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TwinFan 04-05-2013 12:07 AM

This thread =

The conspiracy theories are abundant. I was really flustered and tired Monday nights, so I was joining in on them, too. But now it's just ridiculous. We know nothing. So as of now, he has NOT quit the band, he is NOT in rehab, he is NOT in the hospital with a heart attack, or whatever the hell else is in this thread that I don't have the time or care to sift through. Oh, and this is NOT Jon's fault in any way.

Shit happens. Obviously, whatever the reason may be, it happened at a lousy time. But I think Richie (and Jon and the band, for that matter) are smart enough to know that a world tour isn't just something that you can skimp out on. The call was made. No amount of bitching will bring Richie back on this leg, I believe, so just let it happen.

As a sidenote, some of these people claiming that they'll sell their tickets if Richie isn't in Europe are full of it, in my opinion.


Originally Posted by samboraisgodUK (Post 1119864)
Okay, slight suspicion of an oxymoron there, I admit it haha :p , I didn't articulate myself particularly well.

The gist of what I was getting at was if a casual observer compared the Wanted solo Phil X played last night to the way Richie usually plays it, they would find prefer Richie's version.

Of course I have an affinity to Richie (really wishing I chose a different username when these arguments come up), but I don't think Phil X is a guitarist who can "play circles around him" as some people seem to be saying.

Of course, a straight up guitar duel would be the only way to know for sure, but I think Phil X may be a [slightly] better guitarist, from a pure technical standpoint. However, the style Richie has and his way of putting things together is brilliant and thus why he's among my favorite guitarists of all time.

samboraisgodUK 04-05-2013 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1119865)
Of course, a straight up guitar duel would be the only way to know for sure, but I think Phil X may be a [slightly] better guitarist, from a pure technical standpoint. However, the style Richie has and his way of putting things together is brilliant and thus why he's among my favorite guitarists of all time.

This is exactly what I've been getting at. I define how good a guitarist is by how much I enjoy listening to them play, not merely their technical ability. Phil X may well be able to play faster and more complicated licks, but that doesn't mean it sounds as good as what Richie does.

RSROCKS 04-05-2013 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1119840)
I just want to know when does Richie get the blame in all this? When does someone point the finger at him and say shit move, dumb ass?

Back in 2011, when this happened with Richie, people blamed Jon. Bastard Jon, continues on with the show, he doesn't care about anyone but himself and money, the stupid CEO. Poor Richie, what he and the band has to put up with. Granted it was a drugs problem then and he had to go to rehab but again, Jon got the blame for Richie's problem.

Happens again in 2013 and again the finger points at Jon. Richie leaves the tour for personal reasons, gives no explanation, nothing. Again, what has Jon done? its all Jon's fault, Richie is a true musician who plays from the heart, Jon doesn't care.

What does Richie have to do until someone says hey, WTF are you doing? you are doing this again to your fans? What? I hear Jon can do no wrong to his fans but heck, Richie fans are much worser. He can screw them over by not turning up for shows and they will forgive him anything. You have our love and support Richie. We are sending you our prayers, Hang in there. There are pages in support of Richie, send him your love. What does he need our love?

When is he ever going to get some of the blame for his actions. When is someone going to tweet him and say I am spending hundreds of dollars travelling to see the band just to see you and you are not turning up to the show? Are you ****in kidding me? No wonder he does it because he knows that his fans will forgive him. I don't need to turn up, they still love me.

Jon, Tico and David have never left the fans high and dry. You know when you go to a show, they will be there. Richie is not looking so good at the moment. 2011, 2012 and now in 2013 and yet it's all Jon's fault....................

It's quite clear you are into "Jon can do no wrong". In fact, I've never seen you say anything remotely fair or nice about Richie and it's quite clear you don't think anything of him as a person, guitar player or key contributor in Bon Jovi.

It is a personal matter. Unlike Jon, he is just choosing to be a present father. If you would step back and realize that these are people with families, you might be able to see that Richie is not evil. Do you think Jon would want to be out on the road if Stephanie had OD'd while he was on tour?

Everyone's just blaming Jon because the management HE formed hardly gave any statement, TMZ received mass amounts of tweets and they decided to post a story. When you don't give any type of story and someone else offers a substantial report, it becomes reality and truth.

Captmorgs 04-05-2013 12:18 AM

Really? Something happens in Richie's personal life, causing him to miss a few shows, and now this board is Jon vs. Richie?

Lisa71 04-05-2013 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by RSROCKS (Post 1119869)
It's quite clear you are into "Jon can do no wrong". In fact, I've never seen you say anything remotely fair or nice about Richie and it's quite clear you don't think anything of him as a person, guitar player or key contributor in Bon Jovi.

It is a personal matter. Unlike Jon, he is just choosing to be a present father. If you would step back and realize that these are people with families, you might be able to see that Richie is not evil. Do you think Jon would want to be out on the road if Stephanie had OD'd while he was on tour?

You are wrong in thinking that I don't care nothing about Richie or he doesn't bring nothing to the band. That is further from the the truth but that was not the point. Why does it have to do with Jon? Why are there even all these theories of what happened and Jon is a wanker. Its simple, Richie is not there and the rest of the band have to carry on regardless but not everything has to fall back on Jon, Richie needs some of it too.

If its to do with his daughter or ex-wife, I applaud him for putting that first and I do know if what happened with Stephanie, happened while the band was on the road, Jon would have been gone too. Not my beef at all. Its mainly this finger pointing that goes on and the finger never gets pointed to Mr Sambora.

Mick_NY 04-05-2013 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by Roll (Post 1119821)
Lea jovi: So anyone around here can be offensive to evil Jon but it's not OK when it's about Richie? The truth is that though Jon isn't half the singer he used to be, the same goes with Sambora and his guitar skills. And yes AOTL is crap. You just need to read fan reviews talking about how it's genuine with heart and soul to understand it. When something is really good, you don't need to support it with such lousy arguments.

I guess it's a nice world cos there are so many different points of view.
I have come to realise I love AOTL!! :-)

"You can only get so high, then you gotta come down"

Mysterytrain 04-05-2013 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1119873)
You are wrong in thinking that I don't care nothing about Richie or he doesn't bring nothing to the band. That is further from the the truth but that was not the point. Why does it have to do with Jon? Why are there even all these theories of what happened and Jon is a wanker. Its simple, Richie is not there and the rest of the band have to carry on regardless but not everything has to fall back on Jon, Richie needs some of it too.

If its to do with his daughter or ex-wife, I applaud him for putting that first and I do know if what happened with Stephanie, happened while the band was on the road, Jon would have been gone too. Not my beef at all. Its mainly this finger pointing that goes on and the finger never gets pointed to Mr Sambora.

I can understand this perception regarding Richie missing shows, but in the case of the rehab issue 2 years ago, my understanding was that Richie addressed the problem when it arose by proactively going to rehab, rather than becoming an increasing liability to the band by continuing to perform while in a bad way. At least, that's the feeling I got reading Jon's comments about Richie subsequently. As to this situation, if it /does/ have something to do with Richie's immediate family, good for him for taking the time he needs to get it straightened out. The only way I could see a finger being pointed at Richie as if we knew that he had been irresponsible in some way, but in both the case of 2011 and now, it /seems/ he is being proactive about whatever issues he's facing.

I should add: I think finger-pointing is justified toward both of them if the TMZ article paints a correct picture of their relationship.

skogs 04-05-2013 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1119824)
We could wait for an official announcement or continue to rip JBJ apart and make up shit about Richie?
Meant to be fans Ffs!!

Well said.

JON4EVA 04-05-2013 01:06 AM

The owner of Slane seems to think Richie will be back by then

"The latest news that I have is that he will be back for the summer"

Perhaps he is just trying to protect his revenue but is potentially a good sign.

danfan 04-05-2013 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1119819)

I'm being serious.

Some are saying they won't go. You can't make a generalization about people then not back it up. Are Europeans such die hards that they'll support the band no matter what, or won't go to the shows if Richie's not there? And if it's neither, then stop yanking on the Americans for what they decide to do.

Sorry man - I'm sick of you shitting on Americans every chance you get.

semigoodlookin 04-05-2013 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1119861)
THIS. If Jon were the asshole that people around here make him out to be, he'd have a string of failed relationships and ex band members. He inspires deep loyalty from the people who surround him. He must be a good guy or people wouldn't keep coming back for more.

Love it, nicely chosen words.

He inspires loyalty!

We really should consider that, I mean there are a million bands that have crashed an burned when the financial motives would have made it better to stay. For some reason Jon has a pile of people working for him who stick around for years, the ones that do leave rarely speak of anything bad.

Are there examples of him being a dick? Or course, no one could go thirty years in the limelight without it and every person has a side to them that is not great, and powerful people can be ruthless. However, for the most part these guys are massively loyal to him, and it is not because he pays them.

And I am not a Jon can do no wrong, in terms of the Bon Jovi machine he does much wrong, as does Richie for that matter, but we simply do not know them so any opinion is just that. He could be a dick, he may be a great guy but there are loads of people here talking as a matter of fact.

Solid Sambora 04-05-2013 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Roll (Post 1119821)
So anyone around here can be offensive to evil Jon but it's not OK when it's about Richie? The truth is that though Jon isn't half the singer he used to be, the same goes with Sambora and his guitar skills. And yes AOTL is crap. You just need to read fan reviews talking about how it's genuine with heart and soul to understand it. When something is really good, you don't need to support it with such lousy arguments.

1. It's your comment about MS that is offensive, not the fact you're having a pop at Richie.

2. What on earth are you talking about? Lousy arguments? Positive fan reviews are proof that it's shit? Ok, YOU don't like AOTL, it's not an opinion that seems to be common here, if you want to convince people to agree with YOU, construct a decent argument.
I've seen some nonsensical posts on here before, but congratulations, you've taken it to a new level. If the Internet was a person, it would be on its fourth Ben & Jerry's of the day, wondering where it all went wrong.

ezearis 04-05-2013 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1119883)
Ok, YOU don't like AOTL.

I don't like it either, is by far the most overrated record here. Everyone talks about Aftermath Of The Lowdown as the record of the ****ing millenium and is an average one with some good songs and some really bad ones.

Solid Sambora 04-05-2013 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1119885)
I don't like it either, is by far the most overrated record here. Everyone talks about Aftermath Of The Lowdown as the record of the ****ing millenium and is an average one with some good songs and some really bad ones.

Which is fair enough, I'm not having a go at anyone who doesn't like the record, that comes down to personal choice and taste.

LeaJovi 04-05-2013 02:13 AM

Can we please go back to the Richie being a Secret agent and got called from the CIA theory?

crashed 04-05-2013 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by LeaJovi (Post 1119891)
Can we please go back to the Richie being a Secret agent and got called from the CIA theory?

I thought he'd gone and joined a ninja clan and was being trained to assassinate Jon so he could keep all the money?

The Rock 04-05-2013 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1119760)
Is Phil X arrogant? I don't know the guy, I had never heard of him before this, and looking up youtube with him and Bon jovi, but he tweeted this:

Phil X ‏@TheRealPhilX 33m

it's like answering the BATphone only every 2 years.

I take it, that even he is finding the situation weird. I don't think he saw this coming where he would be filling in for Richie again. He must have thought those days are over but here we go again. It must be surreal for him.

CharlieShipley 04-05-2013 02:40 AM

I think it needs to be said and remembered that Richie remains a recovering substance abuser, plus whatever residual grief he may be dealing with. IN ADDITION to whatever has come up, he's got to take care of himself as a father and man first, rock star second. To quote a famous eccentric doctor, if Richie were to tour, "THE CONSEQUENCES COULD BE DISATROUS!!!!!!!1111"

Ill miss him in Denver though :/

GabrielC 04-05-2013 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1119823)
I know little of Phil X but I don't believe you're capable of being objective on this point. Not a dig, just an observation.

Some of the nonsense about US v European fans is laughable too. Grow the **** up lads and ladies. Stupid generalisations and I say that as a European.

Some of the Jon bashing is also disgraceful.

I don't get all the fight between USA and European fans. We all know South America fans are the best ones :lol:

Also, why everybody keep saying that its Jon's fault that Richie is not there? It's Tico's fault.

jon-flp 04-05-2013 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by GabrielC (Post 1119900)
I don't get all the fight between USA and European fans. We all know South America fans are the best ones :lol:

Completely agree!!! :D

jon-flp 04-05-2013 04:50 AM

Shows that are confirmed without Richie:

April 5 - Winnipeg

April 7 - St. Paul

April 8 - Omaha

April 10 - Austin

April 11 - Dallas

April 13 - Kansas

April 14 - Des Moines

April 16 - Denver

So, Richie's comeback probably will be at Salt Lake, april 17.

rightsideofwrong 04-05-2013 04:50 AM

Anything but Europeans are the best fans. Way too entitled / high and mighty as if their money or presence is better then the next persons. Get real.

rightsideofwrong 04-05-2013 04:51 AM

Where did you find that information Jon?

idbl_fanatic 04-05-2013 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by rightsideofwrong (Post 1119909)
Where did you find that information Jon?

Yes where?

jon-flp 04-05-2013 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by rightsideofwrong (Post 1119909)
Where did you find that information Jon?

Sorry mates! I forgot to post the source... :lol:

A official video by Phill X Sponsor:

Neurotica80 04-05-2013 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by rightsideofwrong (Post 1119908)
Anything but Europeans are the best fans. Way too entitled / high and mighty as if their money or presence is better then the next persons. Get real.

I'd be annoyed if I was a non Europe fan too. They give America a bunch of autopilot shows, with no rarities and a sessions guitarist. Then they come here, get Richie back and being out the decent stuff :-P

Sorry to generalise but they could stick a cardboard cut out of Richie up there for the US shows and most wouldn't notice, as long as Jon was shakin his ass. I do think there would be a mini backlash were they to come to Europe without Richie. Tickers have hardly been selling that well anyway, a JBJ and buddies tour would do nothing to shift more last minute tickets.

MrIks from Finland 04-05-2013 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by rightsideofwrong (Post 1119908)
Anything but Europeans are the best fans. Way too entitled / high and mighty as if their money or presence is better then the next persons. Get real.

Hah what an opinion:D

Dave88 04-05-2013 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by GabrielC (Post 1119900)
Also, why everybody keep saying that its Jon's fault that Richie is not there? It's Tico's fault.

Nah it's clearly Obie's fault :p

Anyway it's been really entertaining reading all the conspiracy theories in the last couple days, made me laugh a lot.

schlochty 04-05-2013 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Neurotica80 (Post 1119913)

Sorry to generalise but they could stick a cardboard cut out of Richie up there for the US shows and most wouldn't notice, as long as Jon was shakin his ass.

This is golden. And, to a certain extend, very true.

Panda 04-05-2013 01:29 PM

I think its hilarious that Europeans think that a huge protest would happen if everyone found out richie wasn't there. come on, the core fanbase also cares and that's aboot it. Jon could tour under the name "bon jovi" without richie and no one would bat an eyelid.

NicoRourke 04-05-2013 01:37 PM

No, not no one.

schlochty 04-05-2013 01:39 PM

Bon Jovi management are handling the issue like a bunch of amateurs. The lack of a clear statement provides the ground for massive speculation that is starting to affect the bands image.

German media are now saying Sambora has left for the entire tour. This will not help (already slow) sales.

Panda 04-05-2013 01:39 PM

95% of people going to shows are there to see Jon and nothing but. anyone thinking otherwise is delusional.

Makedde 04-05-2013 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Panda (Post 1119941)
95% of people going to shows are there to see Jon and nothing but. anyone thinking otherwise is delusional.

I'm going to see the band, but if Jon wasn't there, and Richie was, I'd stay home. Jon is the main attraction for me, and I'm not afraid to admit it.

CKatz 04-05-2013 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by schlochty (Post 1119940)
Bon Jovi management are handling the issue like a bunch of amateurs. The lack of a clear statement provides the ground for massive speculation that is starting to affect the bands image.

German media are now saying Sambora has left for the entire tour. This will not help (already slow) sales.

This really bothers me, too. One tweet from Matt that no one really notices doesn't count. I don't trust Matt anyway. If it wasn't true it would be so easy for them to deny the why won't they? So stupid.

CKatz 04-05-2013 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Makedde (Post 1119942)
I'm going to see the band, but if Jon wasn't there, and Richie was, I'd stay home. Jon is the main attraction for me, and I'm not afraid to admit it.

Richie is the main attraction for me and I'm not afraid to admit it. I'm glad I didn't buy tickets yet. Now I won't....unless Richie comes back.

rolo_tomachi 04-05-2013 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Makedde (Post 1119942)
I'm going to see the band, but if Jon wasn't there, and Richie was, I'd stay home. Jon is the main attraction for me, and I'm not afraid to admit it.

You don't follow the band, only the man.
You are in your right to express it, fangirl.

But I am also in my right. For me, Bon Jovi are like The Beatles. Without Lennnon, not The Beatles. Guns N Roses without Slash, not Guns N Roses. Bon Jovi without Sambora, not Bon Jovi.

In my opinion.

Fastlane 04-05-2013 02:52 PM

Quick update
Looks like several uploads on Youtube this morning are blaming all of this on the Masons.

Supersonic 04-05-2013 03:04 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by Panda (Post 1119937)
I think its hilarious that Europeans think that a huge protest would happen if everyone found out richie wasn't there. come on, the core fanbase also cares and that's aboot it. Jon could tour under the name "bon jovi" without richie and no one would bat an eyelid.

Yeah, there'd not be much protesting done and obviously people would still go. I wouldn't go to the shows I haven't got tickets for, but I've made arrangements for things, I'm obviously not going to say "Well now I'm not flying to Madrid! **** the plane ticket!"

The thing is though, people over here would realize and hear Richie's not there. They'd hear its not quite the same. In North America, and especially the U.S.A., the average Bon Jovi fan has not the faintest idea that it's a band not a lead singer with a good band. Bon Jovi can only get away with such things in front of a relatively new crowd like in Eastern Europe, but when it comes to the regular markets like Germany and the U.K. most casuals know they're going to see Bon Jovi, and not Jon Bon and the Jovi's.

It's still odd to me how a die hard on Jovitalk feels he's being insulted when talking about how lame an American crowd is compared to European fans, yet most European fans are quite aware of how much more hardcore a South American crowd is and won't be offended at all. Is that pointless American patriotism or just sheer stupidity?

Salaam Aleikum,

CKatz 04-05-2013 03:17 PM

As far as audiences go: South American fans seem like the most passionate. Same goes perhaps for fans from southern Europe.

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