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nickolai 03-01-2014 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1165475)
He took a shot at Jon for continuing the tour he left last minute. How did you take it?

Wow, i knew Richie was a dick about all this, but his arrogance in this interview takes him to a whole new level of dickhead-ery

Bill23 03-01-2014 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1165444)

I guess Richie thinks the world should stop spinning if he wants to get off for a while. Screw everyone else.

I love the band Bon Jovi (Richie included) but he comes across like a dick in this magazine.

Passionflower 03-01-2014 06:26 AM

I'm confused.

I've been reading these Richie articles and he's either saying it's all about family as his reason for leaving so it was his choice, but at the same time saying the band isn't the same without him in it.

He says fans want the real thing. But wasn't Richie the one who, on his own, stopped that from happening by leaving the tour suddenly?

Or did he really expect Jon would cancel the tour without him there? I also read where he said that the guys wanted to continue so Richie said, fine go ahead, where it sounded like it didn't bother him that they continued without him.

I feel like there is a lot that is not being said. Seems like Richie is bitter and it's coming out in these articles and in the solo shows with the voiceovers that some people think are somehow messages to Jon.

Beaky 03-01-2014 08:07 AM

The tour should never have started, with or without him.

This just shows what everyone has been thinking for a while - that a slice of the reason he couldn't be out on the road for a year was being around Jon.

I can't believe we're all still picking over this. Jon is a man with a vision - that vision, over the past thirty years has served him and the band every well. Like every good CEO, he assembles people under him who do good work. If they don't pull in the same direction, they are out the door (Doc, Alec).

I think Richie looked up one day and he was being treated like a hired hand for a band he wrote a shit load of material for. This pissed him off. He should have said outright - 'No, we ain't touring,' but I firmly believe he knew Jon would go without him, so he did it. But between the obvious bitterness and then having a week break with his daughter, he thought 'Life's too short for this - he can replace me, so let's see how he gets on.'

How did they get on? That's up to us as individuals to decide. Personally, I think Bon Jovi were way under par in 2013 but lots of fans didn't care if Richie was there or not because for them, the band is about Jon and whoever is close to him - hence the massive Phil love-ins and Matt stalkers on Twitter.
Then those people come on here and bitch about Richie. Who gives a f**k? You didn't care anyway.

It happened. It's done. Richie is now out there making music, getting better at every gig and if Jon ever manages to sort his vocals out and do the same I'll be happy. These guys make shitty music together right now. They BOTH dealt with this like passive aggressive kids and should have sat in a room and had it out in 2012.

So I prefer them on their own for the moment - rather than further sullying the legacy of this once great band.

Javier 03-01-2014 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Passionflower (Post 1165534)
I'm confused.

I've been reading these Richie articles and he's either saying it's all about family as his reason for leaving so it was his choice, but at the same time saying the band isn't the same without him in it.

He says fans want the real thing. But wasn't Richie the one who, on his own, stopped that from happening by leaving the tour suddenly?

Or did he really expect Jon would cancel the tour without him there? I also read where he said that the guys wanted to continue so Richie said, fine go ahead, where it sounded like it didn't bother him that they continued without him.

I feel like there is a lot that is not being said. Seems like Richie is bitter and it's coming out in these articles and in the solo shows with the voiceovers that some people think are somehow messages to Jon.

Yes to all this. He's contradicting himself depending on what mood he's in and how many he's had at that particular moment.

Bounce7800 03-01-2014 05:58 PM

Is it just me or does it seem like Richie's Twitter is now being run by someone else, much like his FB feed?

Captain_jovi 03-01-2014 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1165939)
Is it just me or does it seem like Richie's Twitter is now being run by someone else, much like his FB feed?

Yeah his FB made the announcement that it's no longer his personal account but if he has a message he wants to get out to the fans they'll make it clear it's from him.

Alphavictim 03-11-2014 06:27 PM

Akma, what's it with the 1x1 pixel white dot in your signature anyway?

ticos_stick 03-12-2014 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1165939)
Is it just me or does it seem like Richie's Twitter is now being run by someone else, much like his FB feed?

He has been tweeting pics of ducks in his pool today. Seems like he's still very much at the helm of his social media musings.

rolo_tomachi 03-12-2014 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1172070)
He has been tweeting pics of ducks in his pool today. Seems like he's still very much at the helm of his social media musings.

Yeah, like Tony Soprano.

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