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nickolai 06-07-2013 08:51 PM

Is it possible that one of them has done the dirty on the other's partner (perhaps in the past) and its surfaced? That would be reason to be away for so long

JoviJovi 06-07-2013 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1136790)
Possible Richie sighting:

@welshrants: "I saw Richie Sambora in ASDA today"

What is ASDA? Some kind of supermarket?

It is, in the UK

Looks like he wasn't serious though.

jessycardy 06-07-2013 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1136803)
It is, in the UK

Looks like he wasn't serious though.

No way he was serious! That would mean THIS guy was actually speaking the truth!

Sissy3 06-07-2013 09:21 PM

Oh, the guy on the toilet. LOL

JoviJovi 06-07-2013 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1136809)
No way he was serious! That would mean THIS guy was actually speaking the truth!

Hahaha, and that's just not possible. Toilet boy speaks no truth.

Mysterytrain 06-07-2013 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1136812)
Hahaha, and that's just not possible. Toilet boy speaks no truth.

Gawd, that picture gives me the creeps!

jessycardy 06-07-2013 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1136812)
Hahaha, and that's just not possible. Toilet boy speaks no truth.

Sounds like a new meme's being born exclusively in the land of JoviTalk!

I'm sure he's the guy behind Richie's tweets. That would explain the I'm-****in'-alright's and stuff.

idbl_fanatic 06-07-2013 09:29 PM


Ava Sambora ‏@avasamboraxxoo 51s

Getting my passport renewed for my trip to Europe #summer2013

jessycardy 06-07-2013 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1136816)

Ava Sambora ‏@avasamboraxxoo 51s

Getting my passport renewed for my trip to Europe #summer2013

...or behind Ava's.

nickolai 06-07-2013 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1136816)

Ava Sambora ‏@avasamboraxxoo 51s

Getting my passport renewed for my trip to Europe #summer2013

Clutching at straws there big time

idbl_fanatic 06-07-2013 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1136818)
[IMG] QXHCYeFxkjGRQSHy8gIycpLCwsFR4xNTAqNSYrLCkBCQoKDgwO Gg8PGiwkHyQsKikpLCwpLCwsKSwsLSwpKSwsLCwpLCkpLCwpLC ksKSwsLCksLCwsKSksLCksLCwsLP/AABEIANsA5wMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADBAUGB//EADQQAAIBAwIDBgQGAwEBAQAAAAABAgMRIQQxEkFRBSJhcYGRE zKhsQYUwdHh8EJS8XJzYv/EABsBAAIDAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFAQIEAwYH/8QALBEAAgICAgEDBAEDBQAAAAAAAAECAwQREiExBSJBEzJRYYE kcfAUQqGx0f/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A56CgIJUqMgoVDAAQoAQAa4UBBQAFBQAgA wULceBKWwIRF1/AqkXcdIkgUBBRQgZBQEEACECIiAGCAJIEQwoyAAoICAAUEAUAB IQgAcEKFGRABQwowAFBQpZTg3sr+XIAIWUqLlt6t4S9QfBl0v5 NN/Q1zVkktrL1dss5Ts14NFFSs238FP5V8pRb6Jv9RYUrvOLblkWX 1YPD52Tf2v8AQmmblPiwyq1CpzgV/l425+d/4K/h5snf+/8ADQkVypvD8fob+CQqpsnKaXkMab6CzSXmW8S6ozz3Ky8D6nHf baCpEYEhlb++ZwLyhuuW0REAhiBWRDICCABIiBACDIUZAAbBAQ ACEAUABIC5AIOCMLcKIJGChQ3AAm2rjurZcur5y8yilTxxP0X6 s0Rq3Wfayt/HoZrbNHGU+yuL99zdKn1X1S9CiKisrntfl5ElIzzak0xv6fXr3 vwyy6W0c9W7mmXdzhy5t2eeljnqZuqd5cSV0845FJPhOLO2dDU eK8MeNZPeK80kmvbBn1rd7dLe3JjwpyfJ+uEWalpPCTwleSvsr YRv+uozS8iz0uhylJ/8nNciJuxqlwveK9Eo/YzV1bHSxojby6PT008U3sb1Fi9xOIvo0r52Vnd+yX1ZWTSW2Zb 4x+nJgCPZdPuySpYuvVfqU5o83zQqIAJcuFBAggAQiphQAMEBE ABGARAASEQADRwUFAQUQAxdQpp5fsUouoz5HSCTYM1O1rLlixV TWcFkEaKdC2XjNwnQprRntkox2Ww08bLiu7ck7IFXTRti68W7o ZNDxV1+vQl48UtaKY2bNR+7wZqVPhy7OWbXWFm1zTQrtrfYlTT uV7K1tr2SeM/3xKqVGSfewnzbVvoJL65Jva8M9W74XVxcWt6NE57S8c/uJqaEnlJv0NCilHx3uPxYO9WM9KTfZgWVGqclFddf+HOo6ZuST fD63dll7eBorxjfEV0vJKTsvP8AQiklNP8A2vH3W4NTFrPLryO djkrdM1f6lWePGiqWljJYSUt01hN9Gl9xdJmLit3ay8v+l+nTv fl9xYxUe6tufi+rJ+q+4mKeR7JVGaSa3TXmmi2GzvtZr3Qzm+o lZK68c+popkpyUWIbbXGL0LHh/wBV65BO3Sz+gYwfQWpZb+g5cFrwY4Xz5LsBEAKMI8CEAUABCmA lwIGCBBAklyEIAHCQUKMiACPKk1Zt8LTvbLfr0G06y30V153Wf 70DNFOfF9HCdj3xRtpzxdO/XlYs+Jcw6OfLpdPysW6aq9nyN2PPk2mLcqT12/BoLqFRpW3fJfwCkk34jVK7j8uPFYb83+h3nYotL5Fii3vTNFGT 53XnuSdNt2Xr0sVUtV/eRrVrO27SZgvs1vod+n+9qGyulw2s229sbFvArXTuvEyw+Zo0x +V+RijNprY9lXFqWl+TPLhbXOzuh5yx08sFEYNO9i2Wwzsqjvw eXryJ67fjZVCWRqlJ7+r5/YRu2PJ+eCcfM8/NKNjQwVzcVNCNdWvuxa7jjr54Q1fk+t/pz+pnqZGeBGLn2Lcyb4bQfzHLkZ5PvDTEcbNdR3b1EV4m3YjSE iIKT2QQoCGQAQlgkAAoIEEAIQhAA4KCBBRAFlOdnculbfJnQ8Z YM93XZntj8o06VK+Fbq+bNMnb5Ul5Iwaask7dTc1dDDFa4pibK T20SlqGmr/3BoqUm1iz9kDTaPHHPC5Lm/I1QlFKyjhYy2zhmZEYyTj2dsTAsnDcut+DLSoNfNjwTTb9tjoR pu6lhLxdsFKpriVtm0mi2tU/vgLLcnnJfsd4WC6W5S+GhalLPFv1swqriy5lXGTiXF5pMnCnyn xY19Sg4084dfn+xm1Dae7JTrNppj6mBZpaaiuJ5k20ug/tsVdakzw+NjzvyJQj48iR005RTUXjww/UrcGt8eqNVWs3ltv1Kq8rxzumrHl7p7tPRRwkqmovwZ6z28BIz tyBJiXPQY8VFLRhlWuOmGvLGDMnleZZWePEog9vNGyb3AW/SVeQkvk3kAFC49CMiEIABQQBAAoICAAyAEAAcGwRJVkjNV1N9j lKaR2jU2a+LoGndMo06vkq1Gus7Iz2z5LR0dHRqqYdzpUarsjm OXFG5q0dTHkd8G3twYlzKvbtfB3IVLwVuSt6iRlmxj0VbLXqbH LnZedjNkJxk4jjH1dTGaevh/wWXdr+3pkfjTXmURnfHMeL4cKztzav7IUyehqnFJL9f9ESXVvw tZBrU794l1LwfVYXqgSle/hi3kv+jH0+KlZyZi9Ryf6dwSMs6yvbJqpSvG3R49TnahZNOlf1 HmfHdOzy3otjWVp/PRo+HL+tFdZrhaTv1sVVHkCeGeXfc+z2saYqMkvlMzcebgdd9Q JlbkelxnuCPP69qFnLDK+Luvqgt4Ykdn5GiX2MV3L+pgbdDX44 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6y7Vdiufalzl8TKZyZdROcjpy1d8nQoa3up3zseepywaaE3w78 zro5J9nqdPrbo7VJ91eR5DSSeM9D19PZeSLVme7yOmNcQJ1OAw QIhIH/9k=[/IMG]

What the hell?

Sissy3 06-07-2013 09:34 PM

I personally think Richie's forgotten his Twitter login. ;)

jessycardy 06-07-2013 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1136819)
What the hell?

You're mean. I had decided to give it at least one minute before seeing if it was still there and then quoting it going "DAFUQ?". LOL

nickolai 06-07-2013 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1136819)
What the hell?

Tried to insert an image...but it didn't work

cowboy2002 06-07-2013 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1136754)
What intro video?

If you watch that intro and the intro on any of the previous European shows, there is a definite but slight difference

Kiwi78 06-07-2013 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by linnea.cfc32_jovibandana (Post 1136758)
Hahahah that thing is gonna be the running "joke" for about a year or 5... Richie is gonna regret tweeting that so bad.

LOL, yes!

And Tip Top and Smilin'

How long is it, if he ever DOES come back someone makes a sign around these tweets at a gig? LOL

TwinFan 06-07-2013 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1136818)
Clutching at straws

The Jovitalk specialty!

jessycardy 06-07-2013 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Kiwi78 (Post 1136824)
LOL, yes!

And Tip Top and Smilin'

How long is it, if he ever DOES come back someone makes a sign around these tweets at a gig? LOL

They should definitely write a song about it. After all, they're all about sending a positive message, right? What's more positive than being ****in' alright, tip top and smilin', saying "don't worry, everything is fine", etc.? "There's too much to say right now so I won't say anything" also sounds like some great lyric.

Kiwi78 06-07-2013 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1136827)
They should definitely write a song about it. After all, they're all about sending a positive message, right? What's more positive than being ****in' alright, tip top and smilin', saying "don't worry, everything is fine", etc.? "There's too much to say right now so I won't say anything" also sounds like some great lyric.

ROFL - yes and yes. THIS.


It's ridiculous when you line them up together. I mean what was he thinking, seriously?

I do think the twitter silence lately has been strange though - makes me wonder if they're negotiating if legal are involved, would also explain Matt's softer line on the whole subject.

IML88 06-07-2013 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by nrm123 (Post 1136808)
I work in asda...if I met him here id jizz all over the veg

Ha - made me laugh to be fair.

Did Ava really tweet about a europe trip? Only promising thing to go on really. Buying london tickets rests on Richie showing.

jessycardy 06-07-2013 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Kiwi78 (Post 1136828)
ROFL - yes and yes. THIS.


It's ridiculous when you line them up together. I mean what was he thinking, seriously?

I do think the twitter silence lately has been strange though - makes me wonder if they're negotiating if legal are involved, would also explain Matt's softer line on the whole subject.

And, right before the solo, "here's the guitar I was talkin' about... check it out!". ****, yes.

I'm surprised Matt mentioned the Richie thing a few hours ago. I honestly thought he wasn't gonna address the issue anymore (or until Jon did it again).

Kiwi78 06-07-2013 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1136831)
And, right before the solo, "here's the guitar I was talkin' about... check it out!". ****, yes.

I'm surprised Matt mentioned the Richie thing a few hours ago. I honestly thought he wasn't gonna address the issue anymore (or until Jon did it again).

Oh, the one he tweeted, LMAO forget a song. David needs to write a Broadway play over this crap. ;) that could be gold. Tip Top and Smilin' would be a great over the top crowd pleasing number I'm sure.

Paired with the there's not much to say, sad solo song in the middle.......... LOL

Matt, He can't help himself... I kind of rolled my eyes at his Paris Jackson tweet, I mean he probably meant it with the best intentions but his situation growing up with Jon is a little different than being MJ's daughter.

Sissy3 06-07-2013 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Kiwi78 (Post 1136824)
LOL, yes!

And Tip Top and Smilin'

How long is it, if he ever DOES come back someone makes a sign around these tweets at a gig? LOL

Can't have signs at the shows, remember? :D Maybe on a tee shirt. And Richie could design them.

jessycardy 06-07-2013 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1136833)
Can't have signs at the shows, remember? :D Maybe on a tee shirt. And Richie could design them.

I think the "no-signs" thing, if ever it was a thing, it's not anymore. You see people requesting songs and sending all kind of messages that way and Jon seems to be fine with it.
But I'm all for whatever trashy stuff you come up with. LOL

idbl_fanatic 06-07-2013 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1136834)
I think the "no-signs" thing, if ever it was a thing, it's not anymore. You see people requesting songs and sending all kind of messages that way and Jon seems to be fine with it.
But I'm all for whatever trashy stuff you come up with. LOL

It WAS a thing, they took away a 8.5 x 11 sign from my 10 yr old daughter when we went

Kiwi78 06-07-2013 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1136834)
I think the "no-signs" thing, if ever it was a thing, it's not anymore. You see people requesting songs and sending all kind of messages that way and Jon seems to be fine with it.
But I'm all for whatever trashy stuff you come up with. LOL

Yeah I always wondered about that considering the 'requests' Jon has been playing as of late. LOL

I know some of the fans have taken really tiny signs, that were up front LOL

semigoodlookin 06-07-2013 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1136827)
They should definitely write a song about it. After all, they're all about sending a positive message, right? What's more positive than being ****in' alright, tip top and smilin', saying "don't worry, everything is fine", etc.? "There's too much to say right now so I won't say anything" also sounds like some great lyric.

Yeah ye yeeeeahh once we were hiding
Now we’re tip top n smiling
We’re back and we’re rising
We’re never giving in

………Double It’s My Life drum thingy
We’re doing ****ing great

Sissy3 06-07-2013 10:20 PM

Could just be pieces of paper, stuck in a pocket/purse and they pull them out when he's close enough to read it.

Kiwi78 06-07-2013 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1136839)
Could just be pieces of paper, stuck in a pocket/purse and they pull them out when he's close enough to read it.

I think that's the strategy, the ones I've seen are barely a4 size. So fold up in your pocket and if you're that close then BAM.

eddie73 06-07-2013 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by cowboy2002 (Post 1136823)

If you watch that intro and the intro on any of the previous European shows, there is a definite but slight difference

Thought i was listening to the opening credits to "The Bill " at first :p

efiste2 06-07-2013 11:00 PM

If Richie does return for Hyde Park gig I think he's takin the p#ss in picking the BIG gig to return for. whatever the issue is/was.....:confused:

This should have been sorted BEFORE the tour even STARTED.

jessycardy 06-07-2013 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by efiste2 (Post 1136844)
If Richie does return for Hyde Park gig I think he's takin the p#ss in picking the BIG gig to return for. whatever the issue is/was.....:confused:

This should have been sorted BEFORE the tour even STARTED.

I don't get it, though. It's not like Hyde Park's the only "important" gig. Plus, even if it was, would that mean Richie doesn't have any major problems in his life, just like he said, and he simply can't be bothered to be on tour, but will make an exception for the "special gig"? Unless he's totally lost his mind, I don't think that would be the case.

Although things surely seem to lead that way, I mean, I don't know if you guys saw the video I posted earlier, but I'm thinking maybe Richie didn't show up for rehearsal/show one too many times and that could have been the final straw or something. I don't know.

asok80 06-07-2013 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Kiwi78 (Post 1136840)
I think that's the strategy, the ones I've seen are barely a4 size. So fold up in your pocket and if you're that close then BAM.

In Stockholm security told us no banners allowed but then Obie came out and said they were ok so they came up again (flags big banners the lot) and later on a supervisor came out and read the banners so don't think it's the banners per se that's the problem but more what they might say...

Mysterytrain 06-07-2013 11:27 PM

Re: Whether Richie will return for Hyde Park (or ever): I was just re-watching that video from 2007 of Richie's solo of "Any Other Day" from London in 2007, when Jon says, "Look who just got back?"

Someone in the comments to that video said there had been rumors he would return for that performance but it wasn't confirmed publicly until he showed up onstage for that show.

I'm just wondering if we might see something like that happen this time: That he'll just show up for one gig, whether it be Hyde Park or something else.

Sissy3 06-07-2013 11:34 PM

You mean show up for one gig and then finish the tour or just show up for one gig and then split again? Would Jon really allow him to pick and choose which ones he plays? I would find it hard to believe Jon would let Richie call the shots at this stage of the game and the band's career.

Mysterytrain 06-07-2013 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1136852)
You mean show up for one gig and then finish the tour or just show up for one gig and then split again? Would Jon really allow him to pick and choose which ones he plays? I would find it hard to believe Jon would let Richie call the shots at this stage of the game and the band's career.

Sorry, I wasn't clear: I meant show up and then finish the tour. On the other hand, wasn't the 02 show a one-off anyway? I wasn't a diehard fan back then so I'm trying to catch up on how that all went down.

Solid Sambora 06-07-2013 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1136851)
Re: Whether Richie will return for Hyde Park (or ever): I was just re-watching that video from 2007 of Richie's solo of "Any Other Day" from London in 2007, when Jon says, "Look who just got back?"

Someone in the comments to that video said there had been rumors he would return for that performance but it wasn't confirmed publicly until he showed up onstage for that show.

I'm just wondering if we might see something like that happen this time: That he'll just show up for one gig, whether it be Hyde Park or something else.

I think given the circumstances, it would be a really shitty move to play it as some kind of surprise. I could understand (though not agree with) them keeping quiet if there are more Sambora-less shows before any pencilled-in return, but as soon as they're clear they should come out and say "he will be at NEXT show"- any attempt to play it as an amazing surprise 'brought to you by the Bon Jovi Experience' would leave a seriously bad taste in a lot of supporters mouths.

Bounce7800 06-07-2013 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1136853)
Sorry, I wasn't clear: I meant show up and then finish the tour. On the other hand, wasn't the 02 show a one-off anyway? I wasn't a diehard fan back then so I'm trying to catch up on how that all went down.

That was the show after Puerto Rico on the LH promo tour to open the venue.

DestinationJovi 06-07-2013 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1136851)
Re: Whether Richie will return for Hyde Park (or ever): I was just re-watching that video from 2007 of Richie's solo of "Any Other Day" from London in 2007, when Jon says, "Look who just got back?"

Someone in the comments to that video said there had been rumors he would return for that performance but it wasn't confirmed publicly until he showed up onstage for that show.

I'm just wondering if we might see something like that happen this time: That he'll just show up for one gig, whether it be Hyde Park or something else.

That commenter is incorrect. It was known he was returning to the tour.

ETA: that article is about the 2011 return, but I do remember it being known he was returning in 2007. He only missed one show.

Jonty 06-07-2013 11:56 PM

He better be back for Slane!! Just as big a show as Hyde Park!!

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