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nikos greece 04-17-2013 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1122874)
I can't believe that there has been no word at all about Richie's return. The silence is deafening.

yes, i m worried richie may not come back...its really weird that we still havent learnt what is going to happen

LeaJovi 04-17-2013 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1122874)
I can't believe that there has been no word at all about Richie's return. The silence is deafening.

Yeah, I know. What strikes me the most is that if it were some kind of rehab the word surely must have gotten out.

danfan 04-17-2013 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1122874)
I can't believe that there has been no word at all about Richie's return. The silence is deafening.

It really is weird. The longer nothing is said, the more I believe there is some serious problem between Richie and Jon.

Juls Sambora 04-17-2013 07:39 PM

In 2011 we got the news of Richie's comeback at the beginning of June. I think it was the 6th when TMZ published it. At the end of April we had got the news of Richie being in rehab.

Crushgen24/88 04-17-2013 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1122881)
It really is weird. The longer nothing is said, the more I believe there is some serious problem between Richie and Jon.

If it was though, wouldn't Richie be all over the place to drive the point home that he's fine and it's "Jon's fault" he's not on tour?

rightsideofwrong 04-17-2013 08:35 PM

Even if they are having money disagreements that doesn't make it JON'S FAULT... I'm sure richie is very well compensated. At this point regardless of what it is it's looking like more and more like Richies own fault. At the end of the day it was his choice to leave the tour.

Supersonic 04-17-2013 09:15 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1122891)
If it was though, wouldn't Richie be all over the place to drive the point home that he's fine and it's "Jon's fault" he's not on tour?

Ofcourse not. We're still not done with the conspiracy theories. Not a word has been said yet people are led to believe certain stories. The power of gossip is insane as has clearly been proven in this thread. Make up a story, publish it somewhere and someone is bound to believe it because they love the drama.

Salaam Aleikum,

efiste2 04-17-2013 09:23 PM

I do think they, or should I say He should have waited a year or maybe two to do another world tour......I thinks its very clear from what has been said that Tico was not as keen to go back on the road, and on some YT videos from the latest dates, I think Dave isnt as keen as he can be....So maybe Richie went one step further and decided to pull out, but the short notice of his departure and the "tweets" saying see you all soon contradict the above.
My hope for want of a better word is that Richie is indeed in rehab and his silence is due to embarrasement or perhaps feelings of failure.....but as many posts have pointed out the silence from him is doing more harm than the actual admitting of being in rehab. Fingers crossed we hear some news soon, even PLANET ROCK announced after playing a track that, and I quote "All is not well in the BON JOVI camp."
I also think Jon deserves some credit for his silence and his extra efforts on stage, as I am sure youll all agree, I bet he is not a happy rockstar chappy that this has happened, I think he knows FULL WELL that Richie is very much an integral part of the Bon Jovi machine, especially in the fans opinions and going out on the road without him will cause or HAS casued waves of dissatisfaction through the masses.
As I type this Im realising its all been said before on here, but I feel not upset, but shall we say very uncomfortable that things are so up in the air at this time, and that we are being kept in the complete dark, and after all its we, the fans that pay the money for the tickets etc etc......As every day passes Europe and more importantly for me the Manchester gig draws ever closer, my worries that we wont be seeing Richie grow stonger......

The Rock 04-17-2013 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1122891)
If it was though, wouldn't Richie be all over the place to drive the point home that he's fine and it's "Jon's fault" he's not on tour?

I've written and thought the same. If it was an argument with Jon, wouldn't Richie then want to be seen to prove that he is fine? A picture can say so much. He could just go about his daily business and the fans could see for themselves that he is healthy. To prove a point that he is fine and so it's more behind the scenes with Bon Jovi management aka JON, why he is not on tour.

The fact that he is not seen, leads me to believe that it's health and really something to do with Richie.

Beaky 04-18-2013 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by efiste2 (Post 1122908)
I also think Jon deserves some credit for his silence and his extra efforts on stage,

I think Jon's a pain in the arse for the fact that it has taken something like this for him to come out of autopilot and start giving the people what they want. Jon is now performing at a standard that is and should be, just that; standard. It is great to see him buzzing off of the band and calling audibles but f*ck me ladies and gents... this was what you got at EVERY Jovi show a few years back.

Don't get me wrong, I am glad to see his is reverting back to form but I, for one, ain't about to pat him on the back just yet.

Before anyone says 'it's usual that bands warm up during a tour,' yes; songs and breaks in certain tunes evolve but the performance level should be there from night number one, fans deserve it; it's what rehearsals are for.

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