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Supersonic 01-03-2014 09:49 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1159134)

Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1159130)
So, Sissy, which is it? Richie's not with the band because he 'wants to play with everyone but the band...' or because 'Jon's holding the cards' and 'wants a 100% alcohol free band, which he knows he won't get with Richie'?

Or maybe you just go with whatever gets in the best dig at Richie with each news release...

Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you were holding a grudge, were you?
First of all I don't respond or even keep up with every Richie news item. Second, I don't believe I'm the one who made some of those comments you are attributing to me. At least I don't recall making any "Jon's holding the cards...100% alcohol free, etc." comment. But this thread has gone on so long, who can remember what they did or did not post? Regardless of the problem you seem to have with me, it's a new year and I'm not going to let a stranger on a Bon Jovi board ruin my day. Have a good one. :D

Salaam Aleikum,

crashed 01-03-2014 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by efiste2 (Post 1159141)
Make no mistake, as has been said many times before, RICHIE WILL BE BACK IN BON JOVI, perhaps not for a long while, but the Re-Union tour will already be swilling around the CEO's head. Jon has always said once its a re-uinon/historic thing its over, but the temptation of once again being the biggest tour on the planet and all the financial reward that comes with it is FAR too tempting for everyone involved, especially Jon!!!

A reunion thing would be if the band had split up. The band haven't split up and have continued touring without Richie. Richie will, if he comes back, slip back into the band as if nothing had happened.

jovifan93 01-03-2014 11:23 PM

You know what? I just watched the Hyde Park broadcast and had so much - I didn't miss Richie at all, hell, I even liked Phil's vocals on Wanted. If Richie doesn't want to come back, so be it. If he does, fine with me as well. That is, if there is a future for the band, which I sincerely hope there is. That's really all there is to say, what anyone one of us wants or wishes doesn't really matter I'm afraid... Now go ahead and stone me :-D

Sissy3 01-03-2014 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1159144)

I'd be the brunette. ;)

Kiwi78 01-04-2014 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by jovifan93 (Post 1159147)
You know what? I just watched the Hyde Park broadcast and had so much - I didn't miss Richie at all, hell, I even liked Phil's vocals on Wanted. If Richie doesn't want to come back, so be it. If he does, fine with me as well. That is, if there is a future for the band, which I sincerely hope there is. That's really all there is to say, what anyone one of us wants or wishes doesn't really matter I'm afraid... Now go ahead and stone me :-D

I was surprised at the Aussie shows how much I didn't notice - I mean there are definitely certain moments you do notice, Wanted, IBTFY - of course aren't the same but they're still really good. Phil did a great job - if he continues then they've got my support as is the same if Richie decides to come back. I'm ok with both options as long as whoever is there, wants to be there.

We were watching some of the footage we shot over Xmas from the shows and I've gotta say between both Dave and Phil the back up vocals are strong and polished.

JackieBlue 01-05-2014 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1159144)


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1159149)
I'd be the brunette. ;)

Interesting choice. But fair enough... since I guess I "meowed" (or hissed) first, you get to choose.

(Speaking of which... while we're pulling hair and scratching at each other, think maybe Seb can explain why it is that when men challenge each other it's a "debate" but when women do it it's a cat-fight? :rolleyes:)

I'm sorry, Sissy; it wasn't my intent to mess up anyone's day and I don't have a problem with you at all. The remark just hit a hot button for some reason yesterday. My bad.

DevilsSon 01-06-2014 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1159123)
It's like Richie wants to play with everyone but the band that made him rich and known. :-?

And thank goodness for that!

Javier 01-06-2014 12:30 AM

I'm glad that Richie seems to be back into music. Whether it's with the band or not, it doesn't matter anymore, he's doing what he wants, I'm just happy that it seems like music has taken a step further up from the fashion thing. Cool of him, whenever I see vids of him now he looks understandably rusty, so just keep playing Mr. Sambo, I know you will get that swing back!! :)

rolo_tomachi 01-06-2014 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Passionflower (Post 1159126)

hey, BOB ROCK!:D

efpg0708 01-07-2014 11:07 PM

Ok, first of all, I know that many of you will think: ok, he's making this up, I don't believe him. I'm not asking you to believe me, but here it goes:

My brother has a friend in California who has a lot of contacts with a lot of artists in the music industry. Last night, my brother invited him to have dinner with us in Miami, and we began talking about music. I asked him: do you know why did Richie leave and didn't come back ? His answer was:

"Yes. Drugs. He's full of it. He tried and wanted to come back, but Jon said no. He's not reliable anymore. He was missing rehearsals and stuff. So they kicked him out of the tour. "

Then I asked: is he ever coming back ?

"Unless he quits drugs, no."

That was his answer. Like I said, he's a very reliable source. This version of the story makes a lot of sense to me.

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