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Captain_jovi 01-21-2014 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1160658)
Richie wanted to do some solo shows and also wanted to play a couple of songs in each show from BWC tour. HE did not agree with the new tour, but he accept for these reasons. IMO, Jon did not allow him to play "the Aftermath songs" at every show.

It seems that Jon does not want to make happy his band. However his band have the obligation to make happy the CEO.

No one in the crowd wants to hear Aftermath songs. Jon's in the right if that's honestly why he bolted (and I don't think it is).

Rdkopper 01-21-2014 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1160663)
No one in the crowd wants to hear Aftermath songs. Jon's in the right if that's honestly why he bolted (and I don't think it is).

And no one wants to hear Capt Crash either but that doesn't stop Jon.

JackieBlue 01-21-2014 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1160654)
I think, if I were in Richie's position, I'd get that and totally take it on the chin. I think he probably knows he has to build trust again but I also think he won't keep apologising so it's up to the individual fans if they accept it or not.

Having heard his reasons, I don't think he owes me an apology. I think, as it is, this band is one god awful mess from top to bottom and unless that changes, then that is the reason why I won't go to the next tour; whether Richie is part of it or not.

I agree. And why should he apologize again? The fans who are pissed off and probably yelled the loudest that he owed them an apology are now saying he's not sincere (big surprise!), that it's just for show so they'll support him, that he REALLY owes the apology first to the crew - THEN he should cone back to make it right with the fans...the man can't win.

No amount of apologizing is going to make it right with those who are mad. They're enjoying their anger too much to let it go right now.

As you say, Richie has explained and apologized. It's up to the individual fans whether they accept it or not.

I sincerely hope that if Richie's not totally 100 f*cking percent responsible for this mess that at some point the truth comes out and all these "fans" have to eat their words. Because he's taken a beating these past nine months. If it turns out that it's deserved that's one thing. If it's not, It will be interesting to see how those who have judged him so harshly and prematurely plan to apologize and make it up to him.

Captain_jovi 01-21-2014 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1160667)
And no one wants to hear Capt Crash either but that doesn't stop Jon.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Captain Crash goes over far far far better (in certain countries) than Aftermath songs ever would. Jon milks the crowd to dance and sing and sway with him for Captain Crash and it works. It's over played, it's annoying, it's plasticy but it works. It's just shtick but you're naive if you think it's on the same level as a solo song from an album that failed to sell sung by someone that isn't the singer.

jovifan93 01-21-2014 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1160667)
And no one wants to hear Capt Crash either but that doesn't stop Jon.

Yes I do, great song! :-) And I love this town, bring it on, every show! :-D

rolo_tomachi 01-21-2014 11:06 AM

What About Now, The Fighter, not running and Amen fail miserably. In the past, nineties, Richie played "Stranger in This Town" everynight. Now, that's over. Ask the CEO.

bonjovi90 01-21-2014 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1160679)
What About Now, The Fighter, not running and Amen fail miserably. In the past, nineties, Richie played "Stranger in This Town" everynight. Now, that's over. Ask the CEO.

In fact, Stranger never was played night after night. The only time it appeared rather frequently was during the final shows of the TD tour.

I agree with the first part - I'm sure here in Europe a Richie song like Stranger or even Every Road would've gone over much better than most of the WAN songs.

Captain_jovi 01-21-2014 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1160679)
What About Now, The Fighter, not running and Amen fail miserably. In the past, nineties, Richie played "Stranger in This Town" everynight. Now, that's over. Ask the CEO.

I don't have the internet to back me up so I honestly don't know, what was the reaction in America when Richie sang Stranger? I know that album didn't flop as bad as Aftermath but it didn't do great either. What was the reception like at shows, does anyone know?

rolo_tomachi 01-21-2014 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1160690)
I don't have the internet to back me up so I honestly don't know, what was the reaction in America when Richie sang Stranger? I know that album didn't flop as bad as Aftermath but it didn't do great either. What was the reception like at shows, does anyone know?

I do not think that playing "Every Road" or "Seven Years Gone" was inconceivable in this last tour. But for some reason, Jon did not want to make happy to Richie.

JackieBlue 01-21-2014 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Bill23 (Post 1160659)
We still don't have an explanation as for why (allegedly) no one knew anything until "3 PM today when I got the call". Richie had 3 weeks between the Lubbock show & Calgary...unless he talked to Jon about it earlier & Jon called his bluff?

Yeah, this is the part that still puzzles me, too. Jon said he wasn't surprised when he got the call - so he apparently knew something was up, yet was confident enough that Richie would be in Calgary that he didn't have Phil-X on site. Do you think maybe the power struggle/negotiations (or whatever they referred to when RS said, "We're just not happenin' right now" and JBJ said, "... or you say, "I hate my brother and you quit the band...") carried on through the break? If it was a standoff, and given that it seems RS played the last card on show day, could it be that it was RS who called Jon's bluff over something?

The other question that won't let me go is what happened between the start of the tour and Lubbock that set up Richie's non-return in April? I don't think RS would have started the tour if he truly had no intention of finishing it. From accounts I've read here of how amazing Cleveland was things seemed ok then. In Lubbock I thought RS seemed preoccupied during IBTFY, then right before the outro, it seemed to me like something kicked in and he caught fire. (I'm not the performance critics some of you guys are, though, so I'd be interested in your thoughts about that.)

After he didn't show up in Calgary, I wondered if he knew in Lubbock he wasn't going to finish the tour and that was the reason for his preoccupation (if he was and it wasn't just my imagination :) )

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