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steel_horse75 01-20-2014 08:47 AM

So Richie quit the tour to spend time with his daughter, mum etc.

Well he is bored of that as he is ****ing off to Oz to play Jovi cover versions to a crowd of metal heads!!

Remfild 01-20-2014 11:52 AM

Well he spend a lot of time with Ava and now he is hungry to play. How long you want him to stay at home ? year ? two ? till he get back to playing with Jon ?
He stayed at home for couple of months with his daughter, rest, and now he's back to doin some music.

Walkerboy 01-20-2014 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1160292)
So Richie quit the tour to spend time with his daughter, mum etc.

Well he is bored of that as he is ****ing off to Oz to play Jovi cover versions to a crowd of metal heads!!

Bit of a difference between a 10 month world tour and a handful of dates in one country......

Beaky 01-20-2014 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Walkerboy (Post 1160314)
Bit of a difference between a 10 month world tour and a handful of dates in one country......

Spot on.

Not sure if anyone else has mentioned it but in his recent interviews he has gone as far as to mention that he made it clear BEFORE the tour started that he didn't want to do it but the rest of the band were up for it.

This spells out to me why the band looked so f*cking miserable when they were doing press, why there was such early disharmony over the song selection early on in the tour, why RS was acting petulant and missing rehearsals again (before someone says 'he's always done this' - but it never p*ssed Jon off enough for him to mention it to the press) and why Jon expected the call from Richie saying he was bailing.

Richie tells Jon he doesn't want to tour - the rest of the band sign up to it. Richie is basically caught in a catch 22. Had RS stood his ground, I get the feeling we would have got an entire Bon Jovi tour with Phil X anyway...

I have to say, in Richie's position, if he truly put his case to the rest of the guys and they decided to tour anyway, I would feel let down by THEM, as much as they can feel let down by him. Everyone has their opinion, I am saying it's a sad state of affairs and he shouldn't have been in the position where he had to choose. Blame who you want.

I don't see the sense in bashing him for going out on a tour he didn't want to do and realising that life is too short, then giving it up to be with his daughter. I missed him but I have a daughter and I'd miss her more.

rolo_tomachi 01-20-2014 03:19 PM

Although Richie refers to the band, I think actually only refers to Jon. This tour could have been delayed a few months, everything would have been better, and all this shit would not have happened.

wichi850262 01-20-2014 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1160292)
So Richie quit the tour to spend time with his daughter, mum etc.

Well he is bored of that as he is ****ing off to Oz to play Jovi cover versions to a crowd of metal heads!!

Let that aggression out...maybe you'll find peace soon.

He had his reasons, he upset people, he's now apologised. But at the end of the day it's his life, family and he wanted out. So what? Time to get over it. Most others have.

I wish him good luck and look forward to his future gigs and albums....a lot more than the next BJ releases. The band definitely needs a break and hopefully a return to good music and to hell with following trends.

Nuff sed.

nickolai 01-20-2014 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by wichi850262 (Post 1160650)
Nuff sed.

er...not really. I dont think its unreasonable that people were pissed off in HOW he quit the tour. I totally get his reasons for quitting and actually agree that the tour came too soon after the last one.

But he made that commitment to the tour and bailed. After people bought tickets to see him in Bon Jovi. People purchased flights, took time off work and paid for hotels thinking he would be there. Thats why people were pissed off and why people probably wont go to the next tour. Because they cant trust him. He's got previous

Beaky 01-20-2014 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1160652)
er...not really. I dont think its unreasonable that people were pissed off in HOW he quit the tour. I totally get his reasons for quitting and actually agree that the tour came too soon after the last one.

But he made that commitment to the tour and bailed. After people bought tickets to see him in Bon Jovi. People purchased flights, took time off work and paid for hotels thinking he would be there. Thats why people were pissed off and why people probably wont go to the next tour. Because they cant trust him. He's got previous

I think, if I were in Richie's position, I'd get that and totally take it on the chin. I think he probably knows he has to build trust again but I also think he won't keep apologising so it's up to the individual fans if they accept it or not.

Having heard his reasons, I don't think he owes me an apology. I think, as it is, this band is one god awful mess from top to bottom and unless that changes, then that is the reason why I won't go to the next tour; whether Richie is part of it or not.

rolo_tomachi 01-21-2014 12:34 AM

Richie wanted to do some solo shows and also wanted to play a couple of songs in each show from BWC tour. HE did not agree with the new tour, but he accept for these reasons. IMO, Jon did not allow him to play "the Aftermath songs" at every show.

It seems that Jon does not want to make happy his band. However his band have the obligation to make happy the CEO.

Bill23 01-21-2014 12:39 AM

We still don't have an explanation as for why (allegedly) no one knew anything until "3 PM today when I got the call". Richie had 3 weeks between the Lubbock show & Calgary...unless he talked to Jon about it earlier & Jon called his bluff?

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