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Javier 04-21-2013 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1123615)
Another take from my increasingly anxious frame of mind about this whole thing. Fair warning, I was an English major in college and analyzed writing for four years, so my apologies if this is too overwrought LOL:

Q: You seem to have a great relationship.

A: I believe we do. Yeah. Don’t believe what you read on TMZ.

My reading between the lines: Jon, of course, can only speak for himself, but he puts it out there that *he* believes they have a great relationship (with perhaps a silent challenge to Richie: 'What do /you/ think?'). His 'yeah' sounds like he's trying to convince himself that he has the correct perception. Since the TMZ article is so anti-Jon, of course he doesn't want fans to believe it and he's also repeating the same 'talking point' ("Don't believe what you read on TMZ") from the first time he beat down 'Jon and Richie are fighting' rumors.

Q: But I thought everything on TMZ was true.

A: Yeah. So did I until they started writing about me (laughs).

My reading between the lines: Clearly, Jon doesn't recognize the portrayal of himself that TMZ alleges. But that doesn't mean that Richie didn't experience something along the lines of what the TMZ story posits, even if it's not the full truth. Of course, Jon can't speak to Richie's truth; only Richie can do that. Most people are blind to their worst traits, or don't think they are /as bad/ as others might experience them: I remember that in an interview recently, Jon was accused of being 'a dictator' in the band and he said, 'How do you know I'm not a benevolent dictator?' It's easy to think he was joking around with this statement (and at the time, I thought it a clever answer that might account for the band's longevity) but it's also a possibility that, even if he's the boss to the extent that he seems to be, that any negative connotations of 'dictator' are squashed in his own mind because he sees himself as 'benevolent.'

The question remains: How does Richie see him?

Mysterytrain 04-21-2013 08:13 AM

That chipmunk vid totally made me LOL at myself. xD. Maybe I should go write a novel and get all the angst out that way. :)

Crushgen24/88 04-21-2013 09:10 AM

Not a fan of reading too much into things like this, but what jumped out at me was "And we’ve been through this before so we played and had a replacement for him the next night." which is coming out and saying we knew something could happen, and Phil was on-call.
That said, I still think Richie is in rehab or having health issues (not in the hospital doesn't mean he's not being treated for something) because if it was some kind of money-bitch fight, it would behoove Richie to be out and about showing he's fully capable of playing, making Jon/the organization look bad, and improving chances of getting what he wants to get back on tour.

MrIks from Finland 04-21-2013 09:53 AM

Where the hell is Richieeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm getting so ****in angry!!! Is he kidnapped or what! How come nobody knows!!!! Insane I tells ya!!111:multi:

Rated_R_Ron 04-21-2013 09:58 AM

I can 100% confirm that the "No Richie" T-Shirt is a bootleg.

I was at Staples Center last night and the bootleggers were selling it outside the venue after the show for $5. I also thought it was funny that they were so up to date on what's going on with the band and wanted to have an accurate T-Shirt. Too bad they didn't Photoshop Phil in there, could've been awesome.

There was a pretty cool long sleeve shirt for sale in the merch booth, but I couldn't believe they wanted $90(!!!) for it.

Stranger11 04-21-2013 10:05 AM

Thereīs an Interview with David and Tico on the Krone Webside (Austrian newspaper). Itīs all in german but Iīll try to translate the answers about Richie.

The link to the Interview:

The parts about Richie:

Q: How hard was it when Richie Sambora decided not to play with you for a while?
A David: It was not easy, not at all.
A Tico: It will be great when he gets back. Sometimes people have to do things and you have got to let them to that. And you have to make the best out of that. Life has to go on! We are a family and itīs important that everybody can do what he has to do and we give him that time & space.

Q: Do you have contact with him?
A Tico: Of course! Itīs important for the health of a band. Of couse that doesnīt make it easier for us but Phil X is doing a good job. Itīs important to continue the tour. Of course the show is different but it comes across fine and the fans like it.

Q: How does the audience react?
A Tico: The are cheering and we have to look forward.

Q: Thereīs a lot of support on Twitter & FB for Richie.

A Tico: Itīs not about that. He has to take care of his things and we have to wait til he comes back.
A David: The fans support him and us. I have read all those comments and Iīm glad about them - it shows that we have great fans.
A Tico: We can only wait and are looking forward to his return.

Q: Will he play in Vienna?
A Tico: I have no idea.
A David: It can happen any day.

Thatīs all about Richie. My English is not the best but I hope you get the picture.

So bottom line is they donīt know when heīll be back but are certain that he will be back.
Over the last weeks I wasnīt sure what to believe but now I think he really is in rehab.

bonjovi821 04-21-2013 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Rated_R_Ron (Post 1123632)
I can 100% confirm that the "No Richie" T-Shirt is a bootleg.

I was at Staples Center last night and the bootleggers were selling it outside the venue after the show for $5. I also thought it was funny that they were so up to date on what's going on with the band and wanted to have an accurate T-Shirt. Too bad they didn't Photoshop Phil in there, could've been awesome.

There was a pretty cool long sleeve shirt for sale in the merch booth, but I couldn't believe they wanted $90(!!!) for it.

$5? They were trying to sell to me for $20. They were so fake looking, and then after the show I actually saw people walking around in them.

Roll 04-21-2013 10:58 AM


I don't recall any statement like this being made during Richie's stint in rehab in 2011. Yes, Jon said the band was supportive and that Richie was, and would remain, a member of Bon Jovi. But I don't recall Jon verbally giving Richie an 'out', by implying that if Richie wanted to leave, it was his choice
Back in 2011, the Richie issue was about his addiction and his going to rehab, that's why they never talked about Richie leaving back then.
In this interview Jon talks about the possibility of Richie leaving to gainsay the rumours popping here and there about the despotic front man firing the well-known guitarist.
Again, I don't know if Jon knows or doesn't know about Richie's issues, but asserting he doesn't is the best way not to have to talk about ans keep it private.

Sambo-Chris 04-21-2013 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by liljovi93 (Post 1123567)
Matt himself said that it's a bootleg t shirt. Surprised that someone actually bought that, to be honest.


The girl herself who posted the photo said it was bought outside the venue from a bootlegger.

liljovi93 04-21-2013 01:05 PM

Hmm, still not much to take from these quotes. It's not looking good but we still don't really know anything new. Just seems to me that they have no idea when he will be back like us, in all honesty. I do think that Richie is in rehab now. I didn't at first as I did think it was something to do with his family but as time is going on, I am starting to think it is another stint in rehab. If that's the case then I think the band should definitely have a long break. I know that might not be best as it seems to be on the breaks when Richie goes through this stint, but it's ruining the bands look now.

Like the quotes about Bounce but I hope that it isn't just Jon meaning 'Open All Night' and crap. I hope he does bring back songs like 'Undivided', 'The Distance', 'Bounce' and even 'Everyday.'

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