been generous with the news updates anyway so I wouldn't expect anything to change there. If they have a new album without Richie they will deal with it at the time.

Yeah I agree with all the above. Time is a great healer and there needs to be a pre Keep The Faith soul searching.

Jayster 12-16-2013 11:50 PM

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