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rolo_tomachi 06-18-2013 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1140280)
I think you're missing the point here. Richie IS NOT BEING Bon Jovi's guitarist right now! I'd love to see him back too, but that doesn't mean I'll do what you're doing and trash Phil X. He is a great guitarist. Does he fit into Bon Jovi as seamlessly as Sambora? No, but he's growing into it, and with each passing night is pulling off a more and more accomplished performance. You sir, need to remove the blinkers and realise that Phil X is saving the day right now and cut the guy some slack.

And I don't get why you keep banging on about his songwriting? I don't go to shows to watch someone sit with a pen and some paper. He may have helped write some great songs, but he isn't bloody there to play them.

I would be happy to see a show jon bon jovi solo with Phil, but not one of Bon Jovi.

For me, Bon Jovi are the union of Jon and Richie. They have something special like Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, Plant and Page, Mccartney and Lennon.

It's a shame that most fans only follow THE MAN.

Phil X has no guitar solos as Dry County, Nex 100 years, never has composed and written songs like Stranger in this town or Seven Years Gone. It all counts.

Solid Sambora 06-18-2013 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1140277)
Haha, the irony.

I said your point was borderline retarded, not that you were. Untwist those knickers.

Irony? Where? You're not one of these ones who pretends to know what irony is when you have no clue?

I know what you said. My problem is your use of the word full stop, not that I thought you were calling me anything. You obviously think you're big and clever, obviously thought it was funny and undoubtedly sniggered away when you used it again in replying to Twinfan. Trying to mark yourself out as funny, edgy, controversial. All you've really marked yourself as is a scumbag with a very loose sense of decency.

rolo_tomachi 06-18-2013 11:46 AM

Phil can play the guitar very well in "born to be my baby" and classic songs by "AC / DC" or "Led Zeppelin", but that does not make big.

StoneDeaf 06-18-2013 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1140285)
For me, Bon Jovi are the union of Jon and Richie. They have something special like Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, Plant and Page, Mccartney and Lennon.

Sure, it is about Jon & Rich. But they are not anywhere near others mentioned. Those others are more or less equal partners. While in BJ camp its like JON & rich.

Solid Sambora 06-18-2013 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1140285)
I would be happy to see a show jon bon jovi solo with Phil, but not one of Bon Jovi.

For me, Bon Jovi are the union of Jon and Richie. They have something special like Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, Plant and Page, Mccartney and Lennon.

It's a shame that most fans only follow THE MAN.

Phil X has no guitar solos as Dry County, Nex 100 years, never has composed and written songs like Stranger in this town or Seven Years Gone. It all counts.

Yeah but on here most fans follow THE BAND. Right now the band is minus Richie, for whatever reason. I'm a big fan of the Jon/Richie magic, but it isn't available right now. So I'm making the most of what is there and frankly had my eyes opened to Phil's talents. It doesn't matter that he didn't write the songs, he plays them great. Richie may have that extra emotional attachment to some songs, but its mood-dependant whether he shows that or runs through it on auto-pilot. Phil is doing what he can to knock it out the park each night. It's refreshing to see someone take these great songs and have so much fun with them. If you can be honest, you can't always guarantee Richie's performance.

rolo_tomachi 06-18-2013 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by StoneDeaf (Post 1140289)
Sure, it is about Jon & Rich. But they are not anywhere near others mentioned. Those others are more or less equal partners. While in BJ camp its like JON & rich.

Richie is co-writter, Jon has always referred to him as his right hand. Remember the Jon and Richie acoustic hand to hand without the band, is pure magic and feeling.

If Jon says Richie is replaceable, which is easy to replace, my God, think of Tico? (not even play his drums on last record), and David? (not even happy with the vision of Jon).

I can't see something similar in Phil X, not now, not in the future. He's better than Bobby, but nothing more.


crobb991 06-18-2013 12:39 PM

richie took a massive s**t with his clothes on when he decided to just disappear off the tour... it can be any deep personal problem if he's f**king great and teaching his daughter to drive...

right now i cant be bothered if he comes back... after seeing phil in slane and manchester i say carry on without him

ticos_stick 06-18-2013 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1140287)
Irony? Where? You're not one of these ones who pretends to know what irony is when you have no clue?

I know what you said. My problem is your use of the word full stop, not that I thought you were calling me anything. You obviously think you're big and clever, obviously thought it was funny and undoubtedly sniggered away when you used it again in replying to Twinfan. Trying to mark yourself out as funny, edgy, controversial. All you've really marked yourself as is a scumbag with a very loose sense of decency.

You said you weren't po face then went on to say said you were a decent person, which is a po faced thing to say, that's the irony.

Calling me a scumbag for using a word you don't like says more about your decency than it does mine.

I bet you're a Daily Mail reader.

Tictoc 06-18-2013 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by StoneDeaf (Post 1140275)
As guitar player, Phil is miles ahead of Rich.

What world are you living on?

You might try to blind non guitar players with this rubbish but in reality Richie is far superior. Phil X is a hatchet man. He smiles more than Richie though, I'll give him that.


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1140298)

I bet you're a Daily Mail reader.

Looks like it. What a precious little girl this Solid Sambora guy is.

rolo_tomachi 06-18-2013 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by crobb991 (Post 1140297)
richie took a massive s**t with his clothes on when he decided to just disappear off the tour... it can be any deep personal problem if he's f**king great and teaching his daughter to drive...

right now i cant be bothered if he comes back... after seeing phil in slane and manchester i say carry on without him

Jon said bad things about Richie Sambora, hinting that he had alcohol problems. Jon makes his return difficult.

You prefer to continue with an empty show, I've had enough. I prefer complain and make noise to change things.

-1š (minute 1:25 is ****ing great :D)

-2š (two merge into one)

-3š (what do I do when my love is away?)

Jon must strive to win back Richie Sambora.

DevilsSon 06-18-2013 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by StoneDeaf (Post 1140275)
As guitar player, Phil is miles ahead of Rich.

I keep reading that...and I don't see it. I've actually had the same conversation with some people who used to post on this forum and they can't see it either. Phil X is a decent guitar player but he played 100 shows by now, he still doesn't get the tone right. I listened to a version of Dry County recently - god awful timing - really awful actually, almost unlistenable! By now he does play the right notes, but as soon as there's even some basic bending involved everything becomes messy. Now some people will say it's all a matter of style and taste and whatever. No it's not. He's in there to replace Sambora and it's pretty obvious to me that he can't replace him (from a musical perspective rather than everything else where he is doing a better job than Richie IMO).

Anyhow, it doesn't really matter, but I'm really curious why anyone would think that he's a better guitar player than Richie Sambora. While he might be cooler, more dynamic, more fun to watch etc....a better player he is not.

Solid Sambora 06-18-2013 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1140298)
You said you weren't po face then went on to say said you were a decent person, which is a po faced thing to say, that's the irony.

Calling me a scumbag for using a word you don't like says more about your decency than it does mine.

I bet you're a Daily Mail reader.

Surely my po faced nature would point more towards the Guardian?

And for the record, it's not just some word I don't like. It's a word that to some is downright offensive, and using it in the manner you have is wrong. You compounded your scumbag status by continuing to use it and think you were being humorous in doing so. Calling a scumbag a scumbag doesn't reflect on my decency, just trying to wake you up to reality in the hope you'll drop the offensive patter and work on another form of wit.


Originally Posted by Tictoc (Post 1140299)
Looks like it. What a precious little girl this Solid Sambora guy is.

Aww, you've got a fwiend.

danfan 06-18-2013 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1140305)
I keep reading that...and I don't see it. I've actually had the same conversation with some people who used to post on this forum and they can't see it either. Phil X is a decent guitar player but he played 100 shows by now, he still doesn't get the tone right. I listened to a version of Dry County recently - god awful timing - really awful actually, almost unlistenable! By now he does play the right notes, but as soon as there's even some basic bending involved everything becomes messy. Now some people will say it's all a matter of style and taste and whatever. No it's not. He's in there to replace Sambora and it's pretty obvious to me that he can't replace him (from a musical perspective rather than everything else where he is doing a better job than Richie IMO).

Anyhow, it doesn't really matter, but I'm really curious why anyone would think that he's a better guitar player than Richie Sambora. While he might be cooler, more dynamic, more fun to watch etc....a better player he is not.

My thoughts exactly.

Tictoc 06-18-2013 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1140305)
I keep reading that...and I don't see it. I've actually had the same conversation with some people who used to post on this forum and they can't see it either. Phil X is a decent guitar player but he played 100 shows by now, he still doesn't get the tone right. I listened to a version of Dry County recently - god awful timing - really awful actually, almost unlistenable! By now he does play the right notes, but as soon as there's even some basic bending involved everything becomes messy. Now some people will say it's all a matter of style and taste and whatever. No it's not. He's in there to replace Sambora and it's pretty obvious to me that he can't replace him (from a musical perspective rather than everything else where he is doing a better job than Richie IMO).

Anyhow, it doesn't really matter, but I'm really curious why anyone would think that he's a better guitar player than Richie Sambora. While he might be cooler, more dynamic, more fun to watch etc....a better player he is not.

There's been a very bitter anti Richie sentiment on here for a while. I don't know why this has come about but it's rearing it's ugly head in these discussions regarding Phil X. People keeping saying "Phil nails the solos" but he doesn't. He uses the same tricks and licks over and over again while never getting close to Richie's class.

ticos_stick 06-18-2013 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1140306)

And for the record, it's not just some word I don't like. It's a word that to some is downright offensive, and using it in the manner you have is wrong. You compounded your scumbag status by continuing to use it and think you were being humorous in doing so. Calling a scumbag a scumbag doesn't reflect on my decency, just trying to wake you up to reality in the hope you'll drop the offensive patter and work on another form of wit.

I don't give two shits if you're offended. Offence is taken, not given. I thought your point was retarded and your continued bitching about a word is even more retarded. Calling me a scum bag just cements the fact that you're a knee jerk keyboard warrior with little or no sense of irony or humour.

JoviJovi 06-18-2013 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1140310)
I don't give two shits if you're offended. Offence is taken, not given. I thought your point was retarded and your continued bitching about a word is even more retarded. Calling me a scum bag just cements the fact that you're a knee jerk keyboard warrior with little or no sense of irony or humour.

No really, you are just a scumbag. You are not ironoic or humorous. Yes its just a word but to some people its hugely offensive. I get that you don't care about that but that's where the scumbag part comes in.

Stranger11 06-18-2013 01:42 PM

Letīs just hope that Jon learns sth. from this whole situation, whatever the reasons for this mess are or how it all resolves.

2013 somehow seems worse to me than 1990/91, altough I have to admit I wasnīt a fan back then. You hear the stories that they didnīt talk to each other yet when it was time to appear on award shows together, do a mini Japan Tour or even play Blaze of Glory with Jon at the Oscars, they all showed up.

This tour the lead guitarist dropped out, there are cancelled shows, shows that had to be moved to smaller venues, bad press, pissed fans,...
Jon can smile into the cameras and say that the band is as good as it always has been as often as he wants but itīs apparent that the situation isnīt easy for him. Suddenly people outside of his inner circle are able to see that the machine doesnīt run smoothly and he canīt fix it at the moment.

I hope this all leads into the long break they should have had some years ago. Cause if Jon thinks that they can rush into the next project (with or without Richie) immediatly, I doubt that Tico and David will be as dedicated as they are at the moment.

BJ?YesPlease 06-18-2013 01:46 PM

Oh look, we've discovered that music - like most things in life - is subjective.

Arguing over Phil X isn't getting us anywhere but angry.

Pack it in, children.

crashed 06-18-2013 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Tictoc (Post 1140309)
There's been a very bitter anti Richie sentiment on here for a while. I don't know why this has come about but it's rearing it's ugly head in these discussions regarding Phil X. People keeping saying "Phil nails the solos" but he doesn't. He uses the same tricks and licks over and over again while never getting close to Richie's class.

I'm pissed off at Richie because he's not on tour and he should be. If there were good reasons given then we'd all have accepted that, likely without a murmur of complaint, but all there is is pictures and tweets of Richie simply without problems it seems.

Phil X is very good and seems to be starting to play around a bit more which he needs to. But he can't take on the other stuff Richie does - he absolutely can't hold a crowd the way Richie does even when Richie's lazy as ****. Give me the choice, I'd pick Richie every time. But there's no choice.

Slakk 06-18-2013 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1140210)
Sorry, but it just doesn't make sense. IF Jon were so bad to work for, why didn't Richie (AND Dave and Tico and Hugh and Bobby) walk years ago? Why wait until three hours before a show? The fact is Jon has had the same band and the same wife for 30 years. His ego can't be so unbearable if people are this loyal to him. He doesn't have a prenup so Dorothea could walk and take half of everything he owns. The band are financially secure and artistically capable of doing their own thing, but they keep coming back to the band. Jon simply can't be the monster that some of you make him out to be. If he was, then every person in his life would have to be a codependent imbecile to stick with him for decades at a time. His wife, his band, his employees... they all come back for more.

And Phil X came back for another gig too. All of these employees keep coming back yet Richie is the delicate flower of perfection. It cannot be all about fame - Tico and Dave have success outside the band. None of them look like they are miserable.

Maybe Richie is having a mid life crisis - who knows. All we know is he loves his daughter, makes clothes and if ****ing great. Thats it. On the other side the band is filling stadiums without him.

Everyone is ****ing great except the people on this thread.

BJ?YesPlease 06-18-2013 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1140315)
I'm pissed off at Richie because he's not on tour and he should be. If there were good reasons given then we'd all have accepted that, likely without a murmur of complaint, but all there is is pictures and tweets of Richie simply without problems it seems.

Phil X is very good and seems to be starting to play around a bit more which he needs to. But he can't take on the other stuff Richie does - he absolutely can't hold a crowd the way Richie does even when Richie's lazy as ****. Give me the choice, I'd pick Richie every time. But there's no choice.

Look at what you've read - the phrase "it seems". Aka, that's your perception. We DON'T F~%&ING KNOW.

All this crap quoting Richie saying "I'm doing f###ing great" - people love to read something how they want, don't they?
Can't you just accept that, perhaps, it's not to be taken literally?!!?


ticos_stick 06-18-2013 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1140312)
No really, you are just a scumbag. You are not ironoic or humorous. Yes its just a word but to some people its hugely offensive. I get that you don't care about that but that's where the scumbag part comes in.

Hey, baby. Different strokes for different folks. We can't all be as open minded as me.

Tictoc 06-18-2013 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1140315)
I'm pissed off at Richie because he's not on tour and he should be. If there were good reasons given then we'd all have accepted that, likely without a murmur of complaint, but all there is is pictures and tweets of Richie simply without problems it seems.

Phil X is very good and seems to be starting to play around a bit more which he needs to. But he can't take on the other stuff Richie does - he absolutely can't hold a crowd the way Richie does even when Richie's lazy as ****. Give me the choice, I'd pick Richie every time. But there's no choice.

Yeah well fair play for giving an honest appraisal of what you saw. I was a bit hard on you in previous posts.

JoviJovi 06-18-2013 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1140319)
Hey, baby. Different strokes for different folks. We can't all be as open minded as me.

Calling people retarded isn't being open minded, just like nothing you have said is ironic. You need some help with the big word huh?

united17 06-18-2013 02:16 PM

hmm well that was the first "serious" discussion in this thread in weeks!

united17 06-18-2013 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1140322)
Calling people retarded isn't being open minded, just like nothing you have said is ironic. You need some help with the big word huh?

Couldn't agree more.

ticos_stick 06-18-2013 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1140322)
Calling people retarded isn't being open minded, just like nothing you have said is ironic. You need some help with the big word huh?

1) I said his point was borderline retarded, I didn't call him retarded.

2) I didn't say I said anything ironic. I said Solid Sambora's post was ironic. He didn't get it and neither did you (no surprise)

Now unless you have a real reason for calling a fellow human being a scumbag please go away and play with a stick or something.

IML88 06-18-2013 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Slakk (Post 1140316)
And Phil X came back for another gig too. All of these employees keep coming back yet Richie is the delicate flower of perfection. It cannot be all about fame - Tico and Dave have success outside the band. None of them look like they are miserable.

Maybe Richie is having a mid life crisis - who knows. All we know is he loves his daughter, makes clothes and if ****ing great. Thats it. On the other side the band is filling stadiums without him.

Everyone is ****ing great except the people on this thread.

I genuinely believe he's just had enough for now and needs a break. I'm quietly confident Jon was the only one who wanted to go back on the road and release an album so quickly. Dave and Tico didn't have anything on the side that a tour would get in the way with and Richie did (whether that be more Aftermath promotion, family or clothing lines). Combine that with an album that is as close to a JBJ solo attempt as we've had since Destination and he snapped.

Probably a heated word or two said out of frustration between the pair backstage and he packed his bags. I really do think its that simple - he wasnt ready to go on a huge tour again and perform an album he probably had very little influence over, was forced into it and snapped during the 1st leg.

I'm not on either side - Jon was probably a pushy CEO one too many times, Richie has been pretty unprofessional to simply walk out but blame aside, the fact is they will not fill stadiums again as it currently stands. Something needs to change because the band is only going one way in almost everyway possible.

rolo_tomachi 06-18-2013 03:05 PM

jessycardy 06-18-2013 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1140301)
Jon said bad things about Richie Sambora, hinting that he had alcohol problems.

Simply untrue.

efiste2 06-18-2013 03:23 PM


'm not on either side - Jon was probably a pushy CEO one too many times, Richie has been pretty unprofessional to simply walk out but blame aside, the fact is they will not fill stadiums again as it currently stands. Something needs to change because the band is only going one way in almost everyway possible.
My thoughts exactly, get them in a room and bang there bloody heads together then drop off the radar for three or four years get some good classic BON JOVI from the heart soulfull material under their belts (not some mass produced "good enough" to fill the album rubbish) , everyone will be a winner in the long term, Richie should be given a lot more input than he has been given for a long time (50/50 for me), Jon will get to have the BIGGEST tours in the world again with his wing man with him, and hence selling mots more tickets, and we the fans (YES THE FANS Jon and Richie, you know the ones who maintain your million dollar yachts,helicopters and palacial houses), will get to see an enlightened, remotivated and fingers crossed a BON JOVI that we all KNEW and loved!!!!!

BJ?YesPlease 06-18-2013 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1140332)
Simply untrue.

This is a tough one - I don't think Jon intended to hint at alcohol problems, and may have been misquoted or taken out of context, but he did make a comment about it being the same situation as before, or "we've been through this before", which most people read as being about RS and alcohol etc.
But as I said, that's not really JBJ's fault, or at least isn't anything more than a careless response.
EDIT: Jon was intending to just talk about Phil X helping out again!
No biggie.

Lisa71 06-18-2013 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1140337)
This is a tough one - I don't think Jon intended to hint at alcohol problems, and may have been misquoted or taken out of context, but he did make a comment about it being the same situation as before, or "we've been through this before", which most people read as being about RS and alcohol etc.
But as I said, that's not really JBJ's fault, or at least isn't anything more than a careless response.
No biggie.

When he said that, he meant about the situation of Richie not being there and Phil taking over. He didn't mean the alcohol problems.

rolo_tomachi 06-18-2013 03:28 PM


BJ?YesPlease 06-18-2013 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1140340)
When he said that, he meant about the situation of Richie not being there and Phil taking over. He didn't mean the alcohol problems.

Yes, exactly, that's what I was intending to say :)

crashed 06-18-2013 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1140317)
Look at what you've read - the phrase "it seems". Aka, that's your perception. We DON'T F~%&ING KNOW.

All this crap quoting Richie saying "I'm doing f###ing great" - people love to read something how they want, don't they?
Can't you just accept that, perhaps, it's not to be taken literally?!!?


I know we don't know. If we knew, I might not be pissed off but as it stands, I am - there's a great big ****ing void in the band. Phil's covering pretty well but he's not used to these big stages and just hasn't got the charisma Richie has.

What stood out to me most is when Richie plays the Dry County solo, the crowd are usually cheering when he lets rip, but there was nothing like that with Phil.

jessycardy 06-18-2013 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1140342)
Yes, exactly, that's what I was intending to say :)

That's what I meant as well. He was referring to Richie being MIA, not the alcohol. ;)

JackieBlue 06-18-2013 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1140317)

All this crap quoting Richie saying "I'm doing f###ing great" - people love to read something how they want, don't they?
Can't you just accept that, perhaps, it's not to be taken literally?!!?


Are you suggesting that there might be an equally, very real, possibility that Richie just may have meant "f***in' great" like he used it at 0:15 here? I mean, that's the way I 'heard' it when I saw the tweet; but hey...!

BJ?YesPlease 06-18-2013 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1140344)
I know we don't know. If we knew, I might not be pissed off but as it stands, I am - there's a great big ****ing void in the band. Phil's covering pretty well but he's not used to these big stages and just hasn't got the charisma Richie has.

What stood out to me most is when Richie plays the Dry County solo, the crowd are usually cheering when he lets rip, but there was nothing like that with Phil.

Firstly, let me apologise for my sloppy post - ranted during a crap day at work! Sorry for "look at what you read" - that makes no sense! ;)

Anyway...I think it's fine to be pissed off at not knowing. The communication has been piss poor, and this era of social media 24/7 has only made matters worse.
And you're bang on about Phil covering.
But I just don't think it's fair for people to assume Richie has just buggered off and is living the dream and not caring about the situation. My hunch tells me he's got lots to say but it restricted - perhaps legally - to what he can actually announce publically.
I might be way off. I'm also not saying it's Jon - maybe it's a legal thing, maybe it's in the hands of lawyers or record company management suits.
Maybe it's another scenario where the record label or management types have interfered, spread different messages and caused a rift (remember the Doc issue of trying to divide JBJ from the rest of the band, especially RS?).

Who knows. But as a fan I'm willing to give everyone in the band the benefit of the doubt until I know for sure.

Slakk 06-18-2013 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by IML88 (Post 1140330)
I genuinely believe he's just had enough for now and needs a break. I'm quietly confident Jon was the only one who wanted to go back on the road and release an album so quickly. Dave and Tico didn't have anything on the side that a tour would get in the way with and Richie did (whether that be more Aftermath promotion, family or clothing lines). Combine that with an album that is as close to a JBJ solo attempt as we've had since Destination and he snapped.

Probably a heated word or two said out of frustration between the pair backstage and he packed his bags. I really do think its that simple - he wasnt ready to go on a huge tour again and perform an album he probably had very little influence over, was forced into it and snapped during the 1st leg.

I'm not on either side - Jon was probably a pushy CEO one too many times, Richie has been pretty unprofessional to simply walk out but blame aside, the fact is they will not fill stadiums again as it currently stands. Something needs to change because the band is only going one way in almost everyway possible.

Dave has a musical in production in London, a musical that was on a National tour, a musical on it's way to Broadway, a musical being made into a movie and is writing the music to yet another musical. I am pretty sure he could stay busy if he wanted and has more of an excuse than Richie to step away if he chose.

I don't think ANYONE was excited to have Bon Jovi back out this close to the last tour, not the fans, not the band, basically no one but Jon. But it is an integrity thing they signed on so they need to do what they agreed to.

I will NEVER trust Richie will be anywhere again. Luckily he is ****ing great making clothes and teaching his daughter to drive.

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