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jessycardy 06-03-2013 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1135722)
Add to that the fact that since Richie left, Jon said he has only spoken to Richie once. What kind of friend doesn't speak to a friend who is dealing with an issue important enough to take him away from the tour for so long?

I think you should reword your sentence here. From Jon's interview, you can clearly tell Jon's the one upset for not receiving any calls. He stresses it out a lot. He was obviously waiting for at least a few calls in "6 weeks and 18 shows", but they've never come except once. I'll tell you what, I think this very aspect is what could have possibly shuffled the cards during the game and changed Jon's attitude about it.

Becky 06-03-2013 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1135703)
This puzzles me. If Jon was so surprised by the phone call that came in before the Calgary show why did Paul not have to "finish the sentence"?

“At 3:30pm on show day the phone rang and it was Paul the manager and he said guess what, and he didn’t even have to finish the sentence. I said, you’re kidding..."

It sounds to me as if Jon kind of expected the call... and that makes me think that there must have been some discussion prior to that call about the possibility that Richie wouldn't be there. I know Jon said in other interviews "we've been through this before... in 2011" but just because that happened once wouldn't make him automatically assume that it was happening again, would it? Especially since he apparently knew that rehab wasn't the issue this time, like it was in 2011.

Does anyone know exactly (or close) how many Bon Jovi shows Richie has missed over the years (othan the 13 while in he was in rehab during 2011)? Have there been enough that, just from Paul's "guess what", Jon could easily jump to the conclusion that Richie wasn't going to be there?

And you're failing to consider that Jon could have expected a call because he already knew that there were personal issues bubbling in Richie's life that might come to a head. It doesn't necessarily mean the issues are with the band.

jessycardy 06-03-2013 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1135759)
And you're failing to consider that Jon could have expected a call because he already knew that there were personal issues bubbling in Richie's life that might come to a head. It doesn't necessarily mean the issues are with the band.

What? And not blame Evil Jon for it? No way.

BJ?YesPlease 06-03-2013 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1135754)
The fact that he has chosen to keep it private doesn't mean that he doesn't have good reasons for him to be in LA while the others are out on tour. And what really seems to make them most angry is that his life is going on while he's not on the road.

THAT'S what I'm talking about.

CKatz 06-03-2013 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1135757)
Because people pay a shitload of money to see the whole band and unless his reasons are personal or family illness its really not professional to bail after tickets have been sold. And hes doing ****in great and he has no problems so he should be on tour. Simple as that. Not worthy of respect because he showed no respect for the fans.

I don't feel bad for people who spend a "shit load of money" on something as silly as concerts. It's their own fault. Nobody forced them to do it. You can buy plenty of cheap tickets this tour and it's not like this tour is selling out. You rushed out buying tickets. You could have waited (like me) and you wouldn't have a reason to be so angry. I told you this before: you should be angry at yourself for not being more careful. There are no guarantees when it comes to concerts.

Sambo-Chris 06-03-2013 02:24 PM

Beside that the band offers refund so there is no reason to moan. If you don't want to go, refund your tickets like I did.

CKatz 06-03-2013 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1135758)
I think you should reword your sentence here. From Jon's interview, you can clearly tell Jon's the one upset for not receiving any calls. He stresses it out a lot. He was obviously waiting for at least a few calls in "6 weeks and 18 shows", but they've never come except once. I'll tell you what, I think this very aspect is what could have possibly shuffled the cards during the game and changed Jon's attitude about it.

Either way it means they're not friends and arguing.

jessycardy 06-03-2013 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1135765)
Either way it means they're not friends and arguing.

Either way, it means something is off. I would hope they're still friends and we don't know about the arguing part. But something is definitely off.

Stranger11 06-03-2013 02:48 PM

Maybe Jon will sing "Every road leads home to you" at future shows - he already got the haircolour to get him in the mood ;)

JoviJovi 06-03-2013 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1135763)
I don't feel bad for people who spend a "shit load of money" on something as silly as concerts. It's their own fault. Nobody forced them to do it. You can buy plenty of cheap tickets this tour and it's not like this tour is selling out. You rushed out buying tickets. You could have waited (like me) and you wouldn't have a reason to be so angry. I told you this before: you should be angry at yourself for not being more careful. There are no guarantees when it comes to concerts.

Please stop lecturing me. If we were all like you the world would be a pretty shitty place. What Richie did is unprofessional and there are no ways around it. For 30 years there have been guarantees when it came to Bon Jovi, now thanks to Richie that is gone. I am HAPPY to pay good money for good seats because I know or at least knew what I was getting. Richie flaked out and ruined that, so rest assured I wont be doing it again.

Sambo-Chris 06-03-2013 03:38 PM

From where do you know that only Richie is to blame? For a fight it belongs at least 2.

BJ?YesPlease 06-03-2013 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1135769)
What Richie did is unprofessional and there are no ways around it.

Uh uh. Nothing factual in that sentence.

JoviJovi 06-03-2013 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Sambo-Chris (Post 1135774)
From where do you know that only Richie is to blame? For a fight it belongs at least 2.

If I have a fight with a coworker or boss I still have to go to work. Unless of course I quit.

JoviJovi 06-03-2013 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1135779)
Uh uh. Nothing factual in that sentence.

He didn't show up for work. That is unprofessional. FACT

Sambo-Chris 06-03-2013 05:45 PM

Also when your boss says "stay at home, I don't want to see you anymore"?

JoviJovi 06-03-2013 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Sambo-Chris (Post 1135793)
Also when your boss says "stay at home, I don't want to see you anymore"?

When did that happen?

Sambo-Chris 06-03-2013 05:54 PM

We don't know anything. Everything is possible. Until I know what happened I can't blame anyone. Not Richie and not Jon.

BJ?YesPlease 06-03-2013 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1135792)
He didn't show up for work. That is unprofessional. FACT

That's BS - he didn't show up for work, but if I don't show up for work, it could be because a loved one died. It could be because my kid got sick. Maybe a friend had a downer and threatened to kill themselves and needed me. Are those reasons not good enough to show for work? They're unlikely to keep him off for longer than a date or two...but...I'm just making a hypothetical point.

We don't know why he didn't show....and therein lies the whole reason we've drawn out almost 600 pages. We don't know.

And until we do - we don't if it's ANYONE'S "fault". Maybe there's no blame. Maybe there's a genuine reason. Maybe there isn't.

But anyone that jumps to conclusion about someone being unprofessional is deluding themselves into thinking they know enough about the situation to make that judgement.
What if Jon said "I'm cutting your pay for the next leg". What if Jon said "Bobby's playing all the solos tonight". What if Obie called Richie and said "Jon thinks you shagged his wife and he's raised your child and he's gonna kick your ass if you show up".

What if we all stopped trying to pretend we know anything and knocked the in-fighting on the head...

jessycardy 06-03-2013 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1135803)
That's BS - he didn't show up for work, but if I don't show up for work, it could be because a loved one died. It could be because my kid got sick. Maybe a friend had a downer and threatened to kill themselves and needed me. Are those reasons not good enough to show for work? They're unlikely to keep him off for longer than a date or two...but...I'm just making a hypothetical point.

We don't know why he didn't show....and therein lies the whole reason we've drawn out almost 600 pages. We don't know.

And until we do - we don't if it's ANYONE'S "fault". Maybe there's no blame. Maybe there's a genuine reason. Maybe there isn't.

But anyone that jumps to conclusion about someone being unprofessional is deluding themselves into thinking they know enough about the situation to make that judgement.
What if Jon said "I'm cutting your pay for the next leg". What if Jon said "Bobby's playing all the solos tonight". What if Obie called Richie and said "Jon thinks you shagged his wife and he's raised your child and he's gonna kick your ass if you show up".

What if we all stopped trying to pretend we know anything and knocked the in-fighting on the head...

Your point was very valid - and better - even without the "what if Jon" BS. We don't know anything, period. No need to come up with Jon, Jon, Jon, Jon, Jon. Some of you are obsessed with him, and not in a good way. Richie has his own life apart from Jon's. Hard to believe, I know, but he does.

aljo 06-03-2013 06:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Phil's been busy, he got married over the weekend. Photo showed up on my facebook newsfeed.

ezearis 06-03-2013 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Sambo-Chris (Post 1135793)
Also when your boss says "stay at home, I don't want to see you anymore"?

And when your boss say that when you missed a day of work because you were drunk and you didn't even manned up and called him like an adult but got another dude to do it?

Sissy3 06-03-2013 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by aljo (Post 1135806)
Phil's been busy, he got married over the weekend. Photo showed up on my facebook newsfeed.

And the bride wore black, which was actually pretty. I have a question, guys. If whatever "it" was, is bad enough for Richie to miss this much of the tour, then why would it not be bad enough for him to continue to miss the rest of the tour? A lot of people seem to think he's going to pop up on stage soon. And if it were fixable, could it have not been fixed before now? I know, more questions calling for speculation. Maybe Jon's new hair color is a subtle hint to fans. ;) hmmmm Wonder if I could start a hair rumor of some kind?

ezearis 06-03-2013 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by aljo (Post 1135806)
Phil's been busy, he got married over the weekend. Photo showed up on my facebook newsfeed.

I'd rather not get married at all than show up dressed like that. Too much rock 'n' roll for a wedding :p

Happy for the guy, though.

aljo 06-03-2013 06:47 PM

So now Phil can go on his honeymoon and Richie can come back :)

BJ?YesPlease 06-03-2013 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1135805)
Your point was very valid - and better - even without the "what if Jon" BS. We don't know anything, period. No need to come up with Jon, Jon, Jon, Jon, Jon. Some of you are obsessed with him, and not in a good way. Richie has his own life apart from Jon's. Hard to believe, I know, but he does.

I will admit to being obsessed with his look - hair and clothing - circa 1996.
As a straight guy, all I can say is "Hello Jon Bon Jovi....get your sweet ass over here".

BJ?YesPlease 06-03-2013 07:21 PM

Interesting quote from RS as I was trawling the Dry County archives!

Stage animal Richie Sambora: "Life is fun, a lot of fun if you'd see our bank accounts. But still it's al about one thing: playing. Of the 24 hours, 22 are in service of the two hours on the stage. If you have the flu, having a fight with your wife or just so your dog being run over by a truck: the second you walk forward and the kids start screaming, you forget everything and you become Superman. No dope or pussy can compete with that. It's the ultimate thing."

Or not.

JoviForever 06-03-2013 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by aljo (Post 1135806)
Phil's been busy, he got married over the weekend. Photo showed up on my facebook newsfeed.

OMG! What a hideous look.

Javier 06-03-2013 07:48 PM

So many bands have gone on to finish a tour and even record albums together while hating each others guts, because it is their job and they owe it to the fans to stick it out. If this whole thing really is about an argument or falling out, then I don't think it's worthy of much sympathy, doesn't matter whose fault it is or who started it. They're grown men in their 50's for crying out loud....

idbl_fanatic 06-03-2013 07:55 PM

Crushgen24/88 06-03-2013 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1135803)
That's BS - he didn't show up for work, but if I don't show up for work, it could be because a loved one died. It could be because my kid got sick. Maybe a friend had a downer and threatened to kill themselves and needed me. Are those reasons not good enough to show for work? They're unlikely to keep him off for longer than a date or two...but...I'm just making a hypothetical point.

We don't know why he didn't show....and therein lies the whole reason we've drawn out almost 600 pages. We don't know.

And until we do - we don't if it's ANYONE'S "fault". Maybe there's no blame. Maybe there's a genuine reason. Maybe there isn't.

But anyone that jumps to conclusion about someone being unprofessional is deluding themselves into thinking they know enough about the situation to make that judgement.
What if Jon said "I'm cutting your pay for the next leg". What if Jon said "Bobby's playing all the solos tonight". What if Obie called Richie and said "Jon thinks you shagged his wife and he's raised your child and he's gonna kick your ass if you show up".

What if we all stopped trying to pretend we know anything and knocked the in-fighting on the head...

You're warping what people are saying. I don't think a single person in this thread, no matter how insane it's gotten, would have any ill-will if it tuned out to be something health related, family related, etc.

Crushgen24/88 06-03-2013 08:35 PM

So Phil was getting married in June and has a baby due in October? Jon must have backed the Brinks truck down his driveway to get him to do this tour.

BJ?YesPlease 06-03-2013 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1135839)
You're warping what people are saying. I don't think a single person in this thread, no matter how insane it's gotten, would have any ill-will if it tuned out to be something health related, family related, etc.

Don't think I'm warping anything. Someone said he's unprofessional.
I said nothing more than we don't know why he's not there, therefore we can't judge whether it's unprofessional or not.

It was fun when we hypothesized about dog's being murdered....

Mysterytrain 06-03-2013 08:36 PM

If you hinge this whole mystery on what has actually been said by Jon and Richie lately (and that's assuming the "Daily Mail" quotes by Richie are accurate), we get:

Jon: ""Life goes on, so if someone chooses not to be here... unlike if this were, God forbid, The Edge, and he for some reason couldn't make a U2 show, [then] it would be very difficult to just step in."

Richie: (Twitter): "Hey there's too much to say right now so I won't say you all...thank u for your support."

(Daily Mail): “My opinion is Jon wants to see if he can pull off stadiums by himself. He is making it very difficult for me to come back.”

***Silence for 8 days and counting*****

Taken in just this context, it seems like a childish power struggle, with fans losing out. I think there is much more to it, though. But if this all turns out to be an ego-driven squabble, I will credit my 10-and-8-year-old nephews as being more mature than Jon and Richie.

Crushgen24/88 06-03-2013 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1135841)
Don't think I'm warping anything. Someone said he's unprofessional.
I said nothing more than we don't know why he's not there, therefore we can't judge whether it's unprofessional or not.

I disagree. UNLESS it was health or family related, there's really no reason for him bailing that I wouldn't consider unprofessional. Unless Jon fired him mid-tour, but nothing suggests that, not even Jon's passive-aggressive comments.

Kathleen 06-03-2013 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by JoviForever (Post 1135820)
OMG! What a hideous look.

I have read several books recently that have brides wearing black for a wedding. Nothing wrong with it I guess. I don't think that picture is hideous, actually I kinda like it. That said, it wouldn't be for me but they are a lot younger.

jessycardy 06-03-2013 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1135813)
I will admit to being obsessed with his look - hair and clothing - circa 1996.
As a straight guy, all I can say is "Hello Jon Bon Jovi....get your sweet ass over here".

Like, really, who wouldn't?!?


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1135831)

"Bon Jovi is headed to Slane Castle in Co. Meath on June 15 for a big show, but missing in action will be lead guitarist Richie Sambora, who for many years has had a contentious relationship with band leader Jon Bon Jovi."

HA! That's funny. I stopped reading right there and then. Gave a quick skim through the rest of it though, and it's the same ol' regurgitated stuff. Nothing to see here.

The Rock 06-03-2013 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1135754)

So, as far as Bon Jovi is concerned, prior to this tour there have actually only been two separate times that Richie didn't "show up for work". In thirty years. Is that correct?

That we know? There is a lot of behind the scene stuff that has gone on through the years that no one knows about. The times when they have had to make sure he comes to the venue, the times that they didn't know if he was going to be able to go on stage, the many times that they have covered for him. Just because he only missed two separate times, doesn't mean that he has been reliable all the other times. When Jon says don't finish the sentence it was because they have been through this so many times.

The Rock 06-03-2013 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1135803)
That's BS - he didn't show up for work, but if I don't show up for work, it could be because a loved one died. It could be because my kid got sick. Maybe a friend had a downer and threatened to kill themselves and needed me. Are those reasons not good enough to show for work? They're unlikely to keep him off for longer than a date or two...but...I'm just making a hypothetical point.

We don't know why he didn't show....and therein lies the whole reason we've drawn out almost 600 pages. We don't know.

And until we do - we don't if it's ANYONE'S "fault". Maybe there's no blame. Maybe there's a genuine reason. Maybe there isn't.

But anyone that jumps to conclusion about someone being unprofessional is deluding themselves into thinking they know enough about the situation to make that judgement.
What if Jon said "I'm cutting your pay for the next leg". What if Jon said "Bobby's playing all the solos tonight". What if Obie called Richie and said "Jon thinks you shagged his wife and he's raised your child and he's gonna kick your ass if you show up".

What if we all stopped trying to pretend we know anything and knocked the in-fighting on the head...

Everything you said is true and I agree but why are the what if's all Jon's fault? None of those pointed any finger to Richie. What if Richie did this or Richie did that? So apparently, Richie is the good guy in all this and it's because of Jon, he is not there?

jessycardy 06-03-2013 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1135850)
Everything you said is true and I agree but why are the what if's all Jon's fault? None of those pointed any finger to Richie. What if Richie did this or Richie did that? So apparently, Richie is the good guy in all this and it's because of Jon, he is not there?

That's what I pointed out too, but he replied he likes Jon's sweet ass. Fair enough, can't really come back to that.

The Rock 06-03-2013 10:21 PM

Can't get into Richie's twitter account..........

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