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Thierry 04-03-2013 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by NicoRourke (Post 1119299)
So who played Richie's parts yesterday?

Bobby B and Jonny B.

Beaky 04-03-2013 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by jbjhand (Post 1119297)
Im backing you up Dan. Substance abuse is NOT a disease. There is a group of people who are unable to use drugs or alcohol in a recreational way. We call them addicts or alcoholics. The fact is that the vast majority of people can socially consume alcohol or drugs without becoming dependent, but some of us cant.

A disease is an illness of some kind, alcoholism is an addiction.

... and addiction is classified as a disease... Fact. Your ignorance is a choice.

It's a scientific fact and not because 'everything's a disease nowadays' or 'we have to give everything a name' or 'there's an excuse for everything today, didn't happen in my day' etc etc... It's because we understand it more today than we did 20 years ago.

Do people make the choice to pick up a bottle or needle? Absolutely. Does life/depression/circumstance have a say in it? Undoubtedly. Am I glad I have never been in the situation where it's affected me? 100%. I am sure many people with the attitude that addiction is a choice firmly believe that it comes from a weakness, a weakness they don't possess. I would never presume that myself as one day, it might bite me squarely in the arse.

Just for your info: Richie controlled his drinking for many years, just like a number of people do. However, his alcoholism came about as a direct response to his pill addiction - prescription pills he took to stay on the road with the band. So why on earth would anyone want to fire him?!

Rdkopper 04-03-2013 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Thierry (Post 1119295)
Nobody forced him to use anything? It's his own choice remember.

That comment is way too text book and not very realastic.

Historically, Rock and Roll and Drugs & Alcohol go hand in hand. You being so anti D&A about this means you should be listening to other categories of music. You should burn all your Ozzy, Led Lepplin, Guns and Roses, Stone Temple Pilot, and Beatles records.

Thierry 04-03-2013 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1119304)
That comment is way too text book and not very realastic.

Historically, Rock and Roll and Drugs & Alcohol go hand in hand. You being so anti D&A about this means you should be listening to other categories of music. You should burn all your Ozzy, Led Lepplin, Guns and Roses, Stone Temple Pilot, and Beatles records.

Who cares honestly, I like beer too. And occasionally I drink too much, which is my own choice. Richie does it every single time when he drinks or takes painkillers it's a definite own choice. Alas it is a mind**** too.

RonJovi 04-03-2013 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1119303)
So why on earth would anyone want to fire him?!

I could see, and understand, the band being a bit pissed if a relapse is the problem to be honest.

Yes, I'm sure they will feel bad for him but they are having to pick up the slack and it makes them look a bit stupid and unprofessional again.

His problems may be an illness but, given the type of illness it is and the history, I could see the guys being pissed off.

steel_horse75 04-03-2013 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by samboraisgodUK (Post 1119240)
You're an idiot.

Go w*nk over pictures of Sambora.

Kathleen 04-03-2013 05:19 PM

I really enjoyed the Phil X shows that I saw in 2011 (2 of them I think). Phil fit in perfectly and Jon really went out of his way to engage the audience. There was no auto pilot at all.

They were the last 2 shows that I saw before flying to Europe and the first show I saw there with Richie again was Duesseldorf which was entirely forgettable.

Life will go on without Richie.

steel_horse75 04-03-2013 05:19 PM

If my habits forced me to miss days off work they would sack me and my work dont involve 100,000s of people paying good hard earned money to watch me play.
He needs to either stop for good or quit the band.

Thierry 04-03-2013 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1119309)
If my habits forced me to miss days off work they would sack me and my work dont involve 100,000s of people paying good hard earned money to watch me play.
He needs to either stop for good or quit the band.

Exactly my point, hell I even think Jon should fire him.

Rdkopper 04-03-2013 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Walkerboy (Post 1119298)
You'd have no problems selling them, but with a 25% fee to pay to StubHub, you sure as hell won't get your money back!
I now understand why the StubHub ticket prices are so high - because of the money you lose in fees.
For example, if I were to sell our Diamond Circle tickets (with the early entry package) at face value, I would be selling for £385 for the pair and I'd lose almost £100 of that.

We've been here before with Richie and he's returned for the European leg. With major headline appearances at Slane and Hyde Park, not forgetting the Isle of Wight festival, I only see 2 options:
a) Richie returns for Europe
b) The big Europe dates get canned

I mean come on, if it's a festival (which is televised), you pretty much have to be at full strength - you can't go in there with Bobbie on lead!

But do you have "Diamond Circle tickets" ?

And there are other avenues to explore as well besides Stub-Hub if you really want to dump your tickets at face value.

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