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Chris_Newton 12-24-2013 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1158667)
Y'know, I hate to break it to y'all, it being the holiday season and everything, but there really is no Santa Claus... or Tooth Fairy... or Easter Bunny. And Jon Bon Jovi has, on occasion, been known to spin the truth.

While I can't speak for the others who also noted that every word that falls from Jon's lips may not be Gospel, I personally think, that like everyone else on the Planet (including Richie Sambora, in case some people can't comprehend, once and for all, that I'm not hatin' on their demi-god), Jon occasionally tells a fib, stretches the truth, or rewrites history. It doesn't make him Evil Incarnate - it just makes him human. And if all it takes to knock him off that pedestal, on which you seem so determined to keep him, is for someone to insinuate that he needs to tighten his spin, then you need to tighten the loose screw that you have holding him there.

As for conspiracy theories, what can I say? I love a good debate and I love a good mystery. Throw in a little good music, and who could ask for anything more? I still don't think we have the whole story - may never have given the 'secrets to grave' mentality we're dealing with - so my little brain just keeps on digging for clues. Sorry if that upsets you. (Not really, but it sounded good. Oh wait, did I just lie? ... maybe.)

Please tell me this is not true..there is no santy claus?..hell i best go and buy presents for everyone then! wish you could have told me this a few days ago, give me a bit of notice !!

Off to the shops..........

jovifan93 12-24-2013 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Chris_Newton (Post 1158671)
Please tell me this is not true..there is no santy claus?..hell i best go and buy presents for everyone then! wish you could have told me this a few days ago, give me a bit of notice !!

Off to the shops..........

Haha, classic :-D

golittleperson 12-24-2013 02:49 PM

Since this seems to still be the place for RS: Video on YT :

MrIks from Finland 12-24-2013 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1158684)
Since this seems to still be the place for RS: Video on YT :

He looks like a hobo.

Beaky 12-24-2013 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by MrIks from Finland (Post 1158685)
He looks like a hobo.

So does Keith Richards...

Seriously - when he's dressed up like a female extra from Jersey Shore everyone calls him an old tart, when he throws on a t-shirt and a cap he's a hobo.

I am NOT on anyone's side but people say Jon can't do wrong for doing right... honestly.

Let me save everyone the bother for the next comment or two - I think he licked his lips and blinked his left eye only at 3.32 - he must have a brick of heroin shoved in his arse.

JackieBlue 12-24-2013 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Chris_Newton (Post 1158671)
Please tell me this is not true..there is no santy claus?..hell i best go and buy presents for everyone then! wish you could have told me this a few days ago, give me a bit of notice !!

Off to the shops..........

Dear Chris!!!

So sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings. And you're right; I should have scheduled my meltdown sooner. If only we knew these things ahead of time...

Oh well, at least you have a few hours left!

Happy shopping!
The Grinch

Becky 12-24-2013 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1158670)

And I'm probably just wasting computer (and sleep) time anyway because Simon & Garfunkel had it right when they said, "A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest." :cool:

You're describing yourself perfectly there. But it's Christmas so I'm not going to waste a happy holiday arguing with you when, as others have pointed out, the stories STILL LINE UP.

JackieBlue 12-24-2013 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1158691)
You're describing yourself perfectly there. But it's Christmas so I'm not going to waste a happy holiday arguing with you when, as others have pointed out, the stories STILL LINE UP.

You're absolutely correct, Becky! It describes almost everyone, myself included. That's why it's such a great line. I was laughing at myself there as much as anyone else. Blame it on lack of sleep! :rolleyes:

And of course the stories "line up". The rhetoric would fall apart if they didn't. Jon's mama didn't raise no dingaling! ;)

Merry Christmas, darlin'! (And keep that screwdriver handy!)

JackieBlue 12-24-2013 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1158688)
So does Keith Richards...

Seriously - when he's dressed up like a female extra from Jersey Shore everyone calls him an old tart, when he throws on a t-shirt and a cap he's a hobo.

I am NOT on anyone's side but people say Jon can't do wrong for doing right... honestly.

Let me save everyone the bother for the next comment or two - I think he licked his lips and blinked his left eye only at 3.32 - he must have a brick of heroin shoved in his arse.

HO! HO! HO! Methinks somebody's gonna get nothing but coal and switches in his stocking tonight! Pretty sure I just saw a "naughty" check by your name. :)

"He's making a list and checking it twice..."

DestinationJovi 12-24-2013 07:29 PM

In this most recent interview he said "it was 3:30 in the afternoon when you get a phone call that says 'I'm not coming' and it wasn't even from him. *chuckle*"

He CLEARLY and intentionally is implying that Richie didn't make the phone call to anyone..not to Jon, Paul, or anyone else. We know from interviews in April that Richie called Paul, but now the story has changed.

Richie is hardly a saint. He has changed his story many times too, but for Christ's sake put the kool-aide down long enough to see that Jon is twisting his version of events that day.

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