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Thierry 04-03-2013 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1119283)
Why? Because I don't think substance abuse is a disease?

I'm not saying I don't have empathy for people with abuse problems. I just feel as though calling it a disease is an excuse. There has never been scientific evidence that points to anyone being forced to pick up a bottle of alcohol or needle of heroin. Now, of course once they start, quitting is a different story. Is that a disease? I don't know. Guess it depends on your opinion.

God I'm so tired of Richie Sambora, this is already the 3rd time since 2007. Just replace that dude with Phil X.

Beaky 04-03-2013 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1119283)
Why? Because I don't think substance abuse is a disease?

I'm not saying I don't have empathy for people with abuse problems. I just feel as though calling it a disease is an excuse. There has never been scientific evidence that points to anyone being forced to pick up a bottle of alcohol or needle of heroin. Now, of course once they start quitting is a different story.

You're undoing all your good work with this...

Mate; addiction is based around the brain altering to accomodate a substance. In Richie's case - what we know of it - the addiction to opioids, analgesic pain killers was in response to an injury. So even if you think a heroin addict isn't worth a job or your sympathy, addiction to pills that were meant to make him better (so he could continue to do his job) but adjusted his mental state to the point of dependancy, ought to be enough to garner a shred of empathy from you?

danfan 04-03-2013 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1119286)
You're undoing all your good work with this...

Mate; addiction is based around the brain altering to accomodate a substance. In Richie's case - what we know of it - the addiction to opioids, analgesic pain killers was in response to an injury. So even if you think a heroin addict isn't worth a job or your sympathy, addiction to pills that were meant to make him better (so he could continue to do his job) but adjusted his mental state to the point of dependancy, ought to be enough to garner a shred of empathy from you?

Re-read what I said. I said I DO have empathy for people with substance abuse problems. I'm just saying I think to begin taking them is a choice. My understanding is Richie's problem was with alcohol. That is a complete 180 from painkillers. If I was wrong and his problem is with painkillers, different story entirely.

Rdkopper 04-03-2013 04:46 PM

Richie has been battling an addiction issue for years. The fact that he is functional, aware of it, and addresses it each time speaks volumes. He is not some druggie laying in some crack house.

This is what you call real Rock and Roll. This issues date back to Elvis and The Beatles. Do you think we'd have "Yellow Submarine" if it wasn't for drugs?

You take the drugs and alcohol out of R&R and you get GLEE. Look, I'm not condoning any of it but the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's rock and roll genuineness was built on drugs and alcohol. It’s just part of the business.

There are guys in this business that have it much worse than Richie. Richie has just been in the public eye for 30 plus years. And sadly, guys die.

Rdkopper 04-03-2013 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1119289)
I said I DO have empathy for people with substance abuse problems.

But you are a fan of rock and roll...... That's like someone being a fan of the army but against the right to bear arms.

Thierry 04-03-2013 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1119294)
But you are a fan of rock and roll...... That's like someone being a fan of the army but against the right to bear arms.

Nobody forced him to use anything? It's his own choice remember.

jbjhand 04-03-2013 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1119283)
Why? Because I don't think substance abuse is a disease?

I'm not saying I don't have empathy for people with abuse problems. I just feel as though calling it a disease is an excuse. There has never been scientific evidence that points to anyone being forced to pick up a bottle of alcohol or needle of heroin. Now, of course once they start, quitting is a different story. Is that a disease? I don't know. Guess it depends on your opinion.

Im backing you up Dan. Substance abuse is NOT a disease. There is a group of people who are unable to use drugs or alcohol in a recreational way. We call them addicts or alcoholics. The fact is that the vast majority of people can socially consume alcohol or drugs without becoming dependent, but some of us cant.

A disease is an illness of some kind, alcoholism is an addiction.

Walkerboy 04-03-2013 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1119277)
For the remaining 10%, there is always Stub-Hub. If you put your tickets up for face value or maybe just under, you should have no problems selling them.

You'd have no problems selling them, but with a 25% fee to pay to StubHub, you sure as hell won't get your money back!
I now understand why the StubHub ticket prices are so high - because of the money you lose in fees.
For example, if I were to sell our Diamond Circle tickets (with the early entry package) at face value, I would be selling for £385 for the pair and I'd lose almost £100 of that.

We've been here before with Richie and he's returned for the European leg. With major headline appearances at Slane and Hyde Park, not forgetting the Isle of Wight festival, I only see 2 options:
a) Richie returns for Europe
b) The big Europe dates get canned

I mean come on, if it's a festival (which is televised), you pretty much have to be at full strength - you can't go in there with Bobbie on lead!

NicoRourke 04-03-2013 05:03 PM

So who played Richie's parts yesterday?

Gabriel Shoes 04-03-2013 05:03 PM

What Richie said to O Globo (newspapper in Brazil):

I don't know how's gonna be. I want to keep doing promo for my album. The only thing that I'm sure it's that I'll be in Brazil with Bon Jovi in 2013. If there's a break between shows I will try to make a solo show. I guess that's how's gonna be from now on.

This kind of statement opens up a lot of chance to speculation.

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