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Old Joysey 08-25-2015 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1193154)
He didn't really say Richie wasn't coming back,


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1193158)
Haha just saying, he never says Richie is never coming back, just that Alec and Richie aren't both coming back.

So he said it in the end, yes or no???!!! :confused:

Quit drinking! :p

Captain_jovi 08-25-2015 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1193160)
So he said it in the end, yes or no???!!! :confused:

Quit drinking! :p

Haha I think we're debating two different things. Jon is asked if the members will ever be together again and he said No because Alec isn't coming back. Obviously it was said in jest to break the monotony of that question. He didn't actually answer if Richie was coming back, just that the 5 of them will never be together. But I digress, we all know the answer, I'm just pointing out I liked his joke :)

InAFormerLife 08-25-2015 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1193152)
I have a video. Richie is not coming back.

:!: geoblocked video

So wish I could watch this video! Can't from where I am, either.

Old Joysey 08-25-2015 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1193164)
Haha I think we're debating two different things. Jon is asked if the members will ever be together again and he said No because Alec isn't coming back. Obviously it was said in jest to break the monotony of that question. He didn't actually answer if Richie was coming back, just that the 5 of them will never be together. But I digress, we all know the answer, I'm just pointing out I liked his joke :)

:lol: OK, things are clearer now. Oh well, whatever he said I was able to guess the meaning, who wouldn't?!

bjcrazycpa 08-25-2015 02:57 PM

This article is a repeat of what we'd read before but this part I had not seen before:

"Sambora is no longer a member of the band and will not re-join for forthcoming band tours, Bon Jovi told the media Saturday."

rolo_tomachi 08-25-2015 03:16 PM

Richie is doing a album, and then will tour with Orianthi. Richie will not return any time soon. So, Jon says RS will not coming back in the next tours (Asia 2015, World Tour 2016-17).

This thread keeping live. :)

MellyMel 08-25-2015 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by bjcrazycpa (Post 1193191)
This article is a repeat of what we'd read before but this part I had not seen before:

"Sambora is no longer a member of the band and will not re-join for forthcoming band tours, Bon Jovi told the media Saturday."

That comment stood out to me as well. All this time richie keeps saying never say never, but I think Jon feels differently.

Supersonic 08-25-2015 07:38 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by MellyMel (Post 1193214)
That comment stood out to me as well. All this time richie keeps saying never say never, but I think Jon feels differently.

It's not a direct quote, but what the journalist made of it. So far I've not heard Jon talk about Richie coming back, apart from that one quote where he'd be hard pressed and all of that. There's no way he'd close the door on that one considering many people bailed last time once it was announced. He knows Richie attracts people to a show.

Salaam Aleikum,

bjcrazycpa 08-25-2015 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1193217)
Aloha !

It's not a direct quote, but what the journalist made of it. So far I've not heard Jon talk about Richie coming back, apart from that one quote where he'd be hard pressed and all of that. There's no way he'd close the door on that one considering many people bailed last time once it was announced. He knows Richie attracts people to a show.

Salaam Aleikum,

Yes, I had read it but blew past it since it wasn't a direct quote. I agree on the never say never.

Walleris 08-25-2015 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1193217)
Aloha !

It's not a direct quote, but what the journalist made of it. So far I've not heard Jon talk about Richie coming back, apart from that one quote where he'd be hard pressed and all of that. There's no way he'd close the door on that one considering many people bailed last time once it was announced. He knows Richie attracts people to a show.

Salaam Aleikum,

Really? Was it that significant? I wouldn't say so, most of the venues were filled pretty nicely. Obviously, some die-hards were affected, but I feel like most of them are so dedicated that they went to shows anyway (cause they're die hards), but for casuals, the whole Richie situation created some media attention, which reminded about the shows.

Don't get me wrong, I believe (and hope) that Jon will keep the door open for Richie, but I'd say Richie's commercial effect is way too marginal that would force Jon to welcome Richie if he otherwise hated the idea. I think if Richie was to come back it would be a lot more related to a) friendship that was once there, and b) loyalty and place in history; not be one of those one-man bands that keeps losing members, like GNR, Whitesnake, Smashing Pumpkins, and be more like like U2. But then again, I didn't expect Jon to continue Bon Jovi brand without Richie for legacy reasons and I was obviously wrong, so here's that.

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