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Supersonic 03-16-2014 10:27 AM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1173129)
Good point. But I still don't think money is his main motivation. I also don't think there will be another Bon Jovi tour, unless it's a farewell tour. I don't think Richie will ever want to do a big year long tour ever again either. So I think that money well will run dry anyway.

Right now it isn't, he's got plenty. But he's been financing all these shows himself, he'll be lucky to break even. That well will eventually run dry. There's only so many times he'll be willing to ship an entire band + gear + staff over to Australia or Europe. Eventually, he'll realize that the 500 people he's playing for every few months aren't that rewarding anymore.

And considering the tours; I don't think anyone in the band will be doing a big year long tour again. No bands do nowadays, apart from Bon Jovi. Most bands play a month or 2 here, then have a month (or 2 off) and do another leg there. I still think that the only reason Jon's not doing it is just so he can reach the top of the Billboard Touring chart thing. Would he spread one album tour out over 2 years, there's no way he'd be on top as other, younger acts either do more shows or just make more money than him.

Salaam Aleikum,

CKatz 03-16-2014 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1173130)
Aloha !

Right now it isn't, he's got plenty. But he's been financing all these shows himself, he'll be lucky to break even. That well will eventually run dry. There's only so many times he'll be willing to ship an entire band + gear + staff over to Australia or Europe. Eventually, he'll realize that the 500 people he's playing for every few months aren't that rewarding anymore.

And considering the tours; I don't think anyone in the band will be doing a big year long tour again. No bands do nowadays, apart from Bon Jovi. Most bands play a month or 2 here, then have a month (or 2 off) and do another leg there. I still think that the only reason Jon's not doing it is just so he can reach the top of the Billboard Touring chart thing. Would he spread one album tour out over 2 years, there's no way he'd be on top as other, younger acts either do more shows or just make more money than him.

Salaam Aleikum,

I agree with your last point 100%. I'd also agree with your first point if Richie was trying to regularly do big solo tours. I don't think a handful shows every couple of years will hurt him. As far as I know, being a part of a music festival such as Soundwave doesn't hurt either.

Supersonic 03-16-2014 11:14 AM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1173132)
I agree with your last point 100%. I'd also agree with your first point if Richie was trying to regularly do big solo tours. I don't think a handful shows every couple of years will hurt him. As far as I know, being a part of a music festival such as Soundwave doesn't hurt either.

The reason Richie isn't doing big solo shows, is because there's no demand for it anywhere but Europe, it seems. If he'd do an actual big solo tour, the actual costs per show would go down and he might just make some money with it, or actually break even. It's the handful shows he does in one year that'll cost him money. And with record sales going down the drain and his latest solo album completely tanking everywhere, it wouldn't surprise me if he had to finance his next studio album himself as well. He's probably got enough money to finance the next 4 album cycles himself, but there's just no way he can keep himself occupied with this stuff that no one but a select few die hards seem to care for.

Salaam Aleikum,

CKatz 03-16-2014 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1173141)
Aloha !

The reason Richie isn't doing big solo shows, is because there's no demand for it anywhere but Europe, it seems. If he'd do an actual big solo tour, the actual costs per show would go down and he might just make some money with it, or actually break even. It's the handful shows he does in one year that'll cost him money. And with record sales going down the drain and his latest solo album completely tanking everywhere, it wouldn't surprise me if he had to finance his next studio album himself as well. He's probably got enough money to finance the next 4 album cycles himself, but there's just no way he can keep himself occupied with this stuff that no one but a select few die hards seem to care for.

Salaam Aleikum,

We'll have to wait and see how the next album does. I think that now that he doesn't have Bon Jovi looming over him, he can focus more on building up his solo profile. I think his recent Australia trip did a lot for him in that part of the world. So doing more festivals can only be a good thing. And like Becky said, doing collaborations will introduce him to new audiences as well. If Slash can do it...

DevilsSon 03-16-2014 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1173081)
First of all, you make it sound like Richie quit the band just so he could work with Orianthi because she's more current. The timing is just a leetle bit off for that to be the case, wouldn't you say? Or did he just wait for 9 months and pretend to meet Ori on New Years Eve, so nobody would guess that it was his master plan from the start?

It's true that Richie saw Jon's star quality and wanted to be a part of where he was going. He's said as much, repeatedly. I think that what people sometimes seem to forget, though, is that Jon hand-picked the team he believed would get him where he wanted to be, too. So in reality, he hitched his wagon to their stars, just as much as they did to his.

Personal opinion (because without a time machine we'll never know for sure): none of those guys would be as well-known as they are without the others. It was the magic that existed among all of them (along with Alec, Desmond, Bob, Doc, and the planets) that took Bon Jovi to the top; not Jon Bon Jovi's personal magnetism. As essential as that was to the "magic", it wasn't the only factor by a long shot. Tico said in an interview that it wasn't until Richie joined the band that "it began clicking." So who's to say?

When it comes to the critical acclaim you think Richie will receive only after he dies, do you also think that that's when Bon Jovi will finally get the "critical acclaim" they deserve? They've never had wide-spread critical approval no matter how good they were or how hard they worked. At least Richie has received some critical acclaim as one of the great rock guitarists. When was the last time any of the critics pointed out how great Jon's voice is, or David's keyboards, or Tico's drumming, for that matter?

Also personal opinion: I think you overestimate Jon's "class". I'm not saying that he's not classy because, from what I've seen, I believe he is. But I'd bet my last dollar that if he had a case against Richie, he'd be suing his pants off right now (and may be doing so for all we know). And from some of the statements Richie's making, I wouldn't be too sure that THAT door doesn't swing both ways as well. As I said, JMO.

Becky once said that she'd rather listen to someone who doesn't sound like he pukes in his mouth when he sings when referring to Richie. That much about what her opinions are worth. I wouldn't even bother reading, never mind responding.

As about the actual interview, who the hell is Shannon? Is Runaway a rip-off? And what the hell is Richie trying to say about opening for Judas Priest and Jon being the Tom Cruise of rock n roll? The man makes no sense. Runaway is great. That solo is cracking, one of the best in the entire catalogue of Bon Jovi, even if it's not his own. Ah well...I guess it's his right

nickolai 03-16-2014 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Stiggy (Post 1173152)
& Jon's voice is shot to sh-t with smoking...what was a golden voice in 80's & 90's he had is now a nasal whine.. not good for a frontmans voice..

Jon's voice maybe shot to shit, but at least he realises that it is us, the fans, that are the bread and butter. And however crap the last album was that Jon would never turn his back on the fans. Loyalty costs nothing but means the world to fans.

rolo_tomachi 03-16-2014 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1173146)
We'll have to wait and see how the next album does. I think that now that he doesn't have Bon Jovi looming over him, he can focus more on building up his solo profile. I think his recent Australia trip did a lot for him in that part of the world. So doing more festivals can only be a good thing. And like Becky said, doing collaborations will introduce him to new audiences as well. If Slash can do it...

Slash's career took off with Velvet Revolver, his image products Guitar Hero "videogame" has released the final stardom in this last decade. And his album "SLASH 2010" benefited with great collaborations. Slash is in a different league, but still, he can not fill stadiums or Arenas. In actuality play Rather pavilions and halls of 5000 people, and still playing early time in festivals.

I think Richie can aspire to a modest but secure public. Damn, his friends Heaven & Earth do, still live music. Why Richie not be able?

Ideally, it would be an album of Bon Jovi every 5 years. At each break, Richie could take a solo album, and build a modest solo career. But Jon has to agree, and must make room on the schedule.

Supersonic 03-16-2014 01:08 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1173146)
I think his recent Australia trip did a lot for him in that part of the world.

I don't think so. He's been all over the media there, exactly because of him not being there when Bon Jovi was there. All they're interested in is why he wasn't there in 2013, as opposed to why he was there when he was actually there.


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1173155)
Slash's career took off with Velvet Revolver, his image products Guitar Hero "videogame" has released the final stardom in this last decade. And his album "SLASH 2010" benefited with great collaborations. Slash is in a different league, but still, he can not fill stadiums or Arenas. In actuality play Rather pavilions and halls of 5000 people, and still playing early time in festivals.

Erm, no. Slash's career took off as soon as GnR stopped. Snakepit started touring in 1995 and did 85 shows, playing festivals and playing venues with a capacity of 1.000 - 2.000 people. Ever since Slash has left GnR he's been in various bands, whether it'd be with old band members, guest stars or just another big name. And because of him always either recording our touring, he is actually capable of playing small arena's nowadays. All because he's actually delivering what people want from him, as opposed to trying to be "Current", like your hero does.

Richie seems to think that after being invisible in Bon Jovi for the past 10 years, he could just leave and start a solo career by doing 15 shows a year. His ego is taking a beating every time he tries to do something that's just way out of his league, but as long as he's not realizing it and has got fans like you who seem to think that he's still THE Richie Sambora that everyone wants to see, as opposed to being the Richie Sambora everyone wishes to see, his career won't take off. Richie used to be able to play circles around Slash, but nowadays Slash just is the better guitarist out of the two of them.

Salaam Aleikum,

nickolai 03-16-2014 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1173155)
Slash's career took off with Velvet Revolver, his image products Guitar Hero "videogame" has released the final stardom in this last decade. And his album "SLASH 2010" benefited with great collaborations. Slash is in a different league, but still, he can not fill stadiums or Arenas. In actuality play Rather pavilions and halls of 5000 people, and still playing early time in festivals.

I think Richie can aspire to a modest but secure public. Damn, his friends Heaven & Earth do, still live music. Why Richie not be able?

Richie looks like Fat Alex Rose in your signature pic

Supersonic 03-16-2014 02:33 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by Stiggy (Post 1173160)
the runaway packages are his way to repay the fans with there loyalty ? :confused: whats he done for us the fans that didnt cost us $$$? noting the fans going to these events are ones with money... the avergae fan like me misses out every time..

An average fan in America missed out on seeing Richie as well as he cancelled all his shows due to "throat problems". The Runaway Packages is just Jon making a business out of milking the fans. Offensive? Sure, but it's business as usual. Would Richie actually be able to do the same, I'm sure he would. The problem is that he struggles to fill a venue up for free, let alone have people paying for his shows.

Salaam Aleikum,

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