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Captain_jovi 05-24-2014 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1176963)
Yeah, Bad habits are contagious.

Hahah. Richie starts looking bad? Must have caught it from Jon.

Becky 05-24-2014 05:15 PM

This video keeps crashing when I try to watch it. Anyone want to summarize it?

JonGirl 05-24-2014 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1176976)

This video keeps crashing when I try to watch it. Anyone want to summarize it?

Same old same old. Richie bragging about how many million records sold and playing for millions of people, him walking from the band because he wanted to get back to his family and get back to a solo career, plus he's pushing the fashion line and talking in his usual "silly voice". (and sounding a bit out of it)

Thierry 05-24-2014 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by JonGirl (Post 1176979)
Same old same old. Richie bragging about how many million records sold and playing for millions of people, him walking from the band because he wanted to get back to his family and get back to a solo career, plus he's pushing the fashion line and talking in his usual "silly voice". (and sounding a bit out of it)

He sounds and looks wasted too. The alcohol must have damaged his brains. Poor dude.

Alphavictim 05-24-2014 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1176955)
There is a Richie interview in the German "Bild" newspaper (which is known for exaggerating everything btw), but I'll just take down the facts that are "new".

- Richie states that 30 years with BJ were like a good marriage, but Jon always was the boss and didn't want to sing about certain topics that were concerning Richie (he states that "broken hearts" are his topic)

- after the dead of his father and the divorce he thought he couldn't get through a day without a drink to keep him away from the harsh reality.

- he hired a mediator that helped him and his family to find their way to each other again and, according to him, Heather and he are getting along better now than they ever did during their marriage

- he laughingly stated that nowadays his female fans are getting older as well and not many are asking for his room number anymore

- in this interview BJ's last tour was 18 months and 58 countries :D I'm curious about when we will crack the mark of 60 countries for the Circle tour...

It's online:

I think the most interesting part is him not correcting the interviewer (or it was cut) when he states that he quit Bon Jovi.

LeaJovi 05-24-2014 06:43 PM

Richie looks fine IMO, yeah he's a drunk but I can't hold it against him since he always was and when he was in top form we all cheered for him and nobody gave a **** if he had one drink too many.

Should we give the ugliest legs award to Orianthi right now or are we waiting for someone else?

angelsambo 05-24-2014 07:35 PM

ticos_stick 05-24-2014 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by LeaJovi (Post 1176983)

Should we give the ugliest legs award to Orianthi right now or are we waiting for someone else?

The word stumpy comes to mind :p

rocknation 05-24-2014 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1176955)
- Richie states that 30 years with BJ were like a good marriage, but Jon always was the boss and didn't want to sing about certain topics that were concerning Richie (he states that "broken hearts" are his topic)

- he hired a mediator that helped him and his family to find their way to each other again and, according to him, Heather and he are getting along better now than they ever did during their marriage...

Maybe he can hire that mediator for him and Jon! ;)

rocknation 05-24-2014 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1176946)
The drummer looks like a dope with those headphones on.

Maybe he's protecting his hearing...or can't play without listening to a click track... :rolleyes:

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