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mo_rizwan 03-16-2014 05:55 AM

OK, what have I missed?

Are these babies still not talking to each other?

CKatz 03-16-2014 07:54 AM

Becky's theory that Richie might still be under some contract makes sense to me. (I don't agree with anything else she said That is the only thing that explains why Richie just doesn't come out and say he quit. He is quite outspoken about everything else concerning Bon Jovi. But if that's the case, then how long will it take for him to get out of that contract? And what will it take? I don't think Jon will make it easy for him since he wants the band to stay together.

CKatz 03-16-2014 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1172990)
What's Richie saying in the video about "??... Shannon wrote it before that and he did a lot better of a job with it"?? Is he taking a dig at how the song is a rip-off?? Weird Richie, weird.....

Richie wasn't saying Jon's Runaway was a rip-off. He was saying Del Shannon's song Runaway from 1961 was a much better song (which I agree with):

Whether you agree with him on that is up to personal taste.

(Bonnie Raitt also has a song called Runaway which is also a much better song, imo)

CKatz 03-16-2014 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1173020)
I wish they'd just say he's quit and that's that. Jon, Tico, and Dave and go on and be just fine without Richie and as long as Richie can hitch a ride on Orianthi's --or someone else's-- coattails he'll be fine too. He knew 30 years ago that Jon was a star and he wanted in on that and now he's found someone who's current to associate with. He'll never be a STAR on his own merits IMO. (Until he dies. Then critics will hail him as one of the greats.)

You give Jon WAY too much credit... It's Jon's record contract. If he felt he could do it alone in 1983, he would have. The same is true today. Some of you are convinced that Jon will do a solo album. I doubt that very much, because Jon is too success oriented. He tried it once, it didn't do what he expected it to do. He hasn't mentioned doing one since, because he now sees Bon Jovi albums as his solo albums (they sell more).
Jon has been "riding coattails" as you put it this whole time. He did it with the band, especially with Richie. He did it by bringing Desmond Child into the mix. He did it on Blaze of Glory, he had a huge motion picture behind it as promo. He did it with Dave Stewart (and another movie starring Demi Moore, Kevin Bacon, Whoopi Goldberg, etc. as promo) on Destination Anywhere.. only this time it only worked in Germany. He did it again with Not Running Anymore...once again a movie behind it, because that is the only way Jon's solo music will get any attention. The only reason Jon ever became a star is because he had a lot of help (mostly Richie's and Desmond's). Do you think Jon wouldn't jump at the chance of working with other artists? Of course he would, he just doesn't get many offers because he's not well respected among critics or peers. He was never known as a great singer. He is only asked to write songs for other artists if Richie and Desmond are a part of it...and even that has died down.
There is a reason Jon said the NFL is now his priority.

Supersonic 03-16-2014 08:58 AM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1173109)
Becky's theory that Richie might still be under some contract makes sense to me. (I don't agree with anything else she said That is the only thing that explains why Richie just doesn't come out and say he quit.

I don't think he has the balls to quit. The contract he's under is probably rewarding on a financial level, but not on a creative one. He's been going on about how he didn't need to tour for the money, but once he realizes that his solo career just isn't happening (which honestly, it just isn't), he'll be going back to Bon Jovi because what else is he going to do? If he quits and then comes back, I'm sure some contractual details will be changed. But so far he's proven that apart from music, there's not much out there for him.

Salaam Aleikum,

CKatz 03-16-2014 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1173120)
Aloha !

I don't think he has the balls to quit. The contract he's under is probably rewarding on a financial level, but not on a creative one. He's been going on about how he didn't need to tour for the money, but once he realizes that his solo career just isn't happening (which honestly, it just isn't), he'll be going back to Bon Jovi because what else is he going to do? If he quits and then comes back, I'm sure some contractual details will be changed. But so far he's proven that apart from music, there's not much out there for him.

Salaam Aleikum,

But since he wrote most of the songs (and produced them all since These Days) he will always make money from the Bon Jovi catalogue and the merchandise whether he's still officially a part of the band or not. He will always be financially well off. Richie's wealth allows him to be independent. I don't think making more money is his main motivation these days, or he would have stayed with the band.

Supersonic 03-16-2014 09:14 AM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1173123)
he will always make money from the Bon Jovi catalogue and the merchandise whether he's still officially a part of the band or not.

That's usually not how it works. Once a band member officially leaves said band, he no longer gets a cut of the merchandise either. It's not like just because he recorded Prayer, he'll get a cut from every T-shirt sold with a Slippery When Wet album cover on it.

Salaam Aleikum,

CKatz 03-16-2014 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1173124)
Aloha !

That's usually not how it works. Once a band member officially leaves said band, he no longer gets a cut of the merchandise either. It's not like just because he recorded Prayer, he'll get a cut from every T-shirt sold with a Slippery When Wet album cover on it.

Salaam Aleikum,

But what about the merchandise that has his likeness on it, or his music and lyrics?

Supersonic 03-16-2014 09:45 AM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1173126)
But what about the merchandise that has his likeness on it, or his music and lyrics?

Just ask yourself, how many band shirts have his photo on it? Once he leaves, they won't put his face on the shirts anymore that's for sure. So he's got to rely on the older shirts, which are mostly skulls and then the band name. And just because a shirt says "These Days" it means nothing, it's a reference to the album, not to the lyric.

Sure, he might make a few dollars of every T-shirt he sells on his solo shows, but considering how about 400 people show up to every show, and how little merchandise is being sold I doubt it's that financially rewarding.

Salaam Aleikum,

CKatz 03-16-2014 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1173127)
Aloha !

Just ask yourself, how many band shirts have his photo on it? Once he leaves, they won't put his face on the shirts anymore that's for sure. So he's got to rely on the older shirts, which are mostly skulls and then the band name. And just because a shirt says "These Days" it means nothing, it's a reference to the album, not to the lyric.

Sure, he might make a few dollars of every T-shirt he sells on his solo shows, but considering how about 400 people show up to every show, and how little merchandise is being sold I doubt it's that financially rewarding.

Salaam Aleikum,

Good point. But I still don't think money is his main motivation. I also don't think there will be another Bon Jovi tour, unless it's a farewell tour. I don't think Richie will ever want to do a big year long tour ever again either. So I think that money well will run dry anyway.

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