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nickolai 03-18-2014 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1173699)

I dont get why people post these shitty little gifs. I dont even understand what this one means

Rdkopper 03-18-2014 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1173778)
I dont get why people post these shitty little gifs. I dont even understand what this one means

They are ****ing stupid. I could see the person who post these laughing to themselves like they just ****ing accomplished something. The problem is, if you don't ignore them they just post more.

These things were funny 10 years ago when you were 18. Think of something else clever and new for a change.

rolo_tomachi 03-18-2014 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1173781)
They are ****ing stupid. I could see the person who post these laughing to themselves like they just ****ing accomplished something. The problem is, if you don't ignore them they just post more.

These things were funny 10 years ago when you were 18. Think of something else clever and new for a change.

crashed 03-20-2014 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1173117)
You give Jon WAY too much credit... It's Jon's record contract. If he felt he could do it alone in 1983, he would have. The same is true today. Some of you are convinced that Jon will do a solo album. I doubt that very much, because Jon is too success oriented. He tried it once, it didn't do what he expected it to do. He hasn't mentioned doing one since, because he now sees Bon Jovi albums as his solo albums (they sell more).
Jon has been "riding coattails" as you put it this whole time. He did it with the band, especially with Richie. He did it by bringing Desmond Child into the mix. He did it on Blaze of Glory, he had a huge motion picture behind it as promo. He did it with Dave Stewart (and another movie starring Demi Moore, Kevin Bacon, Whoopi Goldberg, etc. as promo) on Destination Anywhere.. only this time it only worked in Germany. He did it again with Not Running Anymore...once again a movie behind it, because that is the only way Jon's solo music will get any attention. The only reason Jon ever became a star is because he had a lot of help (mostly Richie's and Desmond's). Do you think Jon wouldn't jump at the chance of working with other artists? Of course he would, he just doesn't get many offers because he's not well respected among critics or peers. He was never known as a great singer. He is only asked to write songs for other artists if Richie and Desmond are a part of it...and even that has died down.
There is a reason Jon said the NFL is now his priority.

Honestly can't believe this comment. Jon got to where he was because he's done what every successful person in the world has done - worked damn hard to earn it. And the bit the hard work didn't do, his looks did for him. Jon was going to be a star with or without the rest of the band. Where would the rest of the band be without Jon? Probably successful in their own way. Maybe Dave would have got into musical theatre sooner. Richie would be a lead guitarist in another band, though probably one that faded with the 80's. Tico would be being Tico somewhere.

Bon Jovi's megastardom is no doubt achieved because of a combination of all their efforts but it was driven by one persons vision, stubbornness, and yes, arrogance. That's how you get to the top.-

Dave himself has said the reason for their success was have a frontman like Jon.

semigoodlookin 03-20-2014 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1174241)

Dave himself has said the reason for their success was have a frontman like Jon.

They have all said Jon just had that something, "star quality" even Richie has more than once.

That said we can debate all night who would have gotten where with who or without. Regardless of that argument, the comment made by Catz is the worst I have seen during my admittedly short time on this board. So now Jon has rode coat tails to get to where he is, and is not someone other musicians want to play with. Utter ****ing nonsense of the highest order.

First, as this is clearly turning into a Jon vs Richie thing. Richie is trumpeting that x person will do something with him, but the only person who is interested is Orianthi. Richie is riding coat tails right now by name dropping at any given opportunity. That said, the comment is rubbish beyond the childish Jon v Richie thing that is going on.

I canīt believe that suddenly it has become that Richie carried the band all these years, he wrote all the good songs, and he is the one respected in the industry. I think it is naive to think Jon couldnīt show up on stage with Alice Cooper, Stevie Wonder, or Sammy ****ing Hagar if thatīs what he chose to do. In fact Jon could probably get most classic artists to record with him next week because rightly or wrongly his name carries more weight in the industry than Richieīs.

As stupid comments seem to be in vogue. How about this, Richie and Jon both announce a show on the same night in the same city. Who would get the bigger venue, who would get the most people, and all that crap? Itīs obviously Jon, the reason for that is because Bon Jovi on something means more than Sambora. I am a huge backer of the thought that Bon Jovi is all of them, and they are better together than apart, but make no mistake that most people show up to see Jon.

People in the industry respect Richie we are told, but why do you think they donīt respect Jon? He has done more lag work over the years than Richie by a mile, and has displayed as much or more talent. However, it seems as the face you get the plaudits and the brunt of peopleīs ire.

Richie is playing pubs, I shit you not there are local bands who play to more people than him, but somehow he has become a musical demi-god. Richieīs best work is all in the past, and 90% of it was with Bon Jovi. The same is true of Jon, but he is not bullshitting the masses by acting like he is a huge individual star (which ironically he actually is).

Donīt make the mistake of thinking this is an impassioned and biased defense of JBJ, it isnīt. In fact I could write an essay far longer than this on what Jonīs problems are, but to turn a guy who built a business and rolling juggernaut to someone who just got lucky is mental stuff. It is like saying Steve Jobs didnīt build and later transform Apple because he was just a hanger on who got lucky.

Not respected by critics or his peers? Letīs tackle the critics first, because youīll have to show me all the glowing 5 star reviews for Richieīs work, and doesnīt it rather contradict the point that Richie was the talent behind Bon Jovi? If he was, isnīt it really him the critics are not respecting? Jon was named 13th(?) in Classic Rockīs Greatest Frontmen of Rock.

Considering he is not respected by his peers, he has done a good job showing up on stage with the likes of Ray Davies, Bob Geldof, Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, and more. It is no different to Richie showing up on stage with Stevie Wonder, except the other guys probably know who Jon Bon Jovi is.

KeepTheFaith2211 03-21-2014 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1174270)
They have all said Jon just had that something, "star quality" even Richie has more than once.

That said we can debate all night who would have gotten where with who or without. Regardless of that argument, the comment made by Catz is the worst I have seen during my admittedly short time on this board. So now Jon has rode coat tails to get to where he is, and is not someone other musicians want to play with. Utter ****ing nonsense of the highest order.

First, as this is clearly turning into a Jon vs Richie thing. Richie is trumpeting that x person will do something with him, but the only person who is interested is Orianthi. Richie is riding coat tails right now by name dropping at any given opportunity. That said, the comment is rubbish beyond the childish Jon v Richie thing that is going on.

I canīt believe that suddenly it has become that Richie carried the band all these years, he wrote all the good songs, and he is the one respected in the industry. I think it is naive to think Jon couldnīt show up on stage with Alice Cooper, Stevie Wonder, or Sammy ****ing Hagar if thatīs what he chose to do. In fact Jon could probably get most classic artists to record with him next week because rightly or wrongly his name carries more weight in the industry than Richieīs.

As stupid comments seem to be in vogue. How about this, Richie and Jon both announce a show on the same night in the same city. Who would get the bigger venue, who would get the most people, and all that crap? Itīs obviously Jon, the reason for that is because Bon Jovi on something means more than Sambora. I am a huge backer of the thought that Bon Jovi is all of them, and they are better together than apart, but make no mistake that most people show up to see Jon.

People in the industry respect Richie we are told, but why do you think they donīt respect Jon? He has done more lag work over the years than Richie by a mile, and has displayed as much or more talent. However, it seems as the face you get the plaudits and the brunt of peopleīs ire.

Richie is playing pubs, I shit you not there are local bands who play to more people than him, but somehow he has become a musical demi-god. Richieīs best work is all in the past, and 90% of it was with Bon Jovi. The same is true of Jon, but he is not bullshitting the masses by acting like he is a huge individual star (which ironically he actually is).

Donīt make the mistake of thinking this is an impassioned and biased defense of JBJ, it isnīt. In fact I could write an essay far longer than this on what Jonīs problems are, but to turn a guy who built a business and rolling juggernaut to someone who just got lucky is mental stuff. It is like saying Steve Jobs didnīt build and later transform Apple because he was just a hanger on who got lucky.

Not respected by critics or his peers? Letīs tackle the critics first, because youīll have to show me all the glowing 5 star reviews for Richieīs work, and doesnīt it rather contradict the point that Richie was the talent behind Bon Jovi? If he was, isnīt it really him the critics are not respecting? Jon was named 13th(?) in Classic Rockīs Greatest Frontmen of Rock.

Considering he is not respected by his peers, he has done a good job showing up on stage with the likes of Ray Davies, Bob Geldof, Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, and more. It is no different to Richie showing up on stage with Stevie Wonder, except the other guys probably know who Jon Bon Jovi is.

Delicious post.

JackieBlue 03-21-2014 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1174270)
Donīt make the mistake of thinking this is an impassioned and biased defense of JBJ, it isnīt...

I could be wrong, so feel free to correct me, but I think that taken out of context, CKatz's statement might be seen as over the top, i.e., if she had posted it out of the blue. But, in fact, it was posted as a rebuttal to Becky's implication that Richie had done nothing more than ride Jon's coattails all these years and now, tired of doing so - or seeing coattails he liked better - was now riding Orianthi's coattails; and that this is the only way he will ever achieve success. All of which, as reactions go, is just as over the top.

Truth be told, we really have no way of knowing who, if any, of the band would be stars today had things not happened the way they did. People assume that Jon would have been a star, regardless, because of what we know of his talent, charisma, looks, and determination, all of which he has in spades. But even with the combination of all those things, we can't know for a fact that he would have been a star. There have been any number of people who have had "star quality" who never made it simply because they weren't in the right place at the right time.

And we can never know what might have happened with the other equally talented members of the band either. Who knows what level of determination they might have developed had they not joined up with Jon and allowed his drive and their common vision to pave the way for them all.

Bon Jovi, as a band, succeeded beyond everyone's imagination because of the magical combination of 5 guys and the people with whom they surrounded themselves. They collectively hitched their wagons to one star, yes, but the name of the star was BON JOVI. By that, I mean that they hitched their wagons to each other and their common dream.

Jon hitched his wagon to Richie, Dave, Tico, and Alec, (and Doc for as long as he needed him) just as assuredly as the other four did to him. Otherwise, why did he send Sabo packing when Sambora came around? He did it because he recognized something in Richie, just like Richie recognized Jon's "it" factor, and he knew that Richie was the one who would help them get where he wanted them to go. And I'm not giving Richie all the credit here; I'm just saying that he played his part in the band's success, just as Jon, David, Tico, and Alec did.

I think everyone could agree with that except for one fact. About a year ago - for whatever reason - Richie disappointed a lot of people and their disappointment has allowed them to rewrite history, at least in their own minds, and to come to the conclusion that his contributions to the band's success weren't really all that important anyway, that there was nothing special about his playing or singing, that anybody could have done what he did (the flake), and the band would have been just as successful without him, because Jon was there.

Forgive me if this offends you, but that's just utter nonsense. Jon may have been as successful, in his own right, with or without Richie. But BON JOVI would never have been the band it was without the unique contributions of all five band members. And the events of the past year don't change that. It just changes how people see it.

And yes, IMO, it is a Jon vs Richie thing and probably always will be to some extent for this reason: Unless I'm mistaken you have four types of BJ fan: Band fans who truly don't have a favorite member, a smaller group of fans who are Dave or Tico fans, and the rest, which based on my observation comprise the vast majority of fans, are split into Jon fans or Richie fans. The Richie fans will probably never think that he gets enough credit and the Jon fans will probably always think that Richie gets too much credit. I think it's always been that way and probably always will be. It's just that the current situation has turned the spotlight up on it. JMO, for what it's worth.

SadieLady 03-21-2014 08:43 AM

When I look beyond the messy state of the band at the moment and how Richie left the tour so abruptly, I must say that I think it is great for anyone at 53 to envision a fresh start. Richie still has a passion for music and after 30 years of being a lead guitarist in a globally successful band, he desires to have a more individual musical voice. Kudos to him for being willing to get out there, play with different people and work on building a solo platform--that was an element that was missing with his promotion of Aftermath. With Aftermath, he promoted it heavily in interviews and on TV but he had no real history of playing with anyone besides Bon Jovi. He was seen as a Bon Jovi guitarist putting out a cd on an independent label, not has a singer/guitarist with his own voice and style. No, he will not fill arenas as a solo performer but if he can play smaller venues and be happy, that will be more than enough since he doesn't need the money. I don't think he is done with Bon Jovi but he is more than due this time to be a solo artist. I am optimistic that he could be a strong part of future Bon Jovi efforts. For all the sloppiness that he sometimes brought on stage (alcohol related or not), he has also been a very loyal band member who has promoted the hell out of the band spouting statistics right and left and glad-handling people when Jon couldn't be bothered.

I think he was relatively silent while the tour was in progress not out of contractual restraints but out of common sense and respect for the band. Now the tour is over, Richie is in the public eye and he is trying to promote his past achievements with Bon Jovi and his future solo musical endeavors. That is what happens in interviews: you try to sell yourself and your product. So the media constantly references Bon Jovi and Richie tries to move the interview away from that. And then everyone interprets him as bashing Jon or the band. lol

semigoodlookin 03-21-2014 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1174288)
I could be wrong, so feel free to correct me, but I think that taken out of context, CKatz's statement might be seen as over the top, i.e., if she had posted it out of the blue. But, in fact, it was posted as a rebuttal to Becky's implication that Richie had done nothing more than ride Jon's coattails all these years and now, tired of doing so - or seeing coattails he liked better - was now riding Orianthi's coattails; and that this is the only way he will ever achieve success. All of which, as reactions go, is just as over the top.

Truth be told, we really have no way of knowing who, if any, of the band would be stars today had things not happened the way they did. People assume that Jon would have been a star, regardless, because of what we know of his talent, charisma, looks, and determination, all of which he has in spades. But even with the combination of all those things, we can't know for a fact that he would have been a star. There have been any number of people who have had "star quality" who never made it simply because they weren't in the right place at the right time.

And we can never know what might have happened with the other equally talented members of the band either. Who knows what level of determination they might have developed had they not joined up with Jon and allowed his drive and their common vision to pave the way for them all.

Bon Jovi, as a band, succeeded beyond everyone's imagination because of the magical combination of 5 guys and the people with whom they surrounded themselves. They collectively hitched their wagons to one star, yes, but the name of the star was BON JOVI. By that, I mean that they hitched their wagons to each other and their common dream.

Jon hitched his wagon to Richie, Dave, Tico, and Alec, (and Doc for as long as he needed him) just as assuredly as the other four did to him. Otherwise, why did he send Sabo packing when Sambora came around? He did it because he recognized something in Richie, just like Richie recognized Jon's "it" factor, and he knew that Richie was the one who would help them get where he wanted them to go. And I'm not giving Richie all the credit here; I'm just saying that he played his part in the band's success, just as Jon, David, Tico, and Alec did.

I think everyone could agree with that except for one fact. About a year ago - for whatever reason - Richie disappointed a lot of people and their disappointment has allowed them to rewrite history, at least in their own minds, and to come to the conclusion that his contributions to the band's success weren't really all that important anyway, that there was nothing special about his playing or singing, that anybody could have done what he did (the flake), and the band would have been just as successful without him, because Jon was there.

Forgive me if this offends you, but that's just utter nonsense. Jon may have been as successful, in his own right, with or without Richie. But BON JOVI would never have been the band it was without the unique contributions of all five band members. And the events of the past year don't change that. It just changes how people see it.

And yes, IMO, it is a Jon vs Richie thing and probably always will be to some extent for this reason: Unless I'm mistaken you have four types of BJ fan: Band fans who truly don't have a favorite member, a smaller group of fans who are Dave or Tico fans, and the rest, which based on my observation comprise the vast majority of fans, are split into Jon fans or Richie fans. The Richie fans will probably never think that he gets enough credit and the Jon fans will probably always think that Richie gets too much credit. I think it's always been that way and probably always will be. It's just that the current situation has turned the spotlight up on it. JMO, for what it's worth.

Taken out of context? Impossible, because whether it was a tit for tat rebuttal or not it was utter crap. If Catz does not agree with what Becky said then there are ways to show Richieīs contribution to the band. Either way, people saying the same about Richie are full of it too.

I am not a Jon or Richie guy, both stink at the moment in my opinion whether solo or in the band. I also donīt particularly care if the band reforms or not, but I think most sensible people know Richie and Jonīs respective qualities over the years. And the band split into four groups, how childish it that? I donīt offer adulation to people I will never meet or know, just respect, and in that regard Jon and Richie equally commanded my respect, Tico and Dave didnīt simply because they were not as ingrained in the whole process. As people, I couldnīt care less how they are, and weīll never know, and truthfully I find it is female fans who for the most part engage in that who is your favorite member rubbish.

Bounce7800 03-21-2014 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1174288)
Unless I'm mistaken you have four types of BJ fan: Band fans who truly don't have a favorite member, a smaller group of fans who are Dave or Tico fans, and the rest, which based on my observation comprise the vast majority of fans, are split into Jon fans or Richie fans. The Richie fans will probably never think that he gets enough credit and the Jon fans will probably always think that Richie gets too much credit. I think it's always been that way and probably always will be. It's just that the current situation has turned the spotlight up on it. JMO, for what it's worth.

This is where I have had the problem this past year. Naively, probably, being but a simple man, I was a fan of the band as a whole and supported all its members also in their solo projects because I liked them too.

The whole Jon fans/Richie fans things actively being against other members of the same band has made me shake my hand on numerous occasions. They have barely rising above 1D fans and teenage crushes with their silly defending and sniping and it has made me embarrassed to be a Bon Jovi fan.
There's quite a fair bit of it on here, you can spot them a mile off, but thankfully a lot of us are objective on the whole. Social media is just pathetic though, Twitter messages & FB groups are just talking the biggest load of shit I have ever seen. A lot of these so-called fans basically need to grow up.

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