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JackieBlue 07-05-2014 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1179813)
… Jon is at fault and Richie is just responding to whatever big bad Jon did to him.

I believe there was a falling out between Jon and Richie. But IMO, that means they both bear responsibility. I don’t fault Jon any more than I do Richie. The point I’ve tried to make has always been that there has to be a reason Richie walked away; not who was to blame for the reason.


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1179813)
Also, you can't say you don't make things up … you made up a quote that you think may be something like what Jon said and you put it in quotation marks…

Yes, I can say that. This may be the post you refer to:


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1179039)
…His statement in this article also leads me to believe that when he said that Mick wouldn't tour without Keith he wasn't referring, as some have suggested, to the idea that Jon should have stopped the tour when Richie walked away; but rather that Mick, in Jon's shoes, wouldn't have said (before the tour was arranged), "The band is going on tour with you or without you. You're either a part of that band or you're not."

If it’s the one, I can see why you’d think that; but the quote marks aren’t meant to imply that was what Jon said, but to indicate that someone is speaking. Seeing it from your perspective, instead of saying ‘Mick wouldn’t have said “…”’, I should have said that ‘Mick wouldn’t have told Keith that the band was going on tour… blah, blah,’ so it wouldn’t seem like I was quoting someone. It was a grammatical mistake, not words I tried to put in Jon’s mouth.


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1179813)
And your whole notion that Jon is feeding the press digs at Richie is hardly based on cold, hard facts. It's just another theory.

That’s why I said it was a theory. Not hard facts, but based on how PR works and how media is used to convey messages. No byline on the ABC article made me think maybe it was fed to the Music News Group by a press agent. Still speculation. I didn’t pretend otherwise. But we were also speculating about Richie referring to Jon as the ‘famous face’ when he said, “Guess which one.” So there ya go.


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1179813)
if Jon had said it, you would be all over it. If it weren't for Runaway, Bon Jovi wouldn't have gotten a record deal and where would Richie be right now?

Maybe Richie does like Del Shannon’s version better. Or it could have been a dig. Again speculation. Even if Jon didn’t like ANY of Richie’s songs, I wouldn’t think he was slamming Richie; just his songs.


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1179813)
… SOMEONE has to defend him…

And you do a good job at it. If I ever need someone defending me, I’d love to have you in my corner. You’re tenacious and unafraid to state your convictions. I’ve read a lot of the backlog here, so I know what you’re talking about. But not everyone who says something unflattering about Jon thinks he’s a villain.

Bottom line? I like Jon; not as much as I do Richie, but that’s just a personal preference; it has nothing to do with thinking Richie’s a better person. I respect him as much as I do Richie. I don’t agree with everything they do; but I’m not going to judge them or their behavior. Not my job!


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1179813)
… his fans who always acted like he was God and Jon was someone to be scorned... There's always been a divide between Richie Fans and Jon Fans and there always will be.

You mean kinda like you did up there where you implied that if it hadn’t been for Runaway, Richie probably wouldn’t be as successful as he is… kinda like the ONLY reason he’s successful is because Jon allowed him in the band or because Richie hitched his wagon to Jon’s star? ;)

“Except for the name and a few other changes…” I know exactly what you mean.

Jon fans have been known to give him credit for a lot more than he deserves. I’m not saying that Jon doesn’t deserve a lot of credit, mind you; but he’s not God either. He’s not solely responsible for the success of Bon Jovi, even if he is the driving force behind it. He and the band are not the only reason Richie’s successful. They all contributed to the success of the band; but BJ didn’t make any of them who they are. It only elevated their celebrity;

I admit that no matter how hard I try to resist it (and I do try), I’ve been known to sling a few arrows Jon’s way in pure reaction to things people have said about Richie. I posted in another forum that it’s like that old theory we learned in high school: For every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. But not to the point that I make up shit. I ain’t gonna lie about that either.

Becky, I don’t like being at loggerheads with anybody. We’ve both spent more time on this than we needed to. You have every right to your opinion and I can appreciate the way you defend Jon. I just wanted to clarify that I don’t have a thing in the world against him and when I say something about his behavior it’s an objective observation not judgment. So please don’t attack me.

Have a good weekend!

nickolai 07-05-2014 09:02 AM

RonJovi 07-05-2014 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1179764)

Jon spent months being lambasted by people did he? I never witnessed anything that came close to the relentless 'drugged-up, drunk, slurring, fat, bloated waste of space, jamming with fabric, Phil is ten times the guitarist you are' stuff that was thrown at Richie on a minute-by-minute basis on here and everywhere else. Including in the press. Jon, stood back and let it happen. So I can understand why RS is pissed. Can you imagine your parents/friends/record company/manager reading that and it NOT being true?

Both of them are able to act like total cocks. If Jon cared about the state of his voice half as much as he cared about the state of his abs, we'd still have a half decent lead singer to listen to. The tour was rushed; Richie was told 'play or leave' and he made the wrong decision - they both did. Some people have just turned it into an opportunity to spend a year and a half bashing the crap out of someone who made a mistake and should have stood his ground. But it's over and for those still going on and on and on and on and on about it... seems to me you couldn't have liked the guy very much in the first place and were waiting for an opportunity to slate him... so what's your problem?

Jon has been accused of all sorts of things and kept his mouth shut about Richie. I admire that. He'd been accused of pretty tyrannical behaviour. He didn't bite. He didn't hang Richie out at any stage. He just made one stupid and nasty statement (the one about The Edge). Even now, with Richie taking shots at the band, their songs and Jon - Jon is not responding.

Richie has been accused of falling off the wagon mainly on the net. Not in mainstream media for the most part. It's mainly been on here. To be honest, looking at him, having seen him live and listening to people who've seen him up close, it looks like he has come off the wagon. That won't end well for him and makes a bit of a mockery of the claim that he left the tour to do what's right for his daughter. It's not my business but being 55 and traipsing around the world on tour with a 29 year old girlfriend whilst pissed is hardly being a great parent on the face of it. Like I say, not my business but it does contradict his reasons for leaving the BWC tour.

The difference is that the situation was of Richie's making. He's admitted as much. To me, Jon rushed the album and tour. But Richie caused the shitstorm that followed with how he dealt with that. In terms of mainstream media, Jon took most of the accusations and finger pointing and maintained a dignified silence.

Just to clarify, I went to see Richie on Monday. He was brilliant and I thoroughly enjoyed the show. His voice is in great shape compared to Jon. I adore Stranger, a lot of Aftermath and parts of Undiscovered Soul. I'm not a Jon fanboy and anti-Richie. I just honestly believe that Richie has let himself down badly over the last 18 months while Jon has carried himself incredibly well.

DevilsSon 07-05-2014 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1179813)

And, for the record, before Richie started bailing on tours and running his mouth like he has been lately, I didn't have any problem with HIM. Sure, I don't like his singing voice. I never have and I never will. I don't apologize for that. The first time I heard him singing, I didn't know it was him and my reaction was, "What is this SHIT?" It was my honest reaction. I don't like my singing voice either. I don't like the minister of music at my church's singing voice. I'm entitled to have my own taste in singers.

But I never had problem with him as a human being. I just had a problem with his fans who always acted like he was God and Jon was someone to be scorned. And, girl, that goes back to the days of pen-pals before I ever even knew the internet existed. There's always been a divide between Richie Fans and Jon Fans and there always will be.

A few years ago, you sent me a PM asking whether I had a problem with you or why I always pick on your posts. And being on this forum for so long, I know you are a super nice and helpful person but you always hated Richie even if you deny it here. No - you never put it out as bluntly as I just did. And no, I have no proof for that. But the reason I used to 'single you out' (as you claimed in that PM) was because you always had little unnecessary digs at Richie. The ones that are used by propaganda machines to brain wash people into thinking something is evil. These comments might have even sounded purely innocent but there was something that always bothered me about them. Even the way you describe Richie's singing. Yes - you may dislike his tone - yet no one in their right frame of mind can deny Richie's vocal abilities. Once you said he sounds like 'vomiting in his own mouth' - and this coming from someone who never makes any comments of that derogatory nature about anything here, that's got to signal something. I just did a search on the number of times you used the word 'SHIT' in the last year. Exactly six times. Three of those times were about Richie. Again - does that not signal anything? Not that I really care about this - but selling the whole 'I have never had a problem with Richie' bullshit is just mega hypocritical...then again, maybe you fooled yourself into believing it so all good.

But please, go on, didn't mean to interfere. Just have nothing better to do being stuck in bed with one horrible flu!

The Rock 07-05-2014 01:11 PM

- That’s why I said it was a theory. Not hard facts, but based on how PR works and how media is used to convey messages. -

Jackie, your post was too long to go through step by step but I just wanted to commented on the PR section.

You mention PR in your other statement and that Jon is working behind the scenes taking digs at Richie. I personally think that is a load of bullshit but that is just POV :) Where as Richie is personally taking the digs at Jon via his own interviews and from his own mouth. Yet you seem to think that Jon is more of a bad guy in the media department? How is that? Jon hasn't said anything at all against Richie (I know the Edge comment)

You think Richie is not cunning with PR himself? Take the fan photos on his FB page, you don't think that is to win the fans approval back? The meeting of the fans before the shows, after the shows. You don't think he needs to get the fans back on his side again and in his "corner" It's all PR. Every single part of it.

Becky 07-05-2014 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1179818)
Becky, I don’t like being at loggerheads with anybody. We’ve both spent more time on this than we needed to. You have every right to your opinion and I can appreciate the way you defend Jon. I just wanted to clarify that I don’t have a thing in the world against him and when I say something about his behavior it’s an objective observation not judgment. So please don’t attack me.

Have a good weekend!

I don't like being embroiled in conflict with anyone either. Let's just agree to disagree. And if we ever go out into the big bad world together, let's hope we'd have each other's backs because, when it comes down to it, we're both Bon Jovi fans.


I really don't know why you think I hate Richie. I don't hate Richie. I'd be devastated if something happened to him. I just don't like his singing voice. And, yes, I did compare it to "vocal vomiting." I coined that term myself, thank you very much, and it cracks up my friends who also don't like Richie's singing. As I told Jackie, it's not Richie I have a problem with (until recently). I've had conflicts with his fans because of the way some of them attack Jon. But, hey, I'm glad you think I'm "super nice and helpful." That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. I hope you get better soon.

Becky 07-05-2014 07:00 PM

Can anyone translate this?

Esther 07-05-2014 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1179836)

Using Google Translate, so not sure how accurate it is.

Good to see you, Richie. Germany has missed you. How does it feel to be back in Europe?
It feels good to be back. Germany has always welcomed us with open arms, and for me it feels like a second home to. Hey, this hotel alone has certainly seen me about 50 times. What difference do you see between the American and European audiences? European audiences during shows is much more attentive and focused than in the USA. This much is certain! Here the people are much more willing to really listen. In the United States, one often has the impression that they only come to party. That's okay, sure, but the difference is extreme to me. You've got several solo shows and festivals played in recent weeks already here ... Yes, and it was great! The festival audience is always a challenge, which I like very much. I try to be there to change some people's perspective. Aside from the fans and people from the music business, many still think that I'm a guitarist of the band was something like Jon's henchmen and have no idea that I am a singer and Bon Jovi songs have written. Just as with Orianthi, who know many "only" as guitarist of Michael Jackson. How did you meet at all? That was more or less random. I have met Orianthi in Hawaii when I was making with my daughter there on vacation. Alice Cooper, for which I have written and produced some of the songs, called me and asked if I wanted to do a charity show with him, Steven Tyler and Sammy Hagar. We sat at the rehearsals and there also played Orianthi. When I was then later turn to go to the microphone and to play, she was also there, and we played together. It was great, we have added a playful, almost without thinking about it. Later ill four days before our Australian tour, the mother of my guitarist, so he could not on tour. I would indeed necessary, the guitar parts often have enough, but it's better for me to have a backup. So I called to Ori, she is Australian, and asked if they will jump. And she said "yes". The chemistry was right off the bat. She is an incredible guitarist. could you spend a lot of time with your daughter. If they actually to your shows? Oh yes. She loves music and has a good taste. The apple apparently does not fall far from the tree (grins). She likes almost all genres and often shows me new things. I have taught her to be the music and art always open. Must be pretty cool, Richie Sambora as Daddy to have. Naa (laughs) ... I'm just Daddy. It is the most important in my life. A great girl. She is now 16 and is allowed to drive the car. Oh my God, how I hate that! (Smiles and looks to the sky) So you have the choice to leave Bon Jovi and to be more for your family there, yet never looked back? I'm not completely folded. At the time I only said that I do not at this rate. My daughter is now 16 as I said - and I was never home! Ava needed me and I needed them. Solo I determine their own pace; I tour three or four weeks and I'm back again. But you have to imagine: the last Bon Jovi tour went over 18 months by 52 countries. The Tour before 14 months by 47 countries. In addition, I'm the guy who writes the songs and the album co-produced. And then cost the nine months that lay between. I also found that the new album in the short time had not yet been properly done. It could definitely needs more work. Anyway, these two tours were the greatest in rock history alongside the Rolling Stones and The Grateful Dead. One wonders at some point: what counts more - personal happiness and family, or even more money? Even though it is a very unpopular decision for the fans and the band was obviously - I have decided for the former. People will understand someday. If Bon Jovi and I get back together in the future, it will be great - but different. cessation comes with you so in no case in question? I'll make music till I drop dead. Because it is a part of me. That's why I'm here. I was aware of as a child. I could take an instrument, found out the mechanism and was very quick to play capable. (Anm.d.Redaktion: RS plays all the guitar styles, piano, bass, drums, saxophone and accordion) you play by ear? Yes. Later, I also has music theory at the high school and in college. I have learned so to speak backwards

Richie Sambora: "I'm not completely dropped out"
Singer about happiness, money and coolness Richie Sambora: "I'm not completely dropped out"

"No matter what happens - you have to stay cool!"
I was traveling a lot for research on your fan pages and Facebook. Did you actually time you read through the many comments and wishes of the fans?

But yes! Sure I'll do that I look at me. And I am very glad that I get so much positive feedback! I jot me song requests. Every evening there was a different setlist. That makes it exciting for the fans and keeps me and the band nicely on Zack ... What do you enjoy most as a solo artist? To be my own boss, obviously, and sing yourself! Also, I can play as long as I want. (Laughs) The musical freedom that Improvisationsmöglickeiten, I missed more and more into Bon Jovi. You you have to imagine it this way: If we were in a packed stadium on the stage, I closed my eyes, have played solos and could improvise, I felt the music. Honestly: When you got it less and less space, and the setlist was always inflexible, has pissed me insane. That's not for me. Are you probably know this happens error in your shows? If you for example let your memory down? If one has written more than 500 songs, that happens ever. This memory capacity I have not. (Laughs) Hey, I'm just a man ... I was once on the stage, and the next song should be "Rosie". I started playing and I noticed suddenly no longer a damned chords of the song! I have just sung a capella and let the audience sing along. You know, that's the thing with the professionalism: Let yourself on stage never upset. Never. No matter what happens, you have to stay cool. " Is that happens once in a giant stadium? There are a lot of other things happening. The whole sound system is lubricated times. As I said, stay cool. But these are technical problems. If you happen to own any mistakes: give it to! If you forget what: Smile at the audience and say "You know what? I have it forgotten. "It takes no foul. Or "Hey, I've written 500 songs, you think I can all by heart?" (Laughs) Are there old songs that you would most like to never play again? Yes, there is. "Runaway", for example one of them. That was not my style. Jon had taken up with other people, and this (sings the chorus) "... ooh she's a little runaway" ... oh no. Not my cup of tea. But you do not currency exchange about the radio station when it is played? (still laughing) I want it once formulated as follows: I do not listen to that. And believe me, it is as good as not played anywhere ... Okay, then let me ask the question a different way around: Which song are you most proud of "Living On A Prayer" is a song, which I'm really proud . Because he has touched many people. Everyone, absolutely everyone was "Tommy" and "Gina": At some point in life everyone comes to a point where it is difficult and you have to fight. And then there's "The Answer". I started writing it at age 19, and he was only finished when I was 30. This is very unusual, I usually write songs in a day. But this song is very poetic and eloquent, I wanted to have him perfectly. I visit hospitals more often and talk to people who have not long to live. It's mostly just this song, which gives them strength. This touched me very much, and when I sing it live, I have to on stage often act together. Songs on the current "Aftermath" album are very introspective. Is this a conquest, the audience emotionally to open up like that? If I authentically and honestly would not, then what would be left? Of course I show my own vulnerability. Everyone has, more or less the same problems, I'm just a microcosm for all: each of us has already been heart broken at some point we all lose their parents, people make distinctions by. Because it does not matter how much you have in the account, it hurts the soul, I'm equal to everyone hurt. In your own life there have been so many ups and downs, have you ever thought about writing an autobiography? do you think not how many times you therefore to expect. But you know what they want? They just want the cliché: I slept with whom and what illegal substances I've taken. Furthermore I do not write. I have made ​​many mistakes, but I have forgiven them to me. For that I need not an autobiography, I communicate my life through my music and the lyrics. You wrote together with Orianthi new songs. What can we expect? I think that many people even with her ​​not knowing that she is a good songwriter and singer. I've never run into such a chemistry that she and connects me. We have written more than 30 songs, and I have given it my best friends who do not cheat me once to check. All agreed that it is something special. Richie, we still had many questions, but I think we have the time already very moved ... Do not worry, sweetheart, that's absolutely fine. Hey, I'm the boss here! And if you have a song request for you afterwards? .. PS: The we had. And he was satisfied. thank you for the interview!

JackieBlue 07-05-2014 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1179820)


golittleperson 07-05-2014 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1179821)
Jon has been accused of all sorts of things and kept his mouth shut about Richie. I admire that. He'd been accused of pretty tyrannical behaviour. He didn't bite. He didn't hang Richie out at any stage. He just made one stupid and nasty statement (the one about The Edge). Even now, with Richie taking shots at the band, their songs and Jon - Jon is not responding.

Richie has been accused of falling off the wagon mainly on the net. Not in mainstream media for the most part. It's mainly been on here. To be honest, looking at him, having seen him live and listening to people who've seen him up close, it looks like he has come off the wagon. That won't end well for him and makes a bit of a mockery of the claim that he left the tour to do what's right for his daughter. It's not my business but being 55 and traipsing around the world on tour with a 29 year old girlfriend whilst pissed is hardly being a great parent on the face of it. Like I say, not my business but it does contradict his reasons for leaving the BWC tour.

The difference is that the situation was of Richie's making. He's admitted as much. To me, Jon rushed the album and tour. But Richie caused the shitstorm that followed with how he dealt with that. In terms of mainstream media, Jon took most of the accusations and finger pointing and maintained a dignified silence.

Just to clarify, I went to see Richie on Monday. He was brilliant and I thoroughly enjoyed the show. His voice is in great shape compared to Jon. I adore Stranger, a lot of Aftermath and parts of Undiscovered Soul. I'm not a Jon fanboy and anti-Richie. I just honestly believe that Richie has let himself down badly over the last 18 months while Jon has carried himself incredibly well.

Yep! A lot of my thoughts too.

TY to whoever provided the translated article. Couple of comments: About his FB and all the positives, does he not realize that his admins remove anything remotely negative before the cyber ink dries? Some taste of different perceptions can be a good thing - understand vile but really sheltered. Plus, I know something is lost in translation but what does this remark mean?

"...and I have given it my best friends who do not cheat me once to check."

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