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Jonty 04-12-2013 11:57 PM

Has Jon mentioned a richie at all during any of the last 4 shows?

Lisa71 04-13-2013 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by jovigirloz (Post 1122026)
I am sure most fans would be happy that he gets help before it becomes a problem again.

I am sure they would be but I am talking about how Richie feels. He wants the privacy and he might be embarrassed. Its like being in a bad relationship. You might tell your friends but after a while, even you don't talk about the relationship anymore because you are embarrassed to still be in it.

Walleris 04-13-2013 12:21 AM

Lisa, your theory makes some sense, but it still doesn't explain, why Richie waited until hours before the show to inform the band about it? If he was just 'slipping' and wanted to take care of it, so he doesn't break again, that it shouldn't have been some last minute decision. Unless Jon made the whole '3:30pm' story up, but I tend to believe him, especially when they played the show without a lead guitarist and poor Bobby was had to cover up for Richie.

danfan 04-13-2013 12:24 AM

All kidding aside for a minute, I don't blame Jon for what is (or isn't) going on, simply put because none of us know what's going on. As to why he may get the blame from many people, it's pretty simple - He's the boss. He makes no bones about it - He's the CEO, this is his company, it's his way or the highway, etc. If a company is having problems, the first person held accountable is the boss. Of course, if it is indeed a Richie personal issue, then it's just that, and it may have nothing to do with Jon.

Just in listening to Bon Jovi radio, they've been playing small clips here and there with Jon talking, and he really does come off like it's a solo act with studio musicians. He takes credit for writing and arranging all the songs, then the guys come in and just fill in the missing pieces. He's sort of brought much of the bad reputation he has on himself by coming off as the "boss".

Living_on_my_Hair 04-13-2013 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1122033)

Just in listening to Bon Jovi radio, they've been playing small clips here and there with Jon talking, and he really does come off like it's a solo act with studio musicians. He takes credit for writing and arranging all the songs, then the guys come in and just fill in the missing pieces. He's sort of brought much of the bad reputation he has on himself by coming off as the "boss".

Yeah it is his own fault, as he has said it enough times in interviews and such, often using the quarterback quote or 'the henry ford style of leadership' quip.
I watched the WWWB documentary again last week, and I still cringe at the ''CEO/corporation/brand/Xyrs'' quote, and all of Jon's many responsibilities that he saddles himself with. It's funny, as the next scene immediately after is just with Tico and, bless him, he's such a simple laid back dude. He's talking about hitting a golf ball and how he's a one track kinda guy, such a contrast.
And I am still surprised at how much David is allowed to vent on the camera about Jon and his can clearly see there is something under the surface there..
And watching Richie's segment when he's talking about being Jon's right hand man and how Jon ''saved his life'' etc, and seeing how much he means it, leads me to believe there is nothing wrong with their friendship now..just a bumpy patch maybe.


jovigirloz 04-13-2013 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1122033)
He's sort of brought much of the bad reputation he has on himself by coming off as the "boss".

This image has done him more harm than good. My respect for Jon died a little with the whole CEO thing that was in the WWWB documentary. That showed the passion for money took over the passion for music :(

crashed 04-13-2013 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by jovigirloz (Post 1122040)
This image has done him more harm than good. My respect for Jon died a little with the whole CEO thing that was in the WWWB documentary. That showed the passion for money took over the passion for music :(

See, this is what bugs me because no-one knows what context that conversation Jon was having was in, but it was clearly a business conversation - and you can't be talking like some douche in a rock band when you're talking to someone like Bill Gates or something like that.

That quote has been blown out of complete proportion.

Captain Walrus 04-13-2013 12:55 AM

I refuse to watch the WWWB documentary, I think it might be physically painful to do so.

On a seperate note, I noticed a line in that Topix post:

"jackin his right hand gun on the cheese was stupid"

I have absolutely no idea what that means, but I like it! Or I don't. I'm not quite sure ...

crashed 04-13-2013 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by Captain Walrus (Post 1122043)

"jackin his right hand gun on the cheese was stupid"

I have no idea, I hope someone can enlighten us. Because I think for the sake of my well-being, I need to know.

Mysterytrain 04-13-2013 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1122044)
I have no idea, I hope someone can enlighten us. Because I think for the sake of my well-being, I need to know.

Courtesy of Urban Dictionary:

Orgin: Everywhere - as old as welfare started.

where in wellfare. people get free Money and Govt. Cheese. Real cheese handed out for food for people in the poverty line.

Cheese comes from the term "Government Cheese" but in slang its refer to the "MONEY". cuz that's what you both get at the welfare line. but it is used to mean "Money" for anything.

this is an old slang. a lot of old movies uses it.

"I lost my job. I need to find somewhere new to get my cheese".

EDIT: For some reason, I read 'Soupy's' entire rant with a gangster accent in my head LOL.

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