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Panda 04-11-2013 07:57 AM

Am I the only one NOT following people like Matt and Richies daughter on Twitter?

Tooka 04-11-2013 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by StoneDeaf (Post 1121555)
That's just...bullshit. Automatically blah blah...geez. No wonder their recent s**t sells. Loyalty? The way you put it, sounds like world-famous act of blind faith. Die-hards should be the ones questioning lame-ass records, effortless live shows and so on. Song or two? None in last 3 albums. Releasing s**t still doesn't wipe out the past, I can still enjoy what I do enjoy. But for sure I am not going to force myself to enjoy s**t that I really, really don't like. Be it album or crappy liveshow.

I am not saying that die-hards blindly accept everything, on the contrary, liking 1 or 2 songs only in an album indicates how bad the record overall is. What I am saying is this might be natural and common with other bands too. You didn't like any songs from the last three records whereas i put among my all time favorites songs like Whole Lot of Leaving, Any Other Day, Love's the Only rule, Brokenpromiseland and Thick as Thieves. But that is only me...

ezearis 04-11-2013 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Panda (Post 1121567)
Am I the only one NOT following people like Matt and Richies daughter on Twitter?

I don't do it either, just because I have a strict no-famous-following policy, I only follow Phil X but as soon as he's gone of the band he's gone of my timeline.

Mysterytrain 04-11-2013 08:20 AM

I just want them to drop the faux-sing-song-ey 'Because We Can' and go back to something like this:

Spidey5150 04-11-2013 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1121499)
No disrespect, but I don't get tweeting in general. Never tweeted in my life. I use Facebook, and occasionally like to post something funny or gross, but I have absolutely zero desire to let the world know that I just had a hot dog at Fenway Park.

Twitter keeps me informed. I just follow news outlets, beat reporters, websites, bands, celebrities that i'm interested in. My friends like I know a ton about sports but really the 100+ people I follow that devote their life to sports know a ton about sports and I just take it all in.

Mysterytrain 04-11-2013 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Spidey5150 (Post 1121572)
Twitter keeps me informed. I just follow news outlets, beat reports, websites, bands, celebrities that i'm interested in. My friends like I know a ton about sports but really the 100+ people I follow that devote their life to sports know a ton about sports and I just take it all in.

Yep; Twitter for me, is basically a scan through headlines of media outlets I pay attention to, and while I do follow some celebrities, I rarely pay attention to their Tweets, other than to glance at them for any newsworthy content. I have a few online friends on Twitter, but I'd rather engage with them through private message on Facebook or Yahoo Messenger.

steel_horse75 04-11-2013 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Tooka (Post 1121461)
In relation to the discussion about the quality of the material released recently and the comparison to the holy trinity (Slippery, NJ, KTF - and to some replace any by TD)... Two things.

First, look at any band who has been around as long as Bon Jovi, you will not find one band that has consistently released songs that are at the same level of success. Every band has a breakthrough release that brings them to the top and gets them a fan-base but most of them fail to compete with their own work afterwords. However, those few who do manage to release comparable material, are those with longevity, classics, like The Rolling Stones, U2, Metallica, Pearl Jam and yes, Bon Jovi. There are bands that had a great breakthrough and seemed to continue growing and produce better material but due to various reasons failed to continue beyond the mark of 10 years or a little more; The Who with the death of Moon, The Beatles with the famous breakup, Guns N' Roses with their fatal dysfunctional relationships, even Zeppelin with the death of Bonham etc...

Bon Jovi, due to the unique harmonic blend of hard-soft, current-classic, macho-faminine style were able to attract audiences across genders, age groups and different musical tastes. Plus the fact that if you are a Bon Jovi die-hard fan, automatically you are the kind of person that is compassionate, appreciates and is touched by the idea of being an underdog, no matter what people say, what critics think, you are loyal to this band and love them like your own brothers. And this is something that you don't see with other bands too often, the level of loyalty that we the die-hards have. I agree with something said earlier on this epic thread, that Bon Jovi always manages to give you, no matter how crap the album is, a song or two that keep you holding on to them, hoping that one day, they will release that album that compares to your favorite from the early days, but that is not going to happen.

Secondly, if you ask most people about the best times in their lives, and i see that many of us here are over 25 yo, often you will find that they are the years around their teenage and early twenties. Things were easier, responsibilities were less, the appetite for life was insatiable, the passion and the emotion were at the peak. This is why the music that concurred with this part of our lives mean more to us. And this is partially why, no matter what your favorite band will produce now or in the future, it cannot compare to what is imprinted in your mind and heart as their best music, lyrics and songs to date.

If you think about it, most of the relevant classic bands and their legions of fans have gone through the same scenario. Metallica fans are divided about the influence of Bob Rock, Pearl Jam fans keep holding everything released up against Ten and VS., U2 fans and Joshua Tree, Rolling Stones fans can't remember the songs now :P and Guns N' Roses fans, LOL, no need to say anything there...

My point is, it might be that the material post 2000 is not of the same quality as the early material in your opinion, but it might be also due to that no matter how good the new material is it will not hold in your mind against what you consider to be the bar.

great post

steel_horse75 04-11-2013 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1121573)
Yep; Twitter for me, is basically a scan through headlines of media outlets I pay attention to, and while I do follow some celebrities, I rarely pay attention to their Tweets, other than to glance at them for any newsworthy content. I have a few online friends on Twitter, but I'd rather engage with them through private message on Facebook or Yahoo Messenger.

Unless your famous I dont see the point of tweeting. I somehow have 81 folowers - dont know why - I just retweet jokes or comments from my fav people.
Occasionally Ill tweet something but I doubt anyone cares or even reads them!

crashed 04-11-2013 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by bjcrazycpa (Post 1121498)
Very true. I'll get bashed and called an idiot but I like Matt Bongiovi but then again, I've had dealings with him outside of the band so I have a different impression.

You his accountant Deb? Lol

ezearis 04-11-2013 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1121575)
Unless your famous I dont see the point of tweeting. I somehow have 81 folowers - dont know why - I just retweet jokes or comments from my fav people.
Occasionally Ill tweet something but I doubt anyone cares or even reads them!

Well, I only tweet things of my life and I have more than 1100 followers when I'm only following 137, and I'm not famous, and neither is a "fan" or something like that account, it's my personal one where I talk about what I do. And I care what that 137 people tweet, that's why I follow them. I think it makes sense to have Twitter, being famous or not.

But like it or not, Twitter is dying. Its golden times were 2009-2011. I don't even use it like before.

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