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CKatz 06-10-2013 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1137495)
Wonder if his words of wisdom had anything to do with being loyal to the people you've played with for decades and the fans who supported you? :rolleyes: Nah, probably not.

He has been loyal to the band and the fans for 30 years...and we still don't know why he missed the last few months. Don't forget that.

CKatz 06-10-2013 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1137492)
Yes, and out of the States a few days afterwards. They could be anywhere. I think they are in outer space and Richie with them.

"Casa Roman" probably means Joel Roman's house. He is Richie's close friend and agent.

ezearis 06-10-2013 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1137482)
For everybody who was praying for Ava's vacation to be a last minute thing to accommodate Richie's touring schedule or whatever, let it go. She's got this thing planned since February. Sorry to be "that" person.

How can you be so naive? Richie had this planned since February!

CKatz 06-10-2013 07:27 AM

Some Twitter opinions about Bon Jovi shows without Richie:

@joker1281: Text message from my friend at the concert saying without Richie Sambora Bon Jovi should have cancelled this tour. People want to see Richie

@TheStokes1: @TheRealSambora just watched Bon jovi in Birmingham, and without you, it just aint right. Imagine laurel without hardy? Gutted!

@Comparethekidz: @TheRealSambora Just seen "Bon Jovi" in Birmingham! I've seen you 5 times before but It was awful without you!

@andyflusa: @TheRealSambora missed you last night man. Big gap on stage without you! Plain wrong

@rob2085: a bon jovi concert without @TheRealSambora just isn't the same if you ask me

@Numbered_Days: @TheRealSambora Just seen Bon Jovi in Birmingham UK, just wasn't the same without you!

@Indulgenceav: @TheRealSambora, you were missed tonight, not Bon Jovi without you. PhilX couldn't even get 10% of it right, he is shocking. I want a refund

@Leptictidium: @TheRealSambora No goose bumps during Wanted last night. Jon pulled out all stops but there's no substituting your magic chemistry together

@Red_Dollar: @TheRealSambora a Jovi show is not the same without you there dude.....

@realashbennett: Dunno who this bloke is playing guitar for @bonjovi but his no @TheRealSambora ! Bring back richie! This guy shit

@Sarah_Chappers: @TheRealSambora you were very much missed last night... #justnotthesame#irreplaceable

@sawdoc1878: Bon Jovi have lost their Mojo. Just not the same without Sambora and for me it'll be the last time I go and see them live.

@adlovesbeer: Bon Jovi used to be good years ago. Not any more. Especially without @Richie_Sambora.

@grogron: Bon Jovi minus Richie Sambora is 1/2 of a show!!

@Woggadog: Good night at the Bon Jovi gig but they need to get Sambora back asap.

@HackStuart: @TheRealPhilX where's richie sambora???? You are good but not that good. From a life long bon jovi fan.

@rockcandystyle: @MatthewBongiovi band? Without @TheRealSambora ? I think it should be "Jon Bon Jovi and friends" that's just my opinion after 30 years...

@jovicrazychick: @TheRealSambora Richie i have just been to Manchester & Birmingham to see Bon Jovi my 47th Bon Jovi gig not the same without you..!😢😂😭miss u

@wolfman70: @BonJoviTalk Richie Sambora is Bon Jovi. Simple as.

@NessinhaG: @BonJoviTalk No Bon Jovi without Richie...

@Pheo7: @1NikkiLund great album, love it. Was at Bon jovi in Manchester last night and its just not the same without Richie.

@vix0002: Bon Jovi without Richie is like Crüe without Vince. Doesn't matter how good the replacement is, it's not the same band.

@Clarek56: @HellyJ44 same here. Miss friends tonight but without richie it isn't a bon jovi show:(

@Sophiebecca_xo: Me and my mum have been complaining all morning about how Richie wasn't at bon jovi last night, it wasn't right without him :/

@TrishMadwife: Saw Bon Jovi last night just not the same without @TheRealSambora we miss you Richie please come back xx

@badcarma1972: @BonJovi I think bon jovi and Richie are the greatest when they
are performing together.the need to get over it.

@AlTarpey: Back from Bon Jovi, they played just short of 3 hrs, worked their socks off, sounded great & kicked arse. But it definately missed Richie :(

@Shotidphoto1: @BonJovi sad times Richie was missed didn't feel like bon jovi to me :-(

PatriciaSambora 06-10-2013 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1137489)
Richie is not staying at home moping for this tour.

Hudson Taylor ‏@HudTayMusic 5h
@TheRealSambora Great fun hanging at Casa Roman with you. Thank you SOO much for the guitars and words of Wisdom! Next time let's jam! :D

Yes, I was wondering what was happenning with Richie cause he didn't tweet 14 days ago and tought if he was in rehab now and nooo, he's fcking great and having fun with his LA buddys.. That's my Richie! When I saw that tweet I was like wtf? Dissapointed in him again :(

PatriciaSambora 06-10-2013 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1137506)

@HackStuart: @TheRealPhilX where's richie sambora???? You are good but not that good. From a life long bon jovi

Yep but there are a lot of good comments too :s what I don't understand is when I read some Richie's fan tweets to Philx saying how awesome he is onstage and bring phil banners and x printed on their hands.. They're his fan base now... and that tweet asks him where's Richie cause he is not as good as Richie, his answer was hahahaha... Sorry buddy you're doing your job but you're not Richie Sambora, that's not your band and obviously you're not as good as Richie. Accept it... Althought Richie is having fun in LA and not doing his job :s

Mysterytrain 06-10-2013 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by PatriciaSambora (Post 1137508)
Yep but there are a lot of good comments too :s what I don't understand is when I read some Richie's fan tweets to Philx saying how awesome he is onstage and bring phil banners and x printed on their hands.. They're his fan base now... and that tweet asks him where's Richie cause he is not as good as Richie, his answer was hahahaha... Sorry buddy you're doing your job but you're not Richie Sambora, that's not your band and obviously you're not as good as Richie. Accept it... Althought Richie is having fun in LA and not doing his job :s

It's my opinion that the former Richie fans who are turning into Phil X fans -- (and by that, I mean, the ones that assume they know what is going on with Richie and just dismiss his 30-year history with the band as inconsequential and say, 'Richie who?') --are the fickle ones here.

Richie has been a member of this band for 30 years. Currently, he is dealing with personal issues, but is keeping quiet and refusing to elaborate (for now). We don't know why, and our speculations as to the reason may be widely off-base.

But, life goes on for him. He has said from the outset that he isn't drinking again. I still suspect a conflict with Jon as the root cause; they've compared being in a band to being in a marriage, and sometimes you have problems. Sometimes you need to separate for awhile. Sometimes you need to remove yourself from a toxic situation and decide whether or not it can (or should) be resolved.

Richie has given the majority of his life to this band, and I highly doubt he's having a good laugh at fans' expense. He's probably not even thinking of fans at all. If he's truly got his own life to assess and his own issues to work out, maybe it's best for him (and for us) if he concentrates on that.

CKatz 06-10-2013 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1137510)
It's my opinion that the former Richie fans who are turning into Phil X fans -- (and by that, I mean, the ones that assume they know what is going on with Richie and just dismiss his 30-year history with the band as inconsequential and say, 'Richie who?') --are the fickle ones here.

Those people are ridiculous and don't deserve to have Richie back. A lot of people are going to look like assholes once Richie gets back. I'm sure they'll forget all about Phil (again!) and go back to kissing Richie's ass and pretend like they never stopped supporting him.

PatriciaSambora 06-10-2013 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1137510)

I highly doubt he's having a good laugh at fans' expense. He's probably not even thinking of fans at all.

But I never thought Richie was that kind of people who doesn't care of fans :(

Panda 06-10-2013 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1137511)
Those people are ridiculous and don't deserve to have Richie back. A lot of people are going to look like assholes once Richie gets back. I'm sure they'll forget all about Phil (again!) and go back to kissing Richie's ass and pretend like they never stopped supporting him.

Everything about this comment is ridiculous. Don't "deserve" Richie back?

You speak as if it's a privilege to see him with Bon Jovi. Calling people assholes a little bit far. All they are doing isf assessing the situation and realising that it was infact Richie that's being the asshole is a little bit far. It's Richie that doesn't deserve to be here. You sign a contract, you bet your ass that he should be at those shows right now. I'm going to support Phil X full on, with or without your bitter moaning about how Richie is someone we should "deserve" to have. He is reliable, can play the music and brings emotion back to Bon Jovi. Things Richie obviously doesn't have at all when it comes to Bon Jovi.

CKatz 06-10-2013 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by PatriciaSambora (Post 1137512)
But I never thought Richie was that kind of people who doesn't care of fans :(

I don't think that's what MysteryTrain meant. I think she was trying to say that Richie's personal problems are more important than the fans right now. He has a life that doesn't involve Bon Jovi fans and is none of their business.

CKatz 06-10-2013 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Panda (Post 1137513)
Everything about this comment is ridiculous. Don't "deserve" Richie back?

You speak as if it's a privilege to see him with Bon Jovi. Calling people assholes a little bit far. All they are doing isf assessing the situation and realising that it was infact Richie that's being the asshole is a little bit far. It's Richie that doesn't deserve to be here. You sign a contract, you bet your ass that he should be at those shows right now. I'm going to support Phil X full on, with or without your bitter moaning about how Richie is someone we should "deserve" to have. He is reliable, can play the music and brings emotion back to Bon Jovi. Things Richie obviously doesn't have at all when it comes to Bon Jovi.

Looks like I touched a nerve. lol
We'll see if you still think that once Richie gets back.
As for Phil bringing more feeling to the band, I disagree and so do many other people.

I would take your opinion more seriously, if you didn't still have Richie in your profile pic. Shouldn't it be Phil now? It would be more consistent with your opinion.

steel_horse75 06-10-2013 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1137506)
@vix0002: Bon Jovi without Richie is like Crüe without Vince. Doesn't matter how good the replacement is, it's not the same band.:-(

Ironic as Crue made their best album without Vince!

Kiwi78 06-10-2013 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1137517)
Looks like I touched a nerve. lol
We'll see if you still think that once Richie gets back.
As for Phil bringing more feeling to the band, I disagree and so do many other people.

I would take your opinion more seriously, if you didn't still have Richie in your profile pic. Shouldn't it be Phil now? It would be more consistent with your opinion.

My take on the Phil X/Richie thing is this. I don't think there has to be a "side". Phil is there doing his job, and a good one, IMO - while Richie isn't.

Why can't people support Phil X for standing in and doing the best he can AND be happy when/if Richie comes back?

What I don't like - is people directly tweeting Phil and telling him how crap Jovi is without Richie. Like any of this is the guys fault.

jovigirloz 06-10-2013 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Kiwi78 (Post 1137521)
My take on the Phil X/Richie thing is this. I don't think there has to be a "side". Phil is there doing his job, and a good one, IMO - while Richie isn't.

Why can't people support Phil X for standing in and doing the best he can AND be happy when/if Richie comes back?

What I don't like - is people directly tweeting Phil and telling him how crap Jovi is without Richie. Like any of this is the guys fault.

That's my take on it too. I do miss Richie, it isn't the same, but we should still support Phil as he seems to be doing a great job.

linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 06-10-2013 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Kiwi78 (Post 1137521)
My take on the Phil X/Richie thing is this. I don't think there has to be a "side". Phil is there doing his job, and a good one, IMO - while Richie isn't.

Why can't people support Phil X for standing in and doing the best he can AND be happy when/if Richie comes back?

What I don't like - is people directly tweeting Phil and telling him how crap Jovi is without Richie. Like any of this is the guys fault.

100% Agree. And I'm still one of the fans who don't think they're the same at all without Richie. RS has always been my fav Jovi member (been a fan for 13 years) and I miss him so much, but none of this is Phil's fault, and he's a great guitarist doing what he's asked to do. He also brings energy to the show and has done nothing wrong here.

I miss Richie with all my heart but frankly there's alot that he should have handled differently regarding all this, and Phil doesnt deserve the abuse.
No one can fill Richies shoes when it comes to that special Jovi magic or to the specific sound, and I don't think Phil expects to replace him either. However, he's bound to wanna make the best of it and rock it out on stage. And that he has.

There's no need to pick sides.

Solid Sambora 06-10-2013 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1137511)
Those people are ridiculous and don't deserve to have Richie back. A lot of people are going to look like assholes once Richie gets back. I'm sure they'll forget all about Phil (again!) and go back to kissing Richie's ass and pretend like they never stopped supporting him.

Hmm. Can't see anything wrong with folk getting behind the band and showing a little support. The fact at this moment is that Richie Sambora is not touring with Bon Jovi, and the guys that are on stage deserve as much support as possible. Why make a bad situation worse by constantly lambasting Phil X? It isn't his fault this is happening, and he's doing a good job while he's up there.

Trust me, I'm as big a Richie fans as anyone else on here, but people like you are as bad as the Jon lovers on Backstage. You don't know shit behind Richie's reasons either so try a little objectivity- it could very well be you who looks like an asshole when this is all done and dusted.

Walkerboy 06-10-2013 11:04 AM

The chemistry isn't quite the same, but Phil's doing a superb job as the stand-in and, as Jon has upped his game, we're still getting value for money.
I'm beyond caring about whether Richie is coming back and why he's not there.

Jack27 06-10-2013 11:19 AM

Thick as Thieves:

I’m in an empty room
You’re driving your car
I’m on the bands World tour
You’re somewhere away, too far
Rich, man where ever you are
You and me
Thick as thieves

I know it ain’t always pretty
Sometimes it gets rough
After the New Jersey tour
It could have been the end of us
But Rich we made it through
You and me, we’ll always be
Thick as thieves

Time, just a little time is all I strive
You, me, we wrote classics like Wanted Dead or Alive
It was classic Rich and Jon
We can write another hit song
You and me
Thick as thieves

In a World without faith
You’re what I believe
You’re the wind in my sails
You’re the air that I breathe
Yeah you and me, thick as thives.

Rich, I know that you still care
You, me, we wrote classics like Livin’ On a Prayer
It was classic Rich and Jon
We can write another hit song
You and me
Thick as thieves

Bon Jovi without Richie,
Just ain’t the same
I know you’re pissed
I’m sure I’m to blame
You’re my right hand
…but this is still my band

I know we’re close to blowing out the flame
But you, me, we wrote You Give Love a Bad Name
What’s a boy to do, but get down on my knees to you
My brother, my blood
We’re as thick as thives
Thick as thives

CKatz 06-10-2013 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1137529)
Hmm. Can't see anything wrong with folk getting behind the band and showing a little support. The fact at this moment is that Richie Sambora is not touring with Bon Jovi, and the guys that are on stage deserve as much support as possible. Why make a bad situation worse by constantly lambasting Phil X? It isn't his fault this is happening, and he's doing a good job while he's up there.

Trust me, I'm as big a Richie fans as anyone else on here, but people like you are as bad as the Jon lovers on Backstage. You don't know shit behind Richie's reasons either so try a little objectivity- it could very well be you who looks like an asshole when this is all done and dusted.

I don't have a problem with Phil X. I don't see how you think I was lambasting him in that comment. I think I stated pretty clearly that my problem was the dishonesty some fans are displaying at the moment.
You're right, I don't know why Richie isn't there but I'm not judging him for it (or anyone else in the band for that matter), which I think is objective. And since I wasn't quick to judge, I'm not going to look like the asshole.

Stranger11 06-10-2013 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by PatriciaSambora (Post 1137507)
Yes, I was wondering what was happenning with Richie cause he didn't tweet 14 days ago

Checking Richie´s Twitter activity

DryCounty 06-10-2013 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Stranger11 (Post 1137562)
Checking Richie´s Twitter activity

Haha, brilliant! :D

Chris_Newton 06-10-2013 02:02 PM

I really dont think it would be fair on Phil if Richie was just allowed to come back for the so called "bigger" concerts.

I cant pick and choose when i go to work !

RonJovi 06-10-2013 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Jack27 (Post 1137540)
Thick as Thieves:

I’m in an empty room
You’re driving your car
I’m on the bands World tour
You’re somewhere away, too far
Rich, man where ever you are
You and me
Thick as thieves

I know it ain’t always pretty
Sometimes it gets rough
After the New Jersey tour
It could have been the end of us
But Rich we made it through
You and me, we’ll always be
Thick as thieves

Time, just a little time is all I strive
You, me, we wrote classics like Wanted Dead or Alive
It was classic Rich and Jon
We can write another hit song
You and me
Thick as thieves

In a World without faith
You’re what I believe
You’re the wind in my sails
You’re the air that I breathe
Yeah you and me, thick as thives.

Rich, I know that you still care
You, me, we wrote classics like Livin’ On a Prayer
It was classic Rich and Jon
We can write another hit song
You and me
Thick as thieves

Bon Jovi without Richie,
Just ain’t the same
I know you’re pissed
I’m sure I’m to blame
You’re my right hand
…but this is still my band

I know we’re close to blowing out the flame
But you, me, we wrote You Give Love a Bad Name
What’s a boy to do, but get down on my knees to you
My brother, my blood
We’re as thick as thives
Thick as thives

Very good.

I'd have changed the "Thick and thieves" bit to "Thick as shit" though...

jovigirloz 06-10-2013 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Stranger11 (Post 1137562)
Checking Richie´s Twitter activity

lmao - thats gold

Stratocaster 06-10-2013 02:19 PM

Phil X is awesome. Great player, great to watch. Looks cool. Voice work isn't a patch on Richie's but hey-ho, if they were to try and replace him - Phil X would be a good choice.

steel_horse75 06-10-2013 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Walkerboy (Post 1137533)
The chemistry isn't quite the same, but Phil's doing a superb job as the stand-in and, as Jon has upped his game, we're still getting value for money.
I'm beyond caring about whether Richie is coming back and why he's not there.

Youve seen them so I think your views have a good perspective. Ill let you know my thoughts after 05/07/13.

It will never be the same without RS but he isnt here out of choice. He isnt ill. He dont want to be here. He'd rather talk knickers and fashion and let his fans down.
JBJ has said all he can while RS has stayed quiet when a simple statement from him would have done.
Im still going with my previous thoughts that RS has left but the band and JBJ cant say anything as its all with lawyers.

So, Phil gets as many cheers and respect that Richie would have. The guy has saved the tour by stepping in.

nickolai 06-10-2013 02:43 PM

At Villa Pak last night I thought it would be an issue Richie not being there but I concede that Phil X did a cracking job. I kinda forgot about it after 3 songs. The guy seemed humble and very honored to be there. Jon referenced him quite a bit and he almost seemed embarrassed in a modest way-probably because be feels that the majority of fans would rather Richie was there instead of him.

But the guy is a fantastic guitarist. I echo that we miss Richie's voice, but his attitude in this whole saga didn't make me miss him last night. The guy can do one as far as I'm concerned. I genuinely think if he JUST came back for Hyde Park the majority of BJ fans already at previous shows would turn on him. He needs to stay away for the remainder of the tour and the band need to regroup, talk and iron out this issue. Whatever it is. Because it isn't the fault of the fans, but they (initially) have been punished.

PatriciaSambora 06-10-2013 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Stranger11 (Post 1137562)
Checking Richie´s Twitter activity

Hahaha their faces are like Jon: c'mon David check Richie's twitter cause I have no idea how it works and I can't wait to know what he's doing in LA for 3 months ago.. David: ok, let's see.. (Resigned) and Tico thinking I'm sooo bored.. And i don't need to check out his twitter cause i talk with him every day on the phone, so please, let the show starts

PatriciaSambora 06-10-2013 03:34 PM

Someone just asked Phil if he will be in Australia in December and his answer is Sorry, I don't know... Don't know if it is a good or bad news.. So nobody knows if Richie will be back in December?

Captain_jovi 06-10-2013 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by PatriciaSambora (Post 1137586)
Someone just asked Phil if he will be in Australia in December and his answer is Sorry, I don't know... Don't know if it is a good or bad news.. So nobody knows if Richie will be back in December?

It's 6 months away, who would know at this point? Unless Richie officially quits anything can happen.

ben 06-10-2013 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by PatriciaSambora (Post 1137586)
Someone just asked Phil if he will be in Australia in December and his answer is Sorry, I don't know... Don't know if it is a good or bad news.. So nobody knows if Richie will be back in December?

also someone asked him if he's gonna be in Lisbon and this is his answer

Phil X ‏@TheRealPhilX

@SarafdezCa #11 but will prob answer many ?'s. it looks like I'll be here for the rest of the leg (til Hyde Park) ...but you never know.

Juls Sambora 06-10-2013 04:37 PM

So does this mean that I can finally sell my tickets for Cologne? Help me, don't know what to do!

PatriciaSambora 06-10-2013 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by ben (Post 1137591)
also someone asked him if he's gonna be in Lisbon and this is his answer

Phil X ‏@TheRealPhilX

@SarafdezCa #11 but will prob answer many ?'s. it looks like I'll be here for the rest of the leg (til Hyde Park) ...but you never know.

Yeah, I like it better Ha! Cause nothing is definitive.. It seems a 100% sincere answer

dcj28 06-10-2013 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Juls Sambora (Post 1137592)
So does this mean that I can finally sell my tickets for Cologne? Help me, don't know what to do!

Keep them and enjoy. Although hes not Richie,Phil X is doing a great job and Jon is upping his game too. Ive seen Jovi 26 times now with Richie and once without and last nights show was well above expectations,Jon looked genuinely happy to be there and Phil X doesnt deserve the flak he gets from some people.
He looks comfortable on stage and is a hell of a lot more enternaining to watch than Hugh and Bobby who you may have watched before.

samboraisgodUK 06-10-2013 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by ben (Post 1137591)
also someone asked him if he's gonna be in Lisbon and this is his answer

Phil X ‏@TheRealPhilX

@SarafdezCa #11 but will prob answer many ?'s. it looks like I'll be here for the rest of the leg (til Hyde Park) ...but you never know.

Suggesting that at Hyde Park he won't be there?

ezearis 06-10-2013 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by samboraisgodUK (Post 1137598)
Suggesting that at Hyde Park he won't be there?

Not at all, he's saying that he's staying until the end of the leg, the leg ends on Hyde Park, which means that he will be there and it should be his last gig with the band.

Juls Sambora 06-10-2013 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by dcj28 (Post 1137597)
Keep them and enjoy. Although hes not Richie,Phil X is doing a great job and Jon is upping his game too. Ive seen Jovi 26 times now with Richie and once without and last nights show was well above expectations,Jon looked genuinely happy to be there and Phil X doesnt deserve the flak he gets from some people.
He looks comfortable on stage and is a hell of a lot more enternaining to watch than Hugh and Bobby who you may have watched before.

I've already seen them in Munich last month. It was a good show but without Richie I can't enjoy it to 100%. There are too many things that I miss, for example his vocals. It's a strange feeling if you look at the left side of stage and there is no Richie.

Budge 06-10-2013 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by samboraisgodUK (Post 1137598)
Suggesting that at Hyde Park he won't be there?

I take it as suggesting including Hyde Park, it's in brackets to highlight that's the end of this leg.

Budge 06-10-2013 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1137600)
Not at all, he's saying that he's staying until the end of the leg, the leg ends on Hyde Park, which means that he will be there and it should be his last gig with the band.

Until renegotiated for the next leg. :p

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