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StoneDeaf 04-12-2013 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1121871)
Lets not forget the band are human. Its not the first time a band member (of this band or any other) has dropped out on tour

There's also thing called work ethics. Depending on reasons behind, the way I see it even musicians do their thing as a job, and job must be done. Of course, sickness and s**t happens, but in general: just do your damn job and b**ch later.

Richie's case, well. Since we don't know any better... it can just as well be something "real" behind his absence or it can be just, well something else.

Human or not, audience of paying customers are their employers. Audience pays to see and hear certain combination. If that's not going to happen, the audience is very much allowed to feel like unwillingly f**ked up the ass.

Bon Jovi should offer refund one fifth of the ticket price. Ok one fourth, since Hugh isn't "in the band."

Mysterytrain 04-12-2013 05:03 PM

I'm not sure if I should even consider a rumor like this one, but it's been posted on the Bon Jovi "Topix" thread and is food for thought, I think, since none of us knows anything about the nature of Richie's departure yet. This person (registered as "Soupy" from Colorado) wrote the following (the other comments are subsequent replies to disbelieving fans):

The contracts for the second leg of the tour were placed in a room at the Calgary got A LOT more than the other three splitting up the rest. One quit immediately.....the other two need the money and will sign anything but are furious. You've got THREE guys onstage now getting scale with nothing else. I hear Tico is getting ready to leave after the last U.S. date.

Richie went nuts with the second leg contracts. He's healthy. Celebritynetworth is a joke. Look up Chuck Zito and laugh. Jon is worth well over 200, Richie is about 25 million (he handled money like booze). Dave at 85 is a stone joke. He had to get BIG backing for his Broadway thing. The net is poor as with all Broadway financed productions with private citizens until years later. Frankie Valli was put in a screw contract with Jersey Boys cause he had no idea it would be massive. Songwriting is the key and Dave's share is peanuts. Tico at 40 is laughable. The guy hawks his artwork at small galleries and divorces crucified him. AJS is like Ace Frehley, he might be at 2 million. It'll break down the road, Jon put up the take and leave it percentages and pointed to the door. He could tour solo and get 12,000 per night with the scale musicians onstage now plus a new drummer & keyboard player. No Richie: No Bon Jovi. I like how "X" is put in the shadows.

Booked leg but not signed as early as October of 2012. No phone call, it was in person. It is 100% about the percentages on the second leg, not booze again, Mrs. Bon Jovi fed up with the 1987 Richie, dumped new girlfriend or any other personal garbage. Jon runs the show, it is his highway, you take Jon and his laws or walk. Doc was a waste, Jon was right. 3 scaled players with DB & TT is a joke now. Poor Jon has to give 125% now.

Get a clue, you don't walk on the first date of a new tour leg the afternoon of the show for booze, Mrs. Bongiovi's screaming he's pullin a 1987,dumped bimbo regrets etc: It is money. Jon gave him the thing and he ran. Can ya blame him? Giving Doc his walking papers was excellent, however; jackin his right hand gun on the cheese was stupid. It'll break down the road.

Promoters and tours are inked way before......what Richie gets has NOTHING to do with an entire tour being is what the boss man gives out that matters and it can be inked anytime. Live Nation or any big agency gives out the advance and box office, JB splits it up. He got jacked.

bjcrazycpa 04-12-2013 05:06 PM

Topix is laughable and that gossip is laughable. Contracts are not signed by leg, end of story and they certainly would not be done at an arena.

steel_horse75 04-12-2013 05:11 PM


the other two need the money
It was at this point I stopped reading.

steel_horse75 04-12-2013 05:13 PM

Had to read more. This bloke is a joke but thing is people will beleive it.

bjcrazycpa 04-12-2013 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1121931)
Had to read more. This bloke is a joke but thing is people will beleive it.

Seriously is. I guess I should clarify and say, technically the contracts could be signed by leg but it's unusual. Regardless, the cuts of the pie are negotiated well before the tour begins. Band members would never be surprised at the terms as they'd know up front before they even agree to do it.

Living_on_my_Hair 04-12-2013 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1121927)
I'm not sure if I should even consider a rumor like this one, but it's been posted on the Bon Jovi "Topix" thread and is food for thought, I think, since none of us knows anything about the nature of Richie's departure yet. This person (registered as "Soupy" from Colorado) wrote the following (the other comments are subsequent replies to disbelieving fans):

The contracts for the second leg of the tour were placed in a room at the Calgary got A LOT more than the other three splitting up the rest. One quit immediately.....the other two need the money and will sign anything but are furious. You've got THREE guys onstage now getting scale with nothing else. I hear Tico is getting ready to leave after the last U.S. date.

Richie went nuts with the second leg contracts. He's healthy. Celebritynetworth is a joke. Look up Chuck Zito and laugh. Jon is worth well over 200, Richie is about 25 million (he handled money like booze). Dave at 85 is a stone joke. He had to get BIG backing for his Broadway thing. The net is poor as with all Broadway financed productions with private citizens until years later. Frankie Valli was put in a screw contract with Jersey Boys cause he had no idea it would be massive. Songwriting is the key and Dave's share is peanuts. Tico at 40 is laughable. The guy hawks his artwork at small galleries and divorces crucified him. AJS is like Ace Frehley, he might be at 2 million. It'll break down the road, Jon put up the take and leave it percentages and pointed to the door. He could tour solo and get 12,000 per night with the scale musicians onstage now plus a new drummer & keyboard player. No Richie: No Bon Jovi. I like how "X" is put in the shadows.

Booked leg but not signed as early as October of 2012. No phone call, it was in person. It is 100% about the percentages on the second leg, not booze again, Mrs. Bon Jovi fed up with the 1987 Richie, dumped new girlfriend or any other personal garbage. Jon runs the show, it is his highway, you take Jon and his laws or walk. Doc was a waste, Jon was right. 3 scaled players with DB & TT is a joke now. Poor Jon has to give 125% now.

Get a clue, you don't walk on the first date of a new tour leg the afternoon of the show for booze, Mrs. Bongiovi's screaming he's pullin a 1987,dumped bimbo regrets etc: It is money. Jon gave him the thing and he ran. Can ya blame him? Giving Doc his walking papers was excellent, however; jackin his right hand gun on the cheese was stupid. It'll break down the road.

Promoters and tours are inked way before......what Richie gets has NOTHING to do with an entire tour being is what the boss man gives out that matters and it can be inked anytime. Live Nation or any big agency gives out the advance and box office, JB splits it up. He got jacked.

Is this one of those ''fan fiction'' competitions? What a load of twaddle. Plus it's written terribly.

Either that or it could be some muppet from one of those paying websites out there that encourage and pay people to create their own little conspiracy theories and then go and troll certain message boards and comment features on youtube and places such as that, to drum up publicity and controversy. Trolls are actually real, in that respect.


Sambo-Chris 04-12-2013 05:44 PM

Do you really believe that they make contracts for parts of tours? Sorry, but Jon Needs to plan at least one year Prior so he for sure makes contracts for Album plus tour at least. Probably longer. He would always take the risk that someone says that he doesn't sign the contract for whatever reason and Jon for sure won't take the risk.

IF he would make such contracts it would just be another sign that he doesn't see the band as a band.

Captain_jovi 04-12-2013 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1121876)
I said at the start of the thread that if this is related to his addiction, if Richie is simply taking some time, making sure he doesn't slip back off the wagon, then it isn't something Richie should be fired for and by the same token, I could completely forgive him if he's not there for the Isle Of Wight.

Will I be gutted if he's not there? Totally. It won't be anywhere near the same experience. But this is his life and his health; when I weigh that up against my enjoyment of a gig, there really is no comparison. As I said, it could have just been handled better.

But fans are left to guess what's going on. You want our support, don't leave us in the dark. Addiction related I'd have a different reaction then money related. He let me down big for his solo tour, and he let me down again with this. Had I had tickets to the 2011 shows too then I'd just say screw it, it's not worth it.

Yvonne 04-12-2013 06:41 PM

All I will say is watch the first couple of minutes of this clip....

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