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danfan 04-11-2013 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1121483)
I know it's fashionable to bash Matt but he is absolutely awful as PR goes. That tweet is so dumb it's untrue.

Jon should have a words...namely "You're fired".

I don't do it because it's fashionable. I do it because he's the Bobby Bandeira of Bon Jovi public relations. He only has a job because of who he knows, and all he does is take up space and make an otherwise likeable band unlikeable.

Beaky 04-11-2013 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1121486)
I don't do it because it's fashionable. I do it because he's the Bobby Bandeira of Bon Jovi public relations. He only has a job because of who he knows, and all he does is take up space and make an otherwise likeable band unlikeable.

Seeing as he's so fond of telling everyone he's so Jersey and people just don't get it; where I am from, Mr Bongiovi the younger would be known as a 'bell end.'

Matthew Bongiovi ‏@MatthewBongiovi
People should worry more about North Korea using nukes. Put life into perspective.

Wow... insightful... he's giving big bro a run for his money on the socially conscious writing there...

Bounce7800 04-11-2013 12:52 AM

The simple thing Matt needs to do is setup a BackstageJBJ Twitter account for all fan club and band queries and leave his personal account for his personal views. He gets sarky at fans and moans how its his personal account, but then he blurs the lines and uses it to promote fanclub business and whatnot, like the banner fiasco.

I'd happily run the Twitter feed for a small fee as well Matt :p

Panda 04-11-2013 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1121490)

I'd happily run the Twitter feed for a small fee as well Matt :p

I'd happily do it for free. Oh the possibilities... :D

TwinFan 04-11-2013 12:55 AM

Wait. So Richie is a secret agent for Kim Jong Un and has been gathering intel for 30 years while masquerading as the guitarist of a rock band, and because of Richie, the world is going to enter a nuclear holocaust?

Wow, you think you know a guy...

Bounce7800 04-11-2013 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Panda (Post 1121492)
I'd happily do it for free. Oh the possibilities... :D

Oi, don't go undercutting me :mad:

Captain_jovi 04-11-2013 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1121490)
The simple thing Matt needs to do is setup a BackstageJBJ Twitter account for all fan club and band queries and leave his personal account for his personal views. He gets sarky at fans and moans how its his personal account, but then he blurs the lines and uses it to promote fanclub business and whatnot, like the banner fiasco.

I'd happily run the Twitter feed for a small fee as well Matt :p

Haha you underestimate the Jovi fanbase. He'll still get barraged with questions. I'm sure Ava's getting hounded with questions about her dad too.

bjcrazycpa 04-11-2013 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1121496)
Haha you underestimate the Jovi fanbase. He'll still get barraged with questions. I'm sure Ava's getting hounded with questions about her dad too.

Very true. I'll get bashed and called an idiot but I like Matt Bongiovi but then again, I've had dealings with him outside of the band so I have a different impression.

danfan 04-11-2013 01:05 AM

No disrespect, but I don't get tweeting in general. Never tweeted in my life. I use Facebook, and occasionally like to post something funny or gross, but I have absolutely zero desire to let the world know that I just had a hot dog at Fenway Park.

semigoodlookin 04-11-2013 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1121499)
No disrespect, but I don't get tweeting in general. Never tweeted in my life. I use Facebook, and occasionally like to post something funny or gross, but I have absolutely zero desire to let the world know that I just had a hot dog at Fenway Park.

I hate Facebook, and mostly Twitter, although I have to tweet my articles for work so it is something I use quite a lot. Boring it is though.

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