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kleman 04-16-2013 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1122605)
If someone else was tweeting for him, then that person would have tweeted this whole time.
Besides, the tweet said "cowardess" instead of "cowardice"...Richie's spelling and grammar have always been pretty I think it was his tweet.

Well, we should call Horatio to figure that.....:cool:

Sambo-Chris 04-16-2013 08:22 AM

The tweets are by himself. The facebook posts are from someone else.

samboraisgodUK 04-16-2013 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Sambo-Chris (Post 1122607)
The tweets are by himself. The facebook posts are from someone else.

Usually they are. You can't categorically say that he wrote this one though.

liljovi93 04-16-2013 01:10 PM

A little bit about the Isle of Wight show was mentioned in the Daily Star today.

It says that the show will go ahead as planned as Richie pulled out of the tour and then the Isle of Wight promoter added a bit saying something on the lines of 'A show can be played with a new guitarist but not without the lead singer.'

Strange. Not looking good if that's what the promoter is saying but may be taking out of context.

IML88 04-16-2013 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by liljovi93 (Post 1122626)
A little bit about the Isle of Wight show was mentioned in the Daily Star today.

It says that the show will go ahead as planned as Richie pulled out of the tour and then the Isle of Wight promoter added a bit saying something on the lines of 'A show can be played with a new guitarist but not without the lead singer.'

Strange. Not looking good if that's what the promoter is saying but may be taking out of context.

I'll buy a ticket for Hyde Park if the promoters give me 25% off the ticket price.

Walkerboy 04-16-2013 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by liljovi93 (Post 1122626)
A little bit about the Isle of Wight show was mentioned in the Daily Star today.

It says that the show will go ahead as planned as Richie pulled out of the tour and then the Isle of Wight promoter added a bit saying something on the lines of 'A show can be played with a new guitarist but not without the lead singer.'

Strange. Not looking good if that's what the promoter is saying but may be taking out of context.

Specific wording:

"I'm certain they'll play the same set. More than one person is capable of playing the guitar; it's hard to replace a singer."

Either way, it's still not looking good for the Europe leg.
We came close to selling our tickets at the weekend - we strugged to justify the money spent, plus the fact Richie might not be there, plus the kids being away from home for first time..... We had a cash offer for them from a friend, which we nearly accepted!

CKatz 04-16-2013 01:50 PM

The german promoters said Richie won' t be there and Matt said they were wrong. It seems like the promoters don't know more than anyone else.

Walleris 04-16-2013 01:59 PM

I see this as a lose-lose situation for the Jovi camp. The choices are:

1) Announce that Richie is not comming to Europe and make the ticket sales even stronger, plus causing a lot of people returning them. The effect of this things would be much stronger than it is in US, due to more people giving a damn about Richie. And when it turns out that he actually comes back, they will have lost a month-worth of ticket sales and some people who got refunds deciding not to go anyway, cause "hey I just got 100 euros, I should probably keep them in my pocket".
2) Say that Richie will be back for Europe, which would be viewed as direct "FU" to Americans, with Richie carefully planning his "break" on the North American leg for a second tour in a row, just to make sure he's back for Europe, his top priority.

Hence, they're trying the same strategy as they did in 2011. The difference is that Richie decided not to reveal the reasion for his absence (probablue due to being embarassed to go back to rehab again), which really traps the PR team in the corner and makes the situation much worse IMO.

steel_horse75 04-16-2013 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Walkerboy (Post 1122635)
Specific wording:

"I'm certain they'll play the same set. More than one person is capable of playing the guitar; it's hard to replace a singer."

Either way, it's still not looking good for the Europe leg.
We came close to selling our tickets at the weekend - we strugged to justify the money spent, plus the fact Richie might not be there, plus the kids being away from home for first time..... We had a cash offer for them from a friend, which we nearly accepted!

Why didnt you sell? Youve been moaning that Richie may not be there and someone offers you cash for them? Why not sell???

steel_horse75 04-16-2013 02:11 PM

At first it bothered me RS isnt there.
But now it dont. Seen enough of Phil in youtube clips to see that the guy can play and thats good enough for me.
Im sympathetic for Richie if its him drinking (my sister is a alchoalic) but there comes a time when he needs to either get on with it or give up and drink himself to oblivion (I say the same about my sister).
Rehab dont really work - as in their your life is a proctective bubble.

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