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JoviJovi 06-06-2013 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1136443)
Fans can put the shells back in their pockets with a refund. Pretty simple stuff.

They haven't made that option available for US summer shows or the Mohegan Sun makeup show.

Of course there's always the chance Richie will be back I suppose.

Mysterytrain 06-06-2013 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1136455)
Yes, I would agree that the communication has been pitiful, especially with all the social media outlets at hand these days. You could argue that it's the whole Jersey Syndicate way of keeping things in house but this isn't the mob.

At this stage I don't feel like bashing Richie though. Something tells me he had good reason to leave. I'll be the first to call him a dick if he left because of an argument.

If it was a mental health issue, I wouldn't be surprised; just consider all of his weird Tweets and the long silences both at the beginning of this and again now (11 days and counting). Something sounded "off" (remember 'Tip-top and smiling'?).

Unfortunately, unlike a physical health problem, mental health problems are still stigmatized and I could see where Richie would want to keep it quiet, if that's what's going on.

On the other hand, it if is indeed a clash of egos, then I would see those same Tweets (and Jon's responses in interviews) like a game of cat-and-mouse, where they are passive-aggressively calling each other out in the media, just to see who will crack first. If that's the case, then that's truly childish. If that's the case, they need to sit in a room with a mediator (like the New Jersey era) and hash it out.

ben 06-06-2013 08:34 PM

oh I'd love to see a tweet from Richie tonight like "Boo! here I am!" and then he appears in Copenhagen tonight! wouldn't that be awesome??
yeah ok I know ... "maybe I'm a dreamer but I still believe.. "

Ruggy 06-06-2013 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1136444)
No way.

If that were the case, Jon would have come to his defense. The fact that Jon has said "You'll have to ask him", clearly indicates that Richie has a stick up his ass.

As we say in Scotland, pish!

DestinationJovi 06-06-2013 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by nrm123 (Post 1136364)

Let me end the suspense...Ava will never tweet anything about this situation, cryptic or otherwise. She will tweet like any other 15 year old does..about school, her friends, selfies, etc. Quit stalking her looking for answers. She is the daughter of two high profile celebrities. She knows better than to say anything, and quite honestly I doubt it affects her life enough to sound off on twitter about it anyway. If you're following her because you're a fan of her acting, that's one thing. But if you're following her because you're a Bon Jovi fan, that's pathetic.

Beaky 06-06-2013 10:05 PM

Just pissed off and bored with it now... everyone involved has lost my respect, my cash, my fandom and my commitment. So I am finally leaving people on here at peace!

This band used to be something f*cking special and even when their music lost it's individuality and they stopped making timeless hits and started making stuff a few of us would like for five minutes, they still kicked your ass live...

But you honestly have to have the blinkers on to think they are anything close to how they used to be and without Richie, there's no soul to it any more. I don't need to see them live to say this but I will be, one last time in just over a week at Isle of Wight. I have the lowest expectations I've ever known for a show, because it's not Bon Jovi.

'It's not Jon, It's Richie' or visa-versa... I don't subscribe to it. It's all of them. Tico, Dave, the lot of them. We're the fans and we can see how f*cked up and disjointed this sh*t is, one of Jon's 'Yes-Man' flunkies or one of the band should be telling him likewise. Richie is coming off like a self-centred, hippy-wannabe, dumb-ass who has thrown his toys and any respect I ever had for him, far from his pram.

The combination of the above, plus some of the worst music I've heard from a 'rock band' on WAN, Jon's appalling vocals and the total and utter bollocks of booking more dates when your guitarist isn't even on tour with you, just makes me realise how far this lot have fallen. I'm done with 'em.

Hope everyone enjoys their shows.

faith1985 06-06-2013 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1136517)
Just pissed off and bored with it now... everyone involved has lost my respect, my cash, my fandom and my commitment. So I am finally leaving people on here at peace!

This band used to be something f*cking special and even when their music lost it's individuality and they stopped making timeless hits and started making stuff a few of us would like for five minutes, they still kicked your ass live...

But you honestly have to have the blinkers on to think they are anything close to how they used to be and without Richie, there's no soul to it any more. I don't need to see them live to say this but I will be, one last time in just over a week at Isle of Wight. I have the lowest expectations I've ever known for a show, because it's not Bon Jovi.

'It's not Jon, It's Richie' or visa-versa... I don't subscribe to it. It's all of them. Tico, Dave, the lot of them. We're the fans and we can see how f*cked up and disjointed this sh*t is, one of Jon's 'Yes-Man' flunkies or one of the band should be telling him likewise. Richie is coming off like a self-centred, hippy-wannabe, dumb-ass who has thrown his toys and any respect I ever had for him, far from his pram.

The combination of the above, plus some of the worst music I've heard from a 'rock band' on WAN, Jon's appalling vocals and the total and utter bollocks of booking more dates when your guitarist isn't even on tour with you, just makes me realise how far this lot have fallen. I'm done with 'em.

Hope everyone enjoys their shows.

Wow, bad day????
There is other music, you know ;-)

crashed 06-06-2013 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1136517)
Just pissed off and bored with it now... everyone involved has lost my respect, my cash, my fandom and my commitment. So I am finally leaving people on here at peace!

This band used to be something f*cking special and even when their music lost it's individuality and they stopped making timeless hits and started making stuff a few of us would like for five minutes, they still kicked your ass live...

But you honestly have to have the blinkers on to think they are anything close to how they used to be and without Richie, there's no soul to it any more. I don't need to see them live to say this but I will be, one last time in just over a week at Isle of Wight. I have the lowest expectations I've ever known for a show, because it's not Bon Jovi.

'It's not Jon, It's Richie' or visa-versa... I don't subscribe to it. It's all of them. Tico, Dave, the lot of them. We're the fans and we can see how f*cked up and disjointed this sh*t is, one of Jon's 'Yes-Man' flunkies or one of the band should be telling him likewise. Richie is coming off like a self-centred, hippy-wannabe, dumb-ass who has thrown his toys and any respect I ever had for him, far from his pram.

The combination of the above, plus some of the worst music I've heard from a 'rock band' on WAN, Jon's appalling vocals and the total and utter bollocks of booking more dates when your guitarist isn't even on tour with you, just makes me realise how far this lot have fallen. I'm done with 'em.

Hope everyone enjoys their shows.

I will. Cheers.

Sissy3 06-06-2013 10:32 PM

Beaky, no one can tell you how to feel but, if you go with the idea your concert will suck the big one and you'll be miserable, then that's exactly what will happen. You're sitting it all up to fail. I've psyched myself out before about things and they turned out not to be as horrible as I expected. :)

jessycardy 06-06-2013 10:46 PM

I understand Beaky's frustration, I honestly do. And I think the fact that he has a show in a few days doesn't help matters either. I know for me it doesn't. If all this had happened while the band wasn't on tour, well, first of all we probably wouldn't know about it. Second, they would have had time and space to work it out. And third, we wouldn't be so directly involved. It feels like we're fighting against time, wishing our show was a little later on so that chances of Richie being back by then would be higher. Who the hell on this planet wishes the concert of their favorite artist could be further away in time rather than closer? It's a mess and it's screwing with our heads. I'll never say farewell to Bon Jovi, because they mean the world to me, and I still hope and wish for them to get back to when they were beautiful. But I think I can relate to the level of frustration.

nrm123 06-06-2013 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Panda (Post 1136421)
A few points:

-Justifying following a 15 year old girl you've never met on twitter is not okay because you're a "teenager". Nineteen is hardly a teenager.

-I can't even fathom how that tweet could relate to Jon and Richie at all. Wow. I just... I can't even... words... what?

But following her 50 year old dad tat I've also never met is perfectly fine? I can follow whoever the **** I want and yes there is 4 years difference my parents have 4 years between them is that immoral?

schlochty 06-07-2013 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by nrm123 (Post 1136549)
But following her 50 year old dad tat I've also never met is perfectly fine? I can follow whoever the **** I want and yes there is 4 years difference my parents have 4 years between them is that immoral?

Stay on topic. Yes, you "can follow whoever the ****" you want but don't be surprised if other people call this creepy. It actually is.

steel_horse75 06-07-2013 12:48 AM

**** Richie. He is treating fans like cunts
Phil, Jon, Tico and David will kick arse in UK.

samboraisgodUK 06-07-2013 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by nrm123 (Post 1136549)
But following her 50 year old dad tat I've also never met is perfectly fine? I can follow whoever the **** I want and yes there is 4 years difference my parents have 4 years between them is that immoral?

Her dad's a well known musician. She's a 15 year old girl who clearly uses her social networking accounts just like other teenage girls. Her tweets are about her friends, school etc. not revolving around her dad. It's a bit weird how much you've read into what she's said. The age difference is irrelevant.

samboraisgodUK 06-07-2013 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1136577)
**** Richie. He is treating fans like cunts
Phil, Jon, Tico and David will kick arse in UK.

Because that's not inflammatory...

tico_6 06-07-2013 02:03 AM

I think it will get sorted eventually but the damage for a lot of people is done. I don't think we will ever hear the truth but what i do hope is that they are both writing at the moment i think some killer material could come out of this.

Solid Sambora 06-07-2013 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by nrm123 (Post 1136549)
But following her 50 year old dad tat I've also never met is perfectly fine? I can follow whoever the **** I want and yes there is 4 years difference my parents have 4 years between them is that immoral?

It's even more creepy now that you've let us in on the parallel you see between your folks and you and Ava... Reminds me of the time a colleague said he couldn't wait for Miley Cyrus' 16th so that he "could finally just say it". Thankfully never found out what "it" was.

Seriously though, and this isn't aimed just at you, but anyone who follows her- why? Why does anyone on here follow Ava Sambora? Yes, you can follow whoever you like on Twitter, but I'm asking because I'm genuinely interested in the reasoning behind it. We follow her dad because we're fans of him, his work. He is/was a hero to some. I can see a valid reason for following him. Why Ava though?

Sissy3 06-07-2013 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1136537)
I understand Beaky's frustration, I honestly do. And I think the fact that he has a show in a few days doesn't help matters either. I know for me it doesn't. If all this had happened while the band wasn't on tour, well, first of all we probably wouldn't know about it. Second, they would have had time and space to work it out. And third, we wouldn't be so directly involved. It feels like we're fighting against time, wishing our show was a little later on so that chances of Richie being back by then would be higher. Who the hell on this planet wishes the concert of their favorite artist could be further away in time rather than closer? It's a mess and it's screwing with our heads. I'll never say farewell to Bon Jovi, because they mean the world to me, and I still hope and wish for them to get back to when they were beautiful. But I think I can relate to the level of frustration.

I get the frustration also, I'm not belittling anyone's feelings about this, I just feel bad for anyone going to a concert and not being able to work up some tiny bit of enjoyment from it. I hope Beaky's pleasantly surprised and ends up being happy he went. :D

The Rock 06-07-2013 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by nrm123 (Post 1136549)
But following her 50 year old dad tat I've also never met is perfectly fine?

No comparison and you know it.

crashed 06-07-2013 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1136577)
**** Richie. He is treating fans like cunts
Phil, Jon, Tico and David will kick arse in UK.

At this stage I really can't agree more. I don't even care what the reasons are anymore - if it was health, family, something MAJOR - I'd at least expect some sort of statement or at least a damn freakin' apology to his fans by now.

The rest are being professionals so unlike Beaky, I just can't be done with them. Besides I still enjoy their music (that's not having blinders on, that's just happening to like most Bon Jovi music just like I'm sure some of the others on here listen to and enjoy bands I can't stand.)- even if it was an argument or a fall-out that Richie chose to leave - his I'm doing ****ing great sort of sealed it all for me.

bonjovi821 06-07-2013 03:30 AM

BREAKING NEWS: Ava just retweeted

"miley cyrus is one hot piece of ass"

If this isn't ABSOLUTELY CONVINCING that she's taking digs at Jon, then I just don't know what is. This is getting out of hand.

GabrielC 06-07-2013 04:40 AM


She's insulting Jon's ass?! That's low class right there!

Jayster 06-07-2013 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by bonjovi821 (Post 1136614)
BREAKING NEWS: Ava just retweeted

"miley cyrus is one hot piece of ass"

If this isn't ABSOLUTELY CONVINCING that she's taking digs at Jon, then I just don't know what is. This is getting out of hand.

I have to agree with her.

ezearis 06-07-2013 05:53 AM

Please bring Richie back, every time Bobby Bandiera plays the You Give Love A Bad Name solo, God kills a kitty.

ezearis 06-07-2013 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Jayster (Post 1136627)
I have to agree with her.

I used to like Miley Cyrus when she was younger, but now... let's be honest, she doesn't have a cute face (not saying that she's ugly, but for a famous person she's not something great) and her haircut is a major turnoff for me.

crashed 06-07-2013 08:20 AM

No conspiracy theories about Jon playing Blood Money before Wanted?

"When the lines between brothers and justice has changed, you do what you gotta, but you can't walk away."

People I'm very disappointed in you all!

Javier 06-07-2013 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1136642)
No conspiracy theories about Jon playing Blood Money before Wanted?

"When the lines between brothers and justice has changed, you do what you gotta, but you can't walk away."

People I'm very disappointed in you all!

Couple that with Living in Sin being played, it's really obvious that the set list tonight is a deep, coded message to Richie.

hackster73 06-07-2013 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1136628)
Please bring Richie back, every time Bobby Bandiera plays the You Give Love A Bad Name solo, God kills a kitty.

Bobby aint bon jovi style of guitarist. Simple as that. His playing would fit the stones but not bon jovi. Every tour we seem to be losing more of the bon jovi we love. It is like preparing us for jbj solo.

hackster73 06-07-2013 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1136605)
At this stage I really can't agree more. I don't even care what the reasons are anymore - if it was health, family, something MAJOR - I'd at least expect some sort of statement or at least a damn freakin' apology to his fans by now.

The rest are being professionals so unlike Beaky, I just can't be done with them. Besides I still enjoy their music (that's not having blinders on, that's just happening to like most Bon Jovi music just like I'm sure some of the others on here listen to and enjoy bands I can't stand.)- even if it was an argument or a fall-out that Richie chose to leave - his I'm doing ****ing great sort of sealed it all for me.

Agree. I will enjoy the shows as I love live music but I am looking forward to seeing springsteen far more at the moment. With set lists like this too.

This man knows how to put on a show.

Crushgen24/88 06-07-2013 08:52 AM

I know it's not your point, but that's actually one of my least favorite sets of the latest round of Springsteen shows. The Milan show on the other hand had a fantastic set.

hackster73 06-07-2013 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1136652)
I know it's not your point, but that's actually one of my least favorite sets of the latest round of Springsteen shows. The Milan show on the other hand had a fantastic set.

I know it was the point that thr set list I posted was the same venue in Denmark.

Crushgen24/88 06-07-2013 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by hackster73 (Post 1136655)
I know it was the point that thr set list I posted was the same venue in Denmark.

I know. I'm just bored talking about Richie.,;)

hackster73 06-07-2013 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1136656)
I know. I'm just bored talking about Richie.,;)

Has something happened to Richie? Have I missed something? ;)

crashed 06-07-2013 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by hackster73 (Post 1136661)
Has something happened to Richie? Have I missed something? ;)

Nothing's happened to Richie. Not at all. He's doing ****ing great.

jovifan93 06-07-2013 10:14 AM

For all you conspiracy theorists out there:

Take a look at the beginning and end of Raise Your Hands. At the beginning there's a big, fat, white "JBJ" on the right video screen (and I think above the car also during the song sometimes), and at the end of the song there are "X"s on the headlights of the car :-o ;-)

faith1985 06-07-2013 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by hackster73 (Post 1136445)
He or they should clarify if he or they dont want speculation. I dont think there is anything in this apart from a clash of ego's. That is why this situation is so crap. We pay a huge sum of money and at least deserve a bloody explanation.

Right, get over it if that is the case! Rock n Roll!

Lisa71 06-07-2013 12:25 PM

paul buckley ‏@irishbucka
@MatthewBongiovi are ya expecting Richie to make any of the European dates?
Slane maybe?
A simple yes or no answer will do #bonjovi

Matthew Bongiovi ‏@MatthewBongiovi
@irishbucka I really wish I knew. We all can't wait to see him but I have no idea when he will return

Walkerboy 06-07-2013 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1136680)
paul buckley ‏@irishbucka
@MatthewBongiovi are ya expecting Richie to make any of the European dates?
Slane maybe?
A simple yes or no answer will do #bonjovi

Matthew Bongiovi ‏@MatthewBongiovi
@irishbucka I really wish I knew. We all can't wait to see him but I have no idea when he will return

Much as I'd love to have Richie back for Hyde Park, if I were in Jon's position then I wouldn't let him back, even if he begged.
Right now Phil X deserves to be playing the stadium gigs and Slane, Isle of Wight & Hyde Park are the biggest shows the guy is likely to ever play.

If Richie turned up for the big gigs only it would be like a Chelsea footballer saying they don't want to play the small FA Cup games, only the semi & final.

CKatz 06-07-2013 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Walkerboy (Post 1136681)
Much as I'd love to have Richie back for Hyde Park, if I were in Jon's position then I wouldn't let him back, even if he begged.
Right now Phil X deserves to be playing the stadium gigs and Slane, Isle of Wight & Hyde Park are the biggest shows the guy is likely to ever play.

If Richie turned up for the big gigs only it would be like a Chelsea footballer saying they don't want to play the small FA Cup games, only the semi & final.

If Jon was smart, he'd be the one doing the begging and praying for Richie's return in time for those high profile gigs.

Jonty 06-07-2013 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Walkerboy (Post 1136681)
Much as I'd love to have Richie back for Hyde Park, if I were in Jon's position then I wouldn't let him back, even if he begged.
Right now Phil X deserves to be playing the stadium gigs and Slane, Isle of Wight & Hyde Park are the biggest shows the guy is likely to ever play.

If Richie turned up for the big gigs only it would be like a Chelsea footballer saying they don't want to play the small FA Cup games, only the semi & final.

Keep them both there and let them Jam away themselves. Doesnt really matter as he wont be at Slane.

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