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crashed 04-18-2013 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1122931)
I think Jon's a pain in the arse for the fact that it has taken something like this for him to come out of autopilot and start giving the people what they want. Jon is now performing at a standard that is and should be, just that; standard. It is great to see him buzzing off of the band and calling audibles but f*ck me ladies and gents... this was what you got at EVERY Jovi show a few years back.

Don't get me wrong, I am glad to see his is reverting back to form but I, for one, ain't about to pat him on the back just yet.

Before anyone says 'it's usual that bands warm up during a tour,' yes; songs and breaks in certain tunes evolve but the performance level should be there from night number one, fans deserve it; it's what rehearsals are for.

In this case though I think those first few shows there was something clearly not right with him, whether it was his back or something else. You could see it pretty clearly. But he was still out there, performing.

MrNickel 04-18-2013 01:33 AM

Isle of Wight Festival boss John Giddings - "I'm certain they'll play the same set. More than one person is capable of playing the guitar; it's hard to replace a singer."

What a twat.

Jayster 04-18-2013 01:40 AM

Well, my money would still be on Richie being in South Africa, and then onto Europe.

I think a lot of you need to have a cold shower.

Javier 04-18-2013 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1122931)
I think Jon's a pain in the arse for the fact that it has taken something like this for him to come out of autopilot and start giving the people what they want. Jon is now performing at a standard that is and should be, just that; standard. It is great to see him buzzing off of the band and calling audibles but f*ck me ladies and gents... this was what you got at EVERY Jovi show a few years back.

Don't get me wrong, I am glad to see his is reverting back to form but I, for one, ain't about to pat him on the back just yet.

Before anyone says 'it's usual that bands warm up during a tour,' yes; songs and breaks in certain tunes evolve but the performance level should be there from night number one, fans deserve it; it's what rehearsals are for.

You're making way too much sense here....

Jay Jay 04-18-2013 07:29 AM

I think that Richie is in the studio recording more songs for another album, or he has hemorrhoids.

bounce442 04-18-2013 08:37 AM

Here's a snippit of an interview I hadn't seen:

During a telephone interview with The Tribune , conducted two days after Sambora’s departure, Bon Jovi said there have been times during the band’s long career when members didn’t get along and needed a break from one another.

"There was a time after [the ‘New Jersey’ tour that ended in 1990] that we were burned out. We were wise enough in our exhaustion [to use] outside interests to fuel the band," he said, adding "I hope we don’t run into that," after this tour.

Neurotica80 04-18-2013 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1122934)

Isle of Wight Festival boss John Giddings - "I'm certain they'll play the same set. More than one person is capable of playing the guitar; it's hard to replace a singer."

What a twat.

I tweeted him direct, this is what I got back..

@JohnGiddings01: @TheRealSambora i didn't say it - i've been told he is going to come - i said you could change the drummer...

Wonder if he can dig that hole a bit deeper?

Sambo-Chris 04-18-2013 08:59 PM

From I think there's some true words in what is said here:

If you’re reading this you’re likely not a casual Bon Jovi fan, and by now you already know that something is amiss in the House of Jovi.

There’s an old expression “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. In the case of New Jersey’s Bon Jovi, too much play is too much work, and judging by the recent falling out between Jon Bon Jovi and guitarist Richie Sambora, cracks have formed in rock's most visible snow globe.

Put more bluntly, whatever the reason for Richie Sambora’s taking a breather within the first 90 days of yet another world tour---their third in five years---it’s painfully clear that all is not well in the band, no matter whose fault it is.

Nobody within the ‘organization’ is offering any detail, which isn’t surprising because the Bon Jovi machine is better at keeping what they don’t want in the news out than most political operatives.

Code of silence or not, they're tighter than a rat’s behind on a cold snowy day. Anyone getting Alex John Such deja’ vu?

For his part, Richie Sambora has only offered up the intentionally vague descriptor, “personal reasons”. It’s not at all hard to imagine that it was suggested to him if he wants to get paid---since Jon is the only one under contract to the record company and he pays them from his end---he’ll be a good little soldier and zip his lips.

In a society driven by a 24-hour news cycle, suffice it to say if it were a Sambora relapse we would have known by now; and if it were a health issue within his family, ditto.

While Jon Bon Jovi’s “the show must go on” bravado is admirable, it’s also like---no offense to the enormously gifted pinch-picker Phil X of The Drills--- putting lipstick on a pig.

With millions of dollars at stake in pulling the plug on a global tour, not to mention the losses Bon Jovi’s organization would take along with that of promoter AEG Live, the Jersey Juggernaut really has no other choice but to soldier on.

But like it or not, Bon Jovi is Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, David Bryan, and Tico Torres.

It's a cavalier attitude to assume that a Sambora can be replaced like a part on a car. Inserting Hugh McDonald to take over for Alex John Such is a less visible shakeup; but Sambora is the Yang to Jon’s Ying, darkness to his light, and alter to Bon Jovi’s ego.

No, assigning blame isn’t what’s on the menu here.

What is hopefully on the horizon for this band is a recording and touring hiatus a la’ the break the band took at the end of 16 months of touring behind the phenomenally successful New Jersey record.

Like it or not, that break saved Bon Jovi from imploding then, and a nice chunk of time spent apart and out of the limelight for all concerned at the end of the Because We Can tour may just be the good medicine the doctor ordered for refreshing, reinvigorating, and resuscitating the House of Jovi.

While they’re at it, perhaps Jon Bon Jovi could inspire his band-mates to sit down with Dr. Phil or Oprah or anyone objective so they each can air it out about how each one of them feels, like they so successfully did once before.

Though the most ardent fans will wail in objection, it is inconceivable to expect any adored band can tour every other year for 18 months at a time without ‘issues’.

Knowing how bent out of shape we all can get driving in traffic from here to the corner for smokes, how about a different city and a different town every day, with the added pressure of VIP meet and greets on top of already scheduled shows?

And, lest anyone has forgotten, these men all have families and the temptations on the road are constant.

You dance with the partner that brought you. Like it or not, without Richie Sambora there would be no Bon Jovi, regardless of the magnetic good looks of leader of the band and keeper of the brand, Jon Bon Jovi.

As electrifying as Phil X is, fans can convince themselves that it’s ‘still Bon Jovi’, but anyone with an ounce of honesty will tell you it’s not quite the same.

Phil brings a grunge look and a blow-your-face-out guitar style to the band, but he’s a fill-in, a pinch hitter, a hired gun and lest anyone forget Sambora delivered equally impressive chops on These Days, without the I’m-so-good-I-think-I’ll-pop-my-load-on-myself theatrics.

The Beatles’ John Lennon and Paul McCartney couldn’t overcome their differences, and the result was Lennon’s Plastic Ono Band and McCartney’s hugely successful reincarnation with Wings.

Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel were at the top of their game when they called it quits due to personal differences and they remained solo for years until a reunion show.

Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones had periodic blowouts that put the band on the shelf and off the road touring for years, despite putting out new records; and Guns-N-Roses tried unsuccessfully to traverse monumental fame through a drug-addled haze that ultimately sent Slash running for the hills.

In any case, regardless of the fill-in or one half of the duo going solo, it’s never the same. Without Richie Sambora, Bon Jovi songs can be repeated but never quite duplicated, and that is the heartbreak of the band’s current state.

So, whether Jon Bon Jovi got mad at Richie for wanting to play some songs from his solo record midway through a Bon Jovi show; or Richie loved to eat a lot of garlic that he would blow in Jon’s face when they shared a mic for “I’ll Be There For You”; or Richie had access to the choice groupies by virtue of being single and Jon got the better pre-and-post show snacks, it’s all irrelevant.

It’s better to take a break than break up, like any relationship, and the very survival of Bon Jovi as we know it depends not on the band continuing to record and tour for ravenous fans to the brink of extinction, but to have the good sense to bid adieu for a time so they can continue to do so

Butters 04-18-2013 09:25 PM

Excellent article, for sure. It captures how I feel. I love the new album and the best Bon Jovi concerts I've been to were on the last tour so under normal circumstances I would be excited about the coming tour. Without Richie, the one and only show I have tickets for (Slane) will definitely remain the only concert I go to on this tour, and even then I may well end up not going. Bon Jovi without Richie isn't Bon Jovi, and if this does turn out to be the end or Jon and Richie's partnership then it is the end of Bon Jovi; and I don't want my last Bon Jovi concert to be a one without Richie.

I really hope whatever is going on gets resolved sooner rather than later.

efiste2 04-18-2013 09:43 PM

I remeber that , after the NJ tour, the music press was full of Jon hates Richie,Richie hates Jon stories, and to be fair there was some truth in the rumours.......I recall Jon was quoted as saying something along the lines of "Richie would f@#K Ma Clampitt if it would get him in the news" something like that anyway, I took it as a dig at his living with Cher at the time......And apparentley Richie was pi##sed (annoyed) at Jon because Jon opened the first Milton Keynes Bowl gig with the line "Thanks for waiting all day long in the hot sun waiting for me!!"......
Those back to back tours were HUGE so its no wonder they all hated the sight of each other...

But even only 24 months after the last tour, the touring regime is nowhere near the constant travelling of back in the NJ days......So I dint think that another "bloody" tour is Richies excuse for "pulling out"

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