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Thinny 06-29-2020 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by GabrielC (Post 1264995)
I don't think he sounds drunk. He sounds like an old man, but not drunk.

Exactly! He sounds like a guy in his 60s...oh wait....

Butters 06-29-2020 08:20 PM

He looks and sounds like an old, syphilitic rock star who is trying to look and sound like a "cool" 20-year-old.

Alphavictim 06-29-2020 08:43 PM

What the hell do you people want? Richie is acting like an airheaded rocker who thinks doing shots in front of your kid is "cool"? So he's acting like it's 1986.

Jon doesn't dye his hair anymore, tries to talk about "social issues" in his lyrics and uses his profile to talk about stuff he is actually passionate about. People complain he's not acting like he did in 1986 anymore.

Thinny 06-30-2020 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1265003)
What the hell do you people want? Richie is acting like an airheaded rocker who thinks doing shots in front of your kid is "cool"? So he's acting like it's 1986.

Jon doesn't dye his hair anymore, tries to talk about "social issues" in his lyrics and uses his profile to talk about stuff he is actually passionate about. People complain he's not acting like he did in 1986 anymore.

I somewhat agree with this, people are never happy and always focus on the negatives. But I think there is a balance that neither of them are getting right...

Richie will always look and act like a rock star, that's just who he is. He's never going to be the super serious business guy. Sometimes, it may seem a little awkward for someone his age for sure, I get that. I think the jacket and the backwards cap for instance..not such a great idea. Sometimes his humour doesn't translate so well these days either. It hasn't really changed but how things are percieved in your 20s and 30s are differrent to when you are older. But if people are expecting him to be a pipe and slipper guy in his 60s think again. However, the whole Richie is drunk comments really get on my nerves, as most of the time Richie is just being Richie. And if you don't see that I have to wonder who you have been watching all these years. And other times he just seems old, cause you know, he's 60 and he has lived his life to the fullest ! But he has always had a love for music and a passion for what he does, and that still remains today...Richie always has and always will wear his heart on his sleeve.

Jon goes the other end of the scale, he wants to talk about serious stuff all the time, which is fine, we've come to expect that, but I do find him a little dull at times. It often seems to take a lot for him to relax and have fun. I get it, there is a lot of pressure on his shoulders a lot of the time. But we have mostly lost the Jon that had that real passion for the music. I just don't feel that anymore, and I think that that is what people miss. I don't think anyone really wants Jon to write Wild In The Streets at his age, but songs from the heart rather than the mind are what i miss the most from him....there were a few moments where that came through a little on THINFS, for the first time since maybe Lost Highway. Hopefully there are at least a couple on 2020....but unfortunately not on anything I've heard so far...I honestly think he enjoys the business side of it more these days.

Captain_jovi 06-30-2020 12:38 AM

But there is a side of Richie that HAS changed. He used to be able to give serious answers without throwing in silly voices and impressions. Yes, that has always been there but since the early 2010's it's come across as more forced it feels like? He used to come across more soulful and serious sometimes and silly during others and it felt more composed or put together.

I loathe the topic about him drinking and on drugs and I'm not convinced that's what it is but the way he slurs hasn't always been there. That might come with age, I don't know, but from watching interviews of his for years and yeah it's changed as he's gotten older.

Alphavictim 06-30-2020 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Thinny (Post 1265005)
I somewhat agree with this, people are never happy and always focus on the negatives. But I think there is a balance that neither of them are getting right...

Oh, absolutely. Him and Jon might not be the brothers the band's image always wanted us to believe, but not only musically but also in terms of personalities, they represented two different approaches than gelled well because they complemented eacher other.

One thing both get wrong IMO is that they overstate their points. Richie keeps talking about his musical ACHIEVEMENTS. Jon keeps talking about his business ACHIEVEMENTS. It seems like they want to REPRESENT something, and it comes across as forced and fake. Or at the very least, over the top. Richie playing the role of the "in it for the art, baby!" guy who seems like he's delivering an overenthusiastic sales pitch is... I dunno.

JBJ's semi-newfound humbleness is a good "look" for his age, but Richie's enthusiasm sometimes still has the edge.

I think they're both too proud to admit that they kinda need each other to do their best work.

YOVANAfromPeru 06-30-2020 01:37 AM

He seems a hippie.

Rdkopper 06-30-2020 04:00 AM

So you got Jon on one side who looks constantly stressed out with zero sense of humour (unless it's forced). He's 58 going on 70

Then on the complete opposite end, you have Richie who can't be serious for a second to the point of awkwardness. He's 60 going on 25.

You couldn't ask for two complete opposite people who were once one in the same. It's truly mind-blowing how much of a 180 both guys became.

Now I watched the complete press interview to the Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Poison 2020 tour and all those guys seemed to be exactly what I'd expect them to be. Regardless of how much they aged, regardless of how many drugs they did, none of them came across awkward, stressed, goofy, or just the complete opposite of how I remembered them.

And Yes, Richie is completely different and not in a good way... He's mumbling, he can't get his thoughts out. Who knows if he's on some type of substance. Prescription or Non.

The one thing I can't tell you. When I see Richie like this, there is no way in hell he is getting back into Bon Jovi for any type of reunion tour... I don't think Jon is that desperate to put that back in the band. He's back to the way he was with Orianthi.

And I say that with disappointment.

rickysambo 06-30-2020 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1265010)

Now I watched the complete press interview to the Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Poison 2020 tour and all those guys seemed to be exactly what I'd expect them to be. Regardless of how much they aged, regardless of how many drugs they did, none of them came across awkward, stressed, goofy, or just the complete opposite of how I remembered them.

Tommy Lee got a Chinese face tattoo yesterday.

Rdkopper 06-30-2020 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by rickysambo (Post 1265016)
Tommy Lee got a Chinese face tattoo yesterday.

And that's so Tommy Lee...

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