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Captain_jovi 01-21-2015 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by samboraisgodUK (Post 1184798)
Very pompous, but interesting nonetheless. When you get past the usual "52 countries bla bla bla" there's some intriguing stuff in there. Intriguing enough for my first post on Jovitalk in nearly 6 months anyway...

Hah I was gonna say, welcome back!

jdanielross 01-24-2015 04:52 PM

Not to defend him, because I'm pretty much over him and all this mess, but he said he "won't" write a bad song. He's saying he stops working a song if he thinks it's bad.

He's still pompous-sounding, but wanted to throw that out there.

nikos greece 01-25-2015 04:41 AM

thats true but the whole thing about mine song and his song implying he had a bigger role in certain songs as a writer sounds pathetic imo. richie was a phenomenal guitar player , musician and songwriter he has lost his touch the last 2-3 years imo but i still have faith he will be the guy he used to be...a better guitarist, a better performer, a better songwriter.

jesyjames 01-26-2015 12:46 AM

"Everything was like 70 thousand people and we got it with no product, which is kind of surprising that Ori and I were able to get up there and we were second on the bill. We were killing it. We were knocking ‘em dead."

He's so insecure, it's sad. Rather than actually killing the audience through an awesome performance, he tells people he killed the audience. The difference is profound. I'd venture to say that same insecurity is likely a driving force behind a lot of these wacky decisions he's been making.

jdanielross 01-26-2015 11:25 PM

70,000 people were at the festival (maybe). 70,000 were absolutely NOT there for your (daytime) gig (most assuredly). Second on the bill ... unlikely.

Insecurity sounds right to describe this level of hubris. Anyone with half a second of YouTube "research" could see that his comments are a bunch of crap.

Maybe he's always been this way, but, since leaving the band (which is his right), he's not someone I recognize anymore.

Becky 01-27-2015 12:19 AM

I agree that he sounds insecure and like a prick, but he's ALWAYS liked to throw around numbers.

When It's My Life was a hit, he did an interview with my local radio station and he was talking about how many countries the band had played and he made the statement that every album they had released since SWW had sold at least 10 million copies. Sure, that's a cool fact to hear, but it he came across pretty arrogant even back then.

TwinFan 01-27-2015 03:35 AM

I'm delighted that this thread is still going on.

liljovi93 01-27-2015 09:01 AM

He retweeted Ultimate Classic Rock headline tweet with 'Richie Sambora talks about his split with Bon Jovi & New music'

Bill23 01-28-2015 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1184927)
I'm delighted that this thread is still going on.

Yeah but the thread should be re-titled. Something like "No more Richie". Or "Richies gone".

Becky 02-19-2015 02:09 PM

New interview with Richie. I only had time to scan it because I have to go to work.

IF Ava's GPA went up by 2 points, she must have had horrible grades before or California uses a different system that we do. (Our's is only a 4 point scale to start with.)

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