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semigoodlooking 02-19-2020 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by musiccritic101 (Post 1261633)
I kinda think Jon has just been pumping out albums just for the sake of it,for me it all started with the What About Now album,I feel like Jon just randomly writes songs and records them and throws them together and calls it an album and we end up with songs that sound unfinished or over-proccessed or lyrics that sound mediocre.

I agree but think it started earlier than WAN. The Circle showed signs of what was to come and we could probably go as far back as Crush to see the beginnings of what was to come.

steel_horse75 02-19-2020 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1261631)
I'm really struggling here... It's not a matter of liking or hating the song... I'll wait to hear the entire thing to make that decision...

What I can judge is the production and the first verse which is nothing but pure shit. I'm sure listening to These Days today definitely didn't help things however this is just "another one of those songs"...

It's We Don't Run, meets Knockout, meets Beautiful World, meets The More Things Change, meets Walls...

I don't mind these songs as fillers, bonus tracks, etc but this should not be leading the album...

Shanks and Jovi have zero chemistry. Even when I go back to HAND, when Jon still had some natural talent left in him, I still never dug Shanks production... Considering Jon spent 3 days in the studio (or a very limited time), I get why he still uses the guy but this is just terrible...

No substance, no depth, and zero emotion from Jon...

I think the vocals are done in one take and then they just do anything with them after that... Slow them down, speed them up, filter the tone, take about bad notes, change the pitch etc.

I just don't get it.

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Pretty much this. Let be honest this band shouldve called it a day years ago or changed its name to Jon Bon Jovi which it pretty much is.

Its not just Jovi - Pearl Jam have just released another track from their forthcoming album and all their die-hards are not impressed - said it sounds like it took them 5 minutes to write and that the albums are full of songs that will be forgotten after one listen.

Eveline 02-19-2020 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1261644)
Pretty much this. Let be honest this band shouldve called it a day years ago or changed its name to Jon Bon Jovi which it pretty much is.

Its not just Jovi - Pearl Jam have just released another track from their forthcoming album and all their die-hards are not impressed - said it sounds like it took them 5 minutes to write and that the albums are full of songs that will be forgotten after one listen.

True. When was the last time you listened to anything from THINFS? Those are not songs to remember and I'm afraid with songs like Limitless we're gonna repeat the whole cycle again. Many of us would forgive BJ the poor production when the lyrical content was of some quality. Now neither of them meet minimum standards. That's a shame, really.

jovifan93 02-19-2020 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Eveline (Post 1261645)
True. When was the last time you listened to anything from THINFS? Those are not songs to remember and I'm afraid with songs like Limitless we're gonna repeat the whole cycle again. Many of us would forgive BJ the poor production when the lyrical content was of some quality. Now neither of them meet minimum standards. That's a shame, really.

That's true. Up to THINFS, there was always at least one good/great song on an album (if you're curious which I'd rank this high on WAN: Thick as thieves ;-)). While I enjoy a lot of songs on each record, they often lack that extra something special...

But I wouldn't go as far and say that Jon has had no passion for music for as long as The Circle or earlier. It clearly show in the passion he put in the live shows, at least up to 2010/2011, and sometimes even in 2013 when compared to today. He just seemed to care back then, whereas now it seems as though he doesn't.

Eveline 02-19-2020 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by jovifan93 (Post 1261646)
That's true. Up to THINFS, there was always at least one good/great song on an album (if you're curious which I'd rank this high on WAN: Thick as thieves ;-)). While I enjoy a lot of songs on each record, they often lack that extra something special...

But I wouldn't go as far and say that Jon has had no passion for music for as long as The Circle or earlier. It clearly show in the passion he put in the live shows, at least up to 2010/2011, and sometimes even in 2013 when compared to today. He just seemed to care back then, whereas now it seems as though he doesn't.

Yeah, it might not be a popular opinion but there are songs on WAN I actually enjoy too:mrgreen: And I agree with the rest of your post. Even Jon himself admits he doesn't enjoy touring anymore, he's just 'good at it'. And I think it speaks volumes. It's become his job and in not a good way.

angelsambo 02-19-2020 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Eveline (Post 1261645)
Many of us would forgive BJ the poor production...

i'm not one of them,
the production plays a key role how the album will sound(rock or pop)

Captain_jovi 02-19-2020 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by thesedays2014 (Post 1261634)
Best song since These Days isn’t it?

That vocal melody really gives it a different vibe 😹 (sorry)

I still disagree, the vocal pacing gives the song a different feel than what I expected. My point was more....if you're going into this going "it's going to suck it's going to suck it's going to suck it's going to suck it's going to suck" you're a) beating a dead horse and b) yeah, there's no hope for liking it, what's the point?

Eveline 02-19-2020 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by angelsambo (Post 1261648)
i'm not one of them,
the production plays a key role how the album will sound(rock or pop)

Well, you're still here so maybe it doesn't bother you that much. Quite a few fans noticed that BJ songs sound alike... and it's been like that for years now. There's nothing distinctive about them anymore.

rolo_tomachi 02-19-2020 03:10 PM


I changed my perception about what to expect from Bon Jovi. Everyone comes to decay, and Bon Jovi arrived here.

Now I receive the new albums as if it were material from the vaults, as something that is not so good, but shows a process.
Is like have more Unreleased songs. I prefer to believe that... and that is better than nothing.

james_d 02-19-2020 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Eveline (Post 1261645)
True. When was the last time you listened to anything from THINFS? Those are not songs to remember and I'm afraid with songs like Limitless we're gonna repeat the whole cycle again. Many of us would forgive BJ the poor production when the lyrical content was of some quality. Now neither of them meet minimum standards. That's a shame, really.

To be honest I'm listening to THINFS now. Some songs I don't care for, but I still listen to it occasionally.

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